Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 843: Frustrated

This episode of Aligel made Lu Chuan helpless.

If the bloodthirsty claws get closer and the warning time is insufficient, they are still dangerous to themselves. But if the distance is too far, I can only sense that the zombie has an accident, but there is no way to know what happened.

Very passive.

"Next time, it looks like they need to set up their cameras."

Lu Chuan slapped his head, he didn't even think of such a simple method.

This is really not difficult, the bloodthirsty claws fly in the sky, there are no obstacles, and they are fully capable of connecting to the camera.

I am in the corpse dragon group, as long as something happens, I can see it by turning on the camera.

In other words, put the warning distance within 60 kilometers?

This can be considered. After all, my current viewing angle range has reached 64 kilometers, which is not a short distance.

If you upgrade again, this distance will reach 128 kilometers, which is probably a viewing distance.

But now I have set off for Europe, and I can only wait and talk about the camera.

The bloodthirsty claws still struck their heads, and they formed a huge halo around the group of corpse dragons, exactly one hundred kilometers in diameter.

Aligarh passed by, about one hundred and sixty kilometers away, and that was the famous New Delhi in India.

In the past four years, Tokyo was the world's most populous, and New Delhi was the second, ranking second in the world with a population of 25 million.

Strictly speaking, Tokyo's number one is not worthy of its name, because it refers to the entire Tokyo circle, not the city of Tokyo. But New Delhi is different. It only refers to one city, and the population density can be imagined.

Passing through this city, Lu Chuan actually wanted to correct his route when he first started.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chuan gave up.

The reason is simple, because it happened to take advantage of this opportunity to clarify some conditions in New Delhi. In the future, to unlock a kind of zombies, it may be necessary to run around the world to find them.

As a most populous city in the world, it is naturally impossible for Lu Chuan to bypass it.

The bloodthirsty claws swept over New Delhi, everything was calm and did not come under attack.

Lu Chuan was smart this time. There were bloodthirsty claws a hundred kilometers away, but at a distance of 60 kilometers, some scattered bloodthirsty claws were arranged. They existed as Lu Chuan's eyes.

When the bloodthirsty claws placed over 60 kilometers entered the sky above New Delhi, Lu Chuan finally used his own perspective to switch to one of the bloodthirsty claws, and saw the huge city below.

From the sky, New Delhi occupies a very large area. Its population and high-rise buildings are not as large as imagined. Naturally, it can only accommodate this population through a larger area.

The sky above New Delhi was still affected by the flying of the bloodthirsty claws, and many flying zombies appeared, almost corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws.

Among the flying zombies, Lu Chuan still has a thorough research. Except for the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claw, it is not easy for them to produce other corpse seeds, and the chance of encountering them is less.

Like now, New Delhi has produced a large number of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws, and there are no other flying zombies.

Based on Lu Chuan's understanding of the biochemical plant, whether it was level 7, or level 8, there would definitely be at least three flying zombies.

There is no fixed area for flying zombies, so unlocking them is even more maddening.

It can be said that the future unlocking road will not be easy.

High in the sky, there are very few things that can be seen, but in fact, there is nothing famous. With Bloodthirsty Talons low in the air, Lu Chuan is not considering messing with New Delhi for the time being.

Gradually, the corpse dragons began to approach New Delhi.

I don't know why, Lu Chuan always feels that with the population size of New Delhi, it seems a bit too flat.

In the past, when passing through some cities, if there were top zombies, even if they could not reach the sky, they would appear on the top floors of high-rise buildings, roaring upwards.

But in New Delhi, this kind of situation does not seem to happen.

"Should be weird?" Lu Chuan frowned, and his heart rose with alertness.

As the saying goes, abnormalities are monsters.

The population size of New Delhi cannot be without or close to the top zombies. They are also sensitive to the zombies made in the biochemical factory, and will attack them as living entities.

But New Delhi did not.

The corpse dragons can already see New Delhi on the extremely far ground, pale and gray. There is no way to cover up the color of the building with a lot of vegetation cover.


Suddenly, in the direction of New Delhi, a behemoth seemed to be ejected, flying straight from the ground toward the sky.

No matter how far away, you can see its existence, it's really big.

What's more, it soars into the sky and drags a huge tail of light, like a tail flame dragged by a missile, but now the light drags longer, like a beam of light rising into the sky.

This kind of change made Lu Chuan feel.

For the first time, Lu Chuan raised the telescope and caught the object rising into the sky.

What caught the eye was a round, scaly creature, without the appearance of a zombie, but like a pufferfish. It completely regarded the sky as water and rose into the sky.

But instead of ejecting its head into the sky, it had its mouth facing the ground and its tail up.

Lu Chuan could see a light-like substance ejected from its mouth, and it was this kind of substance that pushed it into the air quickly.


When he saw this, Lu Chuan immediately thought of the battle he had seen in the city of competition. At that time, the kind of zombie like a pufferfish made Lu Chuan impressed.

And the pufferfish zombie is a bit similar to the one in front of him.

If there is a difference, the pufferfish in front of me is more like a small pufferfish, but the city of competition sees exactly the same.

I saw the little pufferfish soaring into the sky, and finally stopped at an altitude of two or three kilometers.

In the next moment, the body of this little pufferfish, as if being inflated by someone, swelled frantically, growing in size at a terrifying speed.

It was just a few seconds, it was like a sudden explosion, and it became more than a hundred times bigger.

It is like a giant monster floating in the sky, and the gas filled in its body makes it float, turning into a cute pet in the sky.

The appearance of the puffer fish must be a little cute and beautiful in the water.

But everyone knows that pufferfish are poisonous.

Every year, I don’t know how many people die from poisoning by eating puffer fish, but it is so delicious that people should try it.

And now, this zombie, with the appearance of a pufferfish, floats in the sky dumbly, and its tail is floating in the sky with a light movement.

If he hadn't seen its perversion, Lu Chuan might believe it was a cute pet.

But thinking of its performance when it was in the City of Competitiveness, Lu Chuan only felt his scalp numb, his heart beat wildly, and his eyes contracted.

The complete form of the pufferfish zombie revealed its hideous face for the first time.

It was targeting the corpse dragon group Lu Chuan was in. It opened its mouth wide, and then the mouth gradually lit up, and soon the position of its mouth was surrounded by light.

"I do."

Lu Chuan was shocked, and immediately issued an instruction: "Disperse, disperse."

What's a joke, don’t say the level of this product, it is like a super energy cannon launcher, this kind of ghost beam passes through, the corpse dragon is a five-level zombie, not even a scum Will stay.

After receiving the instructions, the corpse dragons made actions instantly.

And Lu Chuan also caused Shenlong to dive down frantically.


Lu Chuan still underestimated the speed of the pufferfish zombies. In an instant, an unmatched light was ejected from its mouth, illuminating the entire sky.

How fast is the light? Lu Chuan didn't know that when this light came on, Lu Chuan just issued an escape command to the corpse dragon group, and he had entered a state of time and space shuttle.

Lu Chuan, who has seen how perverted this thing is, doesn't dare to gamble on any luck.

The best way is to go first.

Is there a faster way than traveling through time and space? Certainly not.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to bet whether the Titan Biosphere on his body could carry this beam of light. If he failed, even the scum would not be left, it would only turn into gas and be vaporized.



Lu Chuan, who appeared in modern times, had a feeling of irritation and swearing.

I didn't expect that I was cautious for so long, and finally got the trick. Who knew this kind of zombie was so cunning? It is lurking below, waiting for its own big fish to approach before jumping out to attack?

The pufferfish zombie is also a bull fork. When it hasn't entered its full form, it is a bit bigger, but it is also at the Roshan level and can be completely hidden in the city.

Thinking of the tragic sight of the place where the beam passed by in the competition, Lu Chuan scratched his hair. God knows how many corpse dragons will be left?

The fifth-level corpse dragon, as long as it is touched, without discussion, it will be directly exposed to gas.

Lu Chuan escaped back to modern times, naturally he would not know.

How should I put it, now I am completely overshadowed by the other party, and without preparation, I will definitely suffer heavy losses this time.

"What's so special, I'm not over with you." Lu Chuan was so angry that he hadn't suffered such a big loss since he got the biochemical factory.

Unexpectedly, in this ruined place in India, he was attacked twice in less than an hour.

The loss of more than 400 bloodthirsty claws has already made Lu Chuan heartache ~ Now this time the loss will be even greater, and it will make Lu Chuan feel vomiting blood.

The cost of the corpse dragon is not cheap. With the ferocity of the pufferfish light, the corpse dragon group will definitely be crossed. Within the scope of the light, you don't need to think about how tragic the lower level will be.

This kind of light beam is instantaneous. Lu Chuan has observed this kind of pufferfish zombies. After they strike, it will take a lot of time to store energy. During this period of time, they have no attack power.

Lu Chuan only stayed in the modern age for ten seconds, and then directly thought together, disappearing into the modern age in the distorted space.

When Lu Chuan appeared, he fell directly to the ground.

Lu Chuan, who had been preparing for a long time, took out a parachute immediately, then quickly put it on his back, and opened it after fixing it.

The parachute opened and turned into a white flower in the sky, pulling Lu Chuan's landing speed to make Lu Chuan float in the sky.

At this moment, Lu Chuan could see the current situation clearly.

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