Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 847: See the corpse tide again

The general's name was Malthus.

Don't look at his appearance, if you know him, you will be surprised to find that he is the highest leader of Karachi settlement.

In his words, he can only be called a general, because he firmly believes that the people of Pakistan will stand up and a new president will appear at that time, and he cannot pass.

This kind of personality made Lu Chuan glance high.

In contrast, there are some people living in communities in China, and their ideas are extreme, and they wish that the whole world would surrender to them and become the people who rule the world.

Pakistani names are the same as Europeans and Americans. They are generally divided into two sections, and many names are similar to those of Europeans and Americans. If you look at the name, sometimes you can't tell its identity.

The can was carried down by the soldiers, and the same is true for this mountain-like weapon.

For Lu Chuan, who gave the gift, the whole settlement was cheered. For the people of Pakistan, the Huaxia Brothers have always been so reliable.

"General Malthus, I think this gift will of course be given out at once."

Lu Chuan smiled.

There are so many people here, just to take out some food, let them feel what Mishan is.

Only seeing Lu Chuan's hand waving constantly, huge containers appeared one by one, each container filled with rice. Although these rices are aged rice, they are not too bad in taste.

In a short time, a thousand tons of rice was thrown onto this street by Lu Chuan.

One by one, the containers were placed on this street, neatly coded by Lu Chuan.

After the release, the Pakistani people seemed to be a little numb. In their eyes, the Huaxia brothers in the eyes were a magician who could always conjure many things.

Lu Chuan ignored the stunned General Malthus, walked to one of the containers and opened it.

A bag of rice was exposed inside, and Lu Chuan pulled out another bag, then opened the bag of rice, revealing the white rice grains inside.

General Malthus was trembling with excitement. He walked up to the rice and grabbed a handful of it, feeling the graininess of rice.

"Is this really rice?" General Malthus asked in surprise.

Lu Chuan smiled and said: "General Malthus, this is of course rice, real rice. I said that I would invite my brothers and sisters in Palestine to eat a full meal of rice, as I said, this is a thousand tons of rice. It should be enough."

Malthus was ecstatic. This was more than enough, it was too much.

Save a little bit, cook something together, and eat the entire settlement for a year without a problem.

In comparison, this gift is too heavy.

In the last days, the grain output is so small, and people continue to starve to death. Now it is edible food for a year. This friendship makes them all shout the slogan of long live China-Pakistan friendship.

Malthus was also proud: "Order to go down, tonight, Huaxia Brothers will invite all of us to have a big meal, full of rice, and canned meat with dishes."

The people under his staff naturally knew what to do, and beamed to inform.

Soon, cheers came from the entire settlement, like a festival, making everyone smile. How many hungry people feel that they are full of strength at this moment, as if they were injected with vitality.

In the entire settlement, there was a large-scale cooking operation.

Powerful and weak, all came to help, because this was working hard for their stomachs. As long as it is cooked well, you can eat this full rice.

In the busyness of the settlement, Lu Chuan was taken to his residence by General Malthus.

A group of generals and officers were all accompanied.

Lu Chuan now respects as a **** in their hearts.

The first time General Malthus asked about China's situation, he expressed his concerns. He has a huge population and lacks weapons. Thinking about it from another angle, he thinks it will be tragic.

Lu Chuan said: "General Malthus, any difficulties are temporary. You have to believe in the wisdom and perseverance of the Chinese people."

General Malthus nodded: "Yes, I have no doubt about this."

Next, what we talked about was naturally about the views of the end times and their respective situations. They are indeed still threatened by India. After all, it is the end of the world, and no one has the ability to start a war, but they are all in peace.

While chatting, an adjutant rushed in with a panic expression: "General, it's not good."

General Malthus frowned, and said, "What's the matter with you, haven't you seen any important guests?"

The adjutant calmed himself down, but thinking of the importance of the news this time, he didn't care so much, and said: "General, it is a wave of zombies, they are moving towards us."

At first he didn't care about General Malthus. Hearing this news, he bounced up, his eyes widened: "What, what are you saying is true?"

The tide of zombies is definitely famous in the last days.

Needless to say, wherever they pass, there is absolutely no grass.

The existence of a settlement, this kind of breath of life, for a long time, will be very strong, and at a certain point in time, it will successfully arouse the madness of the zombies, and then form a wave of zombies. Settlements.

Unfortunately, this is probably the current situation.

The Karachi settlement is not far from here, not even forty kilometers, it is normal to attract zombies to form a tide of corpses.

"General, it's true. The troops we sent in the past are already withdrawing, and at the same time they started to stop the tide of corpses, but they tried everything they could, but they couldn't stop their formation." The adjutant said quickly.

General Malthus took a deep breath. They knew the horror of the tide of corpses. Even if they were able to fight back, the price would be too great for them to bear.

Every time a corpse tide appears, it means a lot of death.

They were still immersed in the joy brought by Lu Chuan just now, but now the appearance of the tide of corpses dilutes this joy, and they may even fall into the miserable defense of the city.

General Malthus was pale, but he was the leader here after all. He forced himself to calm down and calmly said: "Through my order, first level combat readiness, all soldiers go up the wall and inform the new human forces to prepare for defense."

After thinking for a while, General Malthus said again: "Notify others, and be prepared at the same time."

The adjutant nodded, turned his head and ran to deliver the order.

The tide of corpses moved towards the settlement, time was limited, and he could not bear the general's orders for a moment.

The officers present were all serious-faced, letting the settlement enter the first level of combat readiness, and let them realize that something bad was about to happen.

After the officers hurriedly saluted a military salute, they hurriedly left.

Lu Chuan's ear power was naturally heard, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave a wry smile. I really don't know if it's a broom star. As soon as I came here, a corpse tide happened immediately. These Pakistani brothers are also unlucky enough.

For things like this, apart from war, there is no other possibility.

General Malthus calmed himself down and said to Lu Chuan: "Brother Huaxia, you sit here first. After we have repelled the tide of corpses, we will entertain you Brother Huaxia."

Lu Chuan stood up, shook his head and said, "General Malthus, why is there any reason to look here."

General Malthus nodded thinking of the corpse dragon group Lu Chuan had brought this time.

It is not the time to be polite. The power in Lu Chuan's hands is no worse than what he has now. If Lu Chuan helps them, they will lose a lot less.

"So, thank you." General Malthus said solemnly.

The two came to the fence, where they had entered combat readiness, and countless soldiers boarded the fence. A large number of weapons and ammunition piled up above the fence, and people in the rear kept sending them up. In the shooting holes one by one, the soldiers were already ready.

To deal with the tide of corpses, it will be very difficult to defend, because the zombies will rush forward desperately, pile up with their terrible numbers, and finally flood the wall.

The arrival of the corpse tide dilutes the joy in the settlement. Everyone puts down their work and supports the battle at any time.

In front of the corpse tide, he didn't back down.

Once the tide of corpses broke through the wall, it would be a disaster for the settlement.

It is not far from Karachi, and at the speed of the tide of corpses, it will arrive soon. In fact, through the report, we already know that they are only about 20 kilometers away from here.

Lu Chuan frowned. If the corpse tide soldiers were allowed to approach the city, it would be difficult to deal with.

Outside the wilderness, the vast place is good for oneself.

It is certain to help the Pakistani brothers and sisters. In this case, we should take the initiative to attack.

"General Malthus, I'll take a look ahead." Lu Chuan said, thinking together that the corpse dragon in the colony before had slapped its fleshy wings into the air and swept toward the wall.

When the corpse dragon passed by, Lu Chuan jumped and jumped onto the corpse dragon's back.

Sitting on the card position he was familiar with, after fixing himself, the corpse dragon was already flapping his fleshy wings, pulling himself up, flying towards Karachi with a kind of extreme speed.

The group of corpse dragons, which had been staying before, slowly rose into the sky under Lu Chuan's instructions, filling the entire sky.

The corpse dragons shrouded the settlement, but they passed over the settlement, moving in the direction where the tide of corpses came.

Every Pakistani knows that this is China’s brothers helping them. They are throwing themselves into danger for the safety of their live the Sino-Pakistani friendship. "

"Long live the friendship between China and Pakistan."

A loud slogan rang between each other and went straight to the sky. Every Pakistani is yelling. Only in this kind of crisis can we see who is the direct friend or brother.

Brother Lu Chuan from China, he knew that the corpse tide was coming, not only did he not back down, but he was the first to devote himself to this defense battle.

How can this friendship not be moved by them?

General Malthus said with a grim face, "Come here, let Harry take the new human forces to the front line against the corpse tide. Even if the entire army is annihilated, we must protect the safety of Brother Lu Chuan."

With determination on his face, Harry said, "General, even death will never let the Lu Chuan brothers lose a bit of hair."

As if making a military order, Harry turned his head and took the most elite new human force, gave up the defensive advantage, resolutely entered the wilderness, and went straight to the corpse tide.

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