Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 839: Blood footprints

"Tuan Tuan surrounded."

No matter how frightened, the generals present still did not give up.

There will be no ghosts in this world, but it is very secretive now.

Maybe it will be fine at dawn.

Now the settlement is in chaos, and they don't know the real truth, and everything has to wait until dawn.

Of course, some clever generals quietly ordered to go down and sent their confidants to figure out the current situation in the settlement.

From the news that I have received now, the leader is dead, and several other bigwigs are also dead.

No matter who is in charge, it is always good to know in advance, even if you stand in line, you can think about it early.

The soldiers and the new humans surrounded the nuclear weapons warehouse in groups.

They found that as long as they are not close, nothing will happen.

Ordinary survivors, facing the boiling settlements, only dared to stick their heads out to check, they dare not go out. In the chaos, the more you move, the faster you die, it is better to stay at home with peace of mind.

No matter who he was, he eventually became the master of the settlement, for them, it was the same.

In this way, the entire settlement fell into this stalemate.

Time passed bit by bit, and the moonlight was still very good after monitoring the sky in September. It's just that it's not bright enough for the soldiers and new humans here, but the light source in their hands doesn't dare to be too bright.

This is the end of the world, you never know if there will be flying zombies in the sky.

As long as you don't rush, you will be fine, and naturally no one will rush forward stupidly.

The sky gradually brightened, and more and more news gathered, and the upper layer of the entire settlement was almost completely slaughtered overnight.

As long as you count the famous bosses, all die.

This result naturally caused an uproar.

In other words, now the settlement has become a void of power?

I don't know how many people's minds, the first thought that flashed up was not revenge, but becoming the master of the settlement.

Of course, if you want to be the master here, you must have nuclear weapons.

Once again, everyone's eyes fell on this nuclear weapons warehouse. As long as you win this place, you will become the master and master of this place.

Under the loss of this kind of power, I don't know how many people have craziness in their eyes.

One by one, the generals had frenzy and scarlet eyes. They licked their lips and looked at each other.

"What should we do now?"

"I have no interest in power."


"We work together to take this place?"

"What about after it?"

Continuous dialogue rang out here, and the generals found that they had lost the boss, but they had no ability to turn the tide. Because the new humans and soldiers they lead are relatively scattered, it seems very difficult to convince others.

In a short time, God knows who is the strongest?

Having lost the ruling hierarchy, they found that some of them were actually in chaos.

The temptation of power is huge, not everyone underestimates themselves, some overestimate their own abilities. In the thick gasp, madness made them go to destruction.

"Rush in and take this place for me. You all have endless glory and wealth. I can authorize you to do whatever you want in this settlement."

Finally someone became the first person to eat crabs. With this kind of advantage, there will always be some who are not afraid of death.


The soldiers and new humans who were tempted by this bright future are also going crazy.

To be born in these last days, everything has to be obtained through hard work, which is more courageous and cruel.

With the roar, hundreds of soldiers and new humans ignored the corpses all over the ground in the light of dawn, carrying guns and weapons in their hands, and rushed towards the nuclear weapons warehouse.

Some soldiers were excited, armed with automatic rifles, and fired forward, roaring like wild beasts.

The gunshot, followed by a masterpiece.

Seeing someone charging, some people couldn't bear it. If they win this place, they will gain supreme power. This temptation makes them unable to calm down.

Once they missed the opportunity, they would once again become other people's subordinates and live uneasy lives.

No one wants to live such a life, they don't want a command to let them die.

Faced with this opportunity for change, they just hesitated for a moment, and waved their hands to give instructions: "Brothers, rush over, take control, and enjoy endless glory and wealth."

Under the lead, thousands of soldiers rushed towards here like crazy.

The first batch of soldiers and new humans rushed out. When they stepped onto the positions of the fallen corpses, they only saw a cloud of blood mist splashing out of them.

A soldier saw a guy in front of him personally, his head soaring into the sky, and his body dashed a few steps forward before he fell.

The blood spurted wildly, splashing far away.

His eyes widened, and he stopped subconsciously, but his neck hurt, and then he fell over his neck.

Even if they were new humans, they didn't respond, they just kept falling down, and every one of them was almost beheaded. Some started directly from the top of the head and were directly split in half.

The whole scene is extremely secretive.

The hundreds of people in the first batch, in just a few seconds, they fell one by one in screams, spewing blood, and became one of the many corpses.


Thousands of soldiers following, one by one, as if being casted by magic, instantly freeze their bodies and stop themselves.

The one from behind slammed into it, layer by layer, and soon stopped.

"Ghost, there is a ghost..."

"Don't come here, go back, go back."

"What's the matter, get out of it."

Just a second later, they were plunged into chaos, the soldiers rushing in front, they twisted around and wanted to escape here. In their eyes, this is hell, they are just mortals, as long as they get close, they will welcome death.

It took only ten seconds, and the hundreds of people in front became corpses, which is really scary.

And this result is not unexpected. Only Lu Chuan knows that thousands of shadow blades are gathered here, one by one, and it is a seventh-level shadow blade. It is too simple to deal with them, ten seconds just because Some of them slowed down.

An object that can be killed in a single stroke is completely effortless.

In the chaos, some of them are completely facing each other.

After dozens of people died, they finally retreated, looking at this place one by one, with a look of fear in their eyes.

Now give them ten guts, and dare not take one step closer.

"There are footprints on the ground, there are footprints."

The sharp-eyed soldier finally saw footprints on the ground during this day. These footprints were formed during the movement because of the blood that was stepped on the ground.

With this discovery, they discovered that the corpses were all densely packed with footprints, and they didn't know how many there were.

Just in their panic, a string of footprints kept appearing, slowly approaching them.

Every step left a **** footprint, very clear.

And at each step, thousands of people take a step back subconsciously, step by step. Their eyes were filled with panic.


Under this kind of tremendous pressure, a soldier became completely crazy, holding a gun in his hand, and shooting frantically toward the location of this footprint.

I saw the bullet as if it had hit something, crushed by the impact, and fell to the ground.

This also proves that there are real objects in the invisible places.


This burst of fire did not stop the progress of the footprints, as if these bullets were just massaging it.

Finally, the footprints stopped.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the footprints.

At the next moment, I don't know how many footprints appeared with blood, leaving the position of the corpse.

On the concrete floor, countless footprints continued to appear. This kind of visual impact was huge, and it made them feel like they were breaking down and going crazy. There was a tingling sensation on the scalp, and some people were already shed cold sweat.

It's too mysterious, what kind of monster is this invisible?

Thinking of the dark night, they dare to attack, this courage, even they admire themselves.

It was dawn, and the settlement was awake, but the sound of gunfire from everywhere caused the ordinary survivors to shrink their necks, and one by one, they retracted into their own bed.

If you don't want to cause a murder, it's best to hide it at home.


In the cornfield.

Lu Chuan withdrew his expression from the vision of a Shadow Blade, and showed a faint smile. It can be said that the entire settlement is now a group of dragons without a leader, and is controlled by himself.

In many cases, greed can cause people to lose themselves and bring about destruction.

Lu Chuan will not be soft-hearted, and he should use heavy codes in troubled times. These people are destined to be swept into the trash can of history.

Stretching his waist, Lu Chuan turned on the communicator: "Yi Zhanfei, let the troops assemble, the soldiers are near the city, and take over this settlement."

Yi Zhanfei, who received the communication from Lu Chuan, froze for a moment, and said with joy, "Yes, boss."

Needless to say, the boss has solved the problem.

Acceptance means that this city will no longer resist.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhanfei became excited. Through the communicator, the new human force was assembled in just three minutes, and then mounted on the body of the corpse dragon.

A huge group of corpse dragons rose into the sky, covering the sky and flying towards the Luohe settlement.

Countless bloodthirsty claws, they hovered and shuttled among the group of corpse dragons, densely packed, and the visual impact they brought was absolutely powerful and unforgettable.

The distance of two or thirty kilometers is not considered a distance in the eyes of the corpse dragon group.

When the corpse dragons approached the city, the place was already in a chaotic settlement. The soldiers didn't know what to do, and the generals wanted to resist, but thinking of the current situation, what would they do to resist?

In other words, what did they resist for?

Look at the dense corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws I am afraid that each of them can drown them with a mouthful of water. At this time, what is the meaning of resistance.

"Hand in your gun and don't kill."

Huaxia's unique slogans rang with each other.

Some new humans roared while riding on the bloodthirsty claws.

They passed the siege, entered the settlement, and flew across the streets, passing this slogan to everyone's ears.

Looking at the corpse dragons that cover the sky and the sun, the number is unknown, who can afford a trace of resistance.

"Resist, treat me stupidly?"

"This is a fifth-level corpse dragon, a fifth-level bloodthirsty claw."

No one is a fool, putting down the guns tacitly one by one.

The leader and them are gone, they have lost their allegiance, and these actions have become very natural.

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