Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 852: I come, I see, I conquer

Lu Chuan has heard that the longer the history, the more the history of war.

Athens in Greece is obviously a history of war.

As the most important city in European civilization, it has a history of more than 3000 years. Over the past 3,000 years, Athens has been in constant wars and alternating powers. Here, the performance is vivid.

Lu Chuan landed from the sea and appeared over this civilized European city.

As the eighth largest city in Europe, it is also the birthplace of the Olympic Games, and the status of Athens can be imagined.

A city with nearly four million people is just average if it is placed in China, or a country with a large population. But in Europe, a city of four million people is already a huge number.

Over Athens, there were only a few dozen corpse dragons flying, which was not a big threat.

These more than ten corpse dragons were rushed by the bloodthirsty claws before they approached, and they were directly strangled in the air.

"The history of Athens, of course, needless to say. I don't know how many noble lords and ladies have been here. After their deaths, there will always be some of them that are kept in good condition under strange geology."

Lu Chuan stared at Athens and spoke softly.

The number of spore shooters is destined to be impossible, because out of a hundred nobles, not one will remain intact. And among a hundred carrion corpses that remained intact, not one would become a spore shooter because of infection.

This probability is definitely one in ten thousand.

From this probability, it is not difficult to find that it is not easy to unlock.

This is why Lu Chuan's first goal was Athens.

According to these conditions, there are actually quite a few eligible countries, such as Damascus, which has a history of more than 4,000 years and can be said to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the record.

These places are also consistent.

It was only Lu Chuan's first stop, he chose Athens, and set his sights on Europe.

From the information obtained, it seems that European nobles are the easiest to form spore shooters?

"Grandma's, even this one needs to be treated regionally."

Lu Chuan murmured, in the words of the nobles, China has a history of more than five thousand years, I don't know how many. Moreover, China’s zombie culture is profound, and there are corpses that do not rot, and the probability is much higher than that of the Europeans.

However, these nobles in China are not competitive, and the biochemical plant recognizes the barbarian nobles in Europe.

The location of Athens is destined to have many survivors.

Three facing the mountains, one facing the sea, just hide in the mountains to throw away the zombies.

Lu Chuan was above the city, enjoying the sight of Athens like a relic. This kind of building full of European landscape is still very attractive to Lu Chuan.

Especially some ancient European buildings, even if they are experiencing the end of the world, still stand tall.


At this moment, the bloodthirsty claws who had expanded the reconnaissance before returned news.

When Lu Chuan arrived in Athens, it was impossible to stay above Athens. Bloodthirsty Talons and their duties will also form a 100-kilometer reconnaissance area where Lu Chuan is located.

Now, Bloodthirsty Talon didn't even have a hundred kilometers, at most, it was thirty or forty kilometers, and he discovered the situation.

Within this range, Lu Chuan used the vision of Bloodthirsty Talon to quickly see what the so-called situation was.

The two armies were actually facing each other.


Their location, at a glance, you know that they should be the survivors of Athens.

The history of Greece is worthy of a history of battle. In these last days, they still have the mind to set up their formation and prepare to fight?

But when I think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing strange.

If you don't accept anyone, you will do it.

In the face of power, who cares if this is the end of the world?

Lu Chuan came to be interested, and he was definitely not familiar with the situation in Athens. But I am not familiar with it, and the survivors in Athens must be familiar with it. Then let them serve themselves.

To make them serve themselves, you need to make them serve themselves.


Lu Chuan didn't care about Athens below, and sent his thoughts. After the order was given, the corpse dragon moved.

After crossing this mountain range, the distance of thirty to forty kilometers, under the fleshy wings of the corpse dragon, is not a distance at all.

The corpse dragon group was placed on the mountain ridge by Lu Chuan.

If the corpse dragons appear, the people below may not be able to fight, and they will be frightened by the corpse dragons.

Lu Chuan was riding the Shenlong alone, and quickly crossed a mountain range. What caught his eye was a small plain. The two armies were separated by several kilometers and had not yet started.

Modern combat is different from before, it is a long-distance combat.

The equipment of the two armies is not very good.

In addition to a few tanks, there are a few armored vehicles, and then some heavy machine guns modified from cars. Artillery and missiles are placed in the rear, and the number is also small.

The new humans are at the forefront. They are powerful and wear heavy armor, just like the armored knights of ancient Europe, wrapping themselves in heavy armor.

With these heavy armors, the new humans are not afraid of bullets.

The new humans use cold weapons, with a wide variety of weapons, and there is no uniform standard.

Lu Chuan took a look and found that the number of people on both sides is not certain, but the numbers on both sides are both thousands.

Based on Lu Chuan's structure of the number of people in the last days, it is not difficult to estimate the approximate number of settlements behind both sides. How should I say, it is generally a five-to-one force.

In other words, the number of survivors on both sides is about 30,000.

The two forces will have between 60,000 and 70,000.

This is the current survivor of Athens. There may be discrepancies, but it will definitely not be big.

Considering the population of Athens, the number of survivors is no small.

The clothes of the two sides are still relatively uniform. In the end times, the raw materials of the clothes are not lacking, and it is completely possible to make uniform clothes.

The clothes of the two armies are mainly dark green, which is designed to avoid zombies.

The battle between the two sides seemed to be on the verge of triggering. Numerous soldiers took up their guns and made preparations.

The artillery and missiles in the rear have all been calibrated, just waiting to fire.

In modern warfare, several rocket launchers can be seen farther behind. These are the equipment used by the Greek army and the weapons used by the troops stationed in Athens.

Lu Chuan didn't know why they fought so hard, it didn't matter.

"I still need to get to them and let them fight, it will not do me any good." Lu Chuan pondered, then smiled.

Before, Lu Chuan was still watching from the sidelines, but Lu Chuan decided not to watch from the sidelines.


Lu Chuan issued an order, and Shenlong, no matter what might happen next, completely obeyed Lu Chuan's order and dived down from the mountain.

Shenlong is a five-level corpse dragon. It is strengthened ten times. The corpse dragon rewarded by the biochemical factory is naturally different, and the instincts they possess are all first-class.

But no matter what, it couldn't change the nature of the corpse dragon.

Brought Lu Chuan to appear, and was immediately discovered by both sides on high alert. They all showed their vigilance, thinking that it was just a corpse dragon.

Soon, they discovered the difference, because this corpse dragon had a set of armor on its body, and it was also a gold-rimmed armor. In this sunlight, the golden light emitted was so dazzling.

Immediately, they found Lu Chuan sitting on the corpse dragon.


The commanders on both sides yelled, they are also a bit daunted by the current situation, because the corpse dragon is riding a person? Then appeared in front of them with an aura of dominion over the world?

Since Lu Chuan's route was in the middle of the two sides, neither of the two sides ordered the fire the first time.

In this way, under the gaze of more than ten thousand people on both sides, the corpse dragon brought Lu Chuan to the middle, and then in the air of 100 meters, the corpse dragon slapped the huge fleshy wings and hovered in the air.

Lu Chuan sat on the corpse dragon and looked around.

The soldiers on both sides who witnessed Lu Chuan couldn't see clearly at a long distance, but they could see a rough idea, knowing that a corpse dragon appeared in the center of the battlefield.

But commanders and generals are different. They have binoculars and can see all this clearly.

A famous general was dumbfounded.

The corpse dragons are not unfamiliar, but a human is riding on a corpse dragon?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have regarded it as nonsense. People and zombies are two pairs of three-dimensional. How can they be combined?

But now, this combination has appeared.

Look at this corpse dragon, it has armor, and at a glance you know that this person did it. The corpse dragon can cooperate and let the other party ride and obey the other party's command.

The subversive scene left both sides stunned for half a minute, completely forgetting that they were about to go to war, all staring at the central Lu Chuan.

When they could see Lu Chuan's face clearly, it was even more difficult to believe.

"God, it's an Oriental."

"This... how could this be an Oriental?"

"Is it an overseas Chinese?"

The generals were all communicating. In their opinion, they were sure that they were Chinese people living in Europe. In the last days, he was lucky to survive, and then grew to this height.

The question is, how can people tame zombies?

Just when they were at a loss, Lu Chuan moved his hand and a big horn appeared out of thin air. The previous speaker was once again taken out by Lu Chuan and used for propaganda.

Greece generally uses modern Greek, as well as English.

Lu Chuan can't speak Greek anymore, but English is different. He still speaks very slippery.

Lu Chuan shouted in English: "Gentlemen, I am from China, I come, I see, I conquer."

I come, I see, I conquer, Lu Chuan learned this sentence from Emperor Caesar. Needless to say, the domineering of this sentence should be the most concise and powerful victory in military history.

Lu Chuan is just using it directly.

Anyway, the meaning of this sentence represents the purpose of this trip.

Most of the people present are familiar with English, so Lu Chuan's sentence is not very standard English, but they understood it.

The huge loudspeaker transmits the sound far and far away, ensuring that everyone can almost hear it.

Both sides were taken aback for a moment, and were shocked by Lu Chuan's horn. In these last days, keeping silent is common sense. Who would use a loud horn to roar like this.

But after they figured out what Lu Chuan was shouting, an expression of anger appeared on their faces.


I come, I see, I conquer?

God, does this **** know what he is talking about?

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