Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 849: BUG

It is normal to hit ten each.

It is very abnormal to hit a hundred for one.

One thousand shots...This is no longer a question of normal or abnormal, but a miracle.


When the level distance is too high, one dozen one thousand is not a myth.

The abilities that the seventh-level Shadow Blade possesses are already very abnormal, and coupled with the ability to stealth, it is completely a BUG on the battlefield, there is no solution.

The bone blades in their hands are fast, sharp, and extremely hard. They are completely cut one at a time, just like cutting tofu, effortlessly.

Imagine that they average one to two seconds. How long does it take to kill a thousand zombies?

Two thousand shadow blades, like a harvester moving forward, wherever they went, a swath of zombies fell.

And the tyrants are not weak either, the shadow blades show mystery, but the tyrant T-003 shows a violent beauty.

With them, plus Lu Chuan’s previous frenzied bombing, the million-level zombie tide was actually broken up by Lu Chuan with one person, and then by the combined force of Shadow Blade and Tyrant T-003, They are constantly being eaten.

The corpses all over the ground can be described as the mountains and plains.

This kind of shock, if you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would never believe what you saw.

General Malthus and them all opened their mouths wide, showing shocked expressions.

It is hard to imagine that they had never dreamed that a corpse tide would be so easy, and it would almost end within half an hour.

See how many zombies are there this time? I'm afraid there are not even 200,000.

More than two hundred thousand?

Compared to millions, it's really not much.

Moreover, in the case of the settlement, it is very simple to stop 200,000 zombies.

The killing continued, the slaughter side by side, the two hundred thousand zombies actually couldn't get through any waves at all, they were constantly being swallowed.

After more than ten minutes, everything was calm.

There is no more standing zombie on the endless battlefield.

The power of Shadow Blade and Tyrant T-003, there is almost no room for mercy, either they chopped off their heads, or they simply split the zombies in half.

In this case, no zombie can "live".

Not to mention General Malthus, it was Lu Chuan, who also had a jaw-dropping feeling: "I did this by myself?"

At that time, under the pressure of a million zombies, Lu Chuan just wanted to do everything possible to stop them.

Who knew that under madness, there would be such a big result.

Lu Chuan thought for a while and laughed: "Actually, think about it. The thousand-ton bombs in his storage space are not vegetarian. The zombies in the zombie tide are densely packed. One bomb may be hundreds. It’s not surprising that there are only zombies’ deaths and injuries.”

Thousands of tons of bombs, combined with two thousand shadow blades and one thousand tyrant T-003, faced the tide of corpses without top zombies this time, it was not a problem to win.

Shadow Blades are like top killers, they pass quickly, and a piece of zombie falls silently wherever they pass.

Under this kind of strength, it was just a slaughter.


Karachi settlement.

The laughter and laughter returned to everyone in the settlement. This kind of mood like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, absolutely makes people feel extremely exciting.

This process is thrilling, and I don't know how many people feel that they are about to have a heart attack.

Who would have thought that in the face of a wave of millions of zombies, it would not take an hour. In the hands of the Huaxia Brothers, a violent bombardment would be solved directly?

For the magic of the Huaxia Brothers, everyone looked at Lu Chuan with enthusiasm.

What is this called, only God has this kind of magic, which can be fabricated and changed out of thin air. Look at the endless bombs, not to mention a million zombies, but the entire Karachi's 20 million zombies will arrive, just as fearless.

Looking at them, they are more confident than Lu Chuan.

Only Lu Chuan knew that if he could stop another wave of millions of zombies, it was really hard to say, because there was no bomb in his hand.

General Malthus's enthusiasm for Lu Chuan is beyond imagination.

The entire settlement is making a big meal. Today’s meal will be very rich, and everyone will be plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

At the dinner, it is not a good place, but it is the best hospitality.

Wine is naturally available. After eating half full, General Malthus asked hesitantly: "Brother Lu Chuan, this phenomenon of yours is an exception in China, or is it..."

If everyone in Huaxia is like the Lu Chuan brothers, it would feel terrible to think about it.

Could it be that they have been separated from this world?

Changes in the outside world, after hundreds of kilometers away, it is difficult for news to circulate. There are countless zombies, it is difficult to cross such a long distance, and they don't know anything about hundreds of kilometers away.

They didn't even know anything for hundreds of kilometers, and it was even more unlikely for them to know any news from China.

Lu Chuan knew what General Malthus wanted to express. He said, "General Malthus, this is just an example."

I don't know why, General Malthus and the others are all relieved.

If it's just a case, it's okay to say that the real Chinese people are like Lu Chuan, they will feel unreal.

Of course, they will be happy for Huaxia. After all, China-Pakistan relations are here. They believe that Huaxia will not forget them if it has gained power.

After the carnival, after nightfall, no matter how excited they are, they can only return to their homes according to the rules.

No matter what, they were extremely satisfied with this meal today.

Under Lu Chuan's accommodation arrangement, it was naturally the best, and several Pakistani beauties were also sent. However, Lu Chuan refused. It was not that these women were not beautiful, but that Lu Chuan simply helped Pakistani survivors regardless of return.

If I really did this, it would be an insult to this period of friendship between China and Pakistan.

Early the next morning, Lu Chuan bid farewell to General Malthus.

Here, I have stayed for two days, it is time to continue westward.

What can help is limited to this, Lu Chuan cannot help them indefinitely. Weapons, food, and even helped them stop a tide of corpses.

General Malthus naturally knew it, so they felt gratitude to Lu Chuan.

If it weren't for Lu Chuan's arrival and not to mention the hungry thing, it would be this corpse tide that would have caused them heavy losses and continued weakening of their strength.

At the moment Lu Chuan left, all the survivors of the entire settlement walked out of their homes to see them off.

A huge group of corpse dragons appeared again above the settlement.

Only this time, people no longer fear it, but with a grateful heart, they are leaving now.

After Lu Chuan left, General Malthus suddenly asked, "You said, are those exoskeleton armors actually humans or zombies?"

No one can answer this question at all.

Say it's human, why don't they not live in the colony, say it's zombies, how could the zombies make such a battle?

Or, is this an intelligent exoskeleton robot?

No matter what it is, what they see in Lu Chuan is endless mystery.

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