Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 858: Rome

Raphael moved his throat, even if he was in the highest position of power in the settlement, it was still difficult to refuse in front of this kind of delicacy.

At this moment, food is better than beauty.

What made Raphael even more shocked was that Lu Chuan was able to take this food out of thin air.

What makes Raphael unbelievable is that these delicious foods are still steaming.

Only, or God’s apostle has this magical ability. This Lu Chuan seems to bear the love of God?

For a time, Raphael thought a lot.

For more than a minute, Raphael didn't know how many thoughts he had turned, he seemed to have figured it out, he smiled, as if he had let go of something, and sat opposite Lu Chuan.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, it's an honor." Raphael laughed.

Lu Chuan also nodded, showing a satisfied smile.

Raphael's attitude, and his ability to communicate, made Lu Chuan have to say that the other party is indeed a character, can afford it, and let it go.

The food on this table is just a threat and deterrence from Lu Chuan in disguise.

There is good food for obedience. Otherwise, Lu Chuan doesn't mind cleaning up here. The current Lu Chuan is no longer the original Lu Chuan. What he needs is someone who absolutely obeys.

It is naturally best to take this place without blood.

This time Lu Chuan wanted them to surrender thoroughly and truly acknowledge their status. You can let them rule the settlement, but in name, they must belong to them.

Raphael's transformation shows that he has accepted this silent condition.

Lu Chuan gently cut off a piece of steak and said, "This is just a piece of filet. If you put it before the end of the world, you may not see it."

Raphael glanced at the steak in front of him, and didn't mind that it was half-ripe. Instead, using a knife and fork, he cut off a small piece jerky, put it in his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

After a long time, Raphael swallowed, took another sip of red wine, and spit out a comfortable syllable.

"Perfect." Raphael laughed and said: "Mr. Lu, it was inconspicuous before the end of the world, but here, it is worth a lot of money. Just as I was just an assembler before the end of the world, and now I Has become the head of this settlement."

Yes, the world is impermanent.

The end of the world is like a reshuffle of the world, no matter what your status in the previous life, in the end of the world, there is a chance to come back.

That night.

Raphael arranged for the most beautiful woman in the settlement, but Lu Chuan refused.

Early the next morning, Lu Chuan was watched by countless survivors, mounted the corpse dragon, and then walked away in their stunned eyes.

Raphael was naturally sent off, and now he has surrendered to Lu Chuan, and in the future, when Lu Chuan's instructions arrive here, he will carry out it without compromise.

A human being who can control huge zombies, and a Chinese who can be created like a god, Raphael believes that he will shine with his light in these last days.

As for the other party is a Chinese?

Is it important?


In addition, one of his tasks was to complete the task Lu Chuan gave him about merging another settlement.

Only by twisting the strength into a ball can we live better in this last days.

Internal friction is not good for anyone.


When Lu Chuan's huge group of corpse dragons arrived at another settlement, this settlement was also plunged into chaos.

It is probably a settlement of 30,000 people, and the area is not small, and several peaks are its sites.

"Tell Cecil that I have placed Raphael in charge of the integration of the two settlements. Anyone who violates it will be killed."

The corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws covering the sky and the sun surrounded this colony.

The power that Lu Chuan wanted to show was so shocking. Everyone looked at the sky with a look of horror. Except for the soldiers and the new humans, they were better, they knew that Lu Chuan existed after all.

But the other survivors didn't know, they were naturally panicked.

Abandoning this sentence, Lu Chuan led the corpse dragon group to leave.

This trip is to signal that they are still alive to the people in this settlement, and to let them know that they should not be lucky.

With this kind of display, Lu Chuan believes that Cecil, the leader, will know how to do it.

The bloodthirsty claw group, as before, dispersed under the command of the commander zombies, and then formed a fifty- and one-hundred-kilometer-level reconnaissance circle with Lu Chuan as the center.

The populations of European countries are not large, but these countries are small, which results in dense populations.

For Lu Chuan's second stop, Italy was chosen.

On the map, Lu Chuan will start from Greece, and every country will take a trip.

If the number of spore shooters hunted by that time is not enough, Lu Chuan will go to some places in Egypt, or in other words, carry out deep ploughing in European countries, until he has enough to unlock the fragments needed by the spore shooters.

Spore shooters are very powerful, but because they don't have a mind, they just spray spore material, and the threat is really not as big as imagined.

Lu Chuan knew very well about the Spore Shooter and had two hunting experiences. It would be very easy to hunt the Spore Shooter next.

Of course, if it were in Lu Chuan's hands, the power of the Spore Shooter would be more than ten times more powerful than that of Non-Thinking. When they have a strategy to command them, they are basically the role of long-range super artillery.

When forming a combined blow with the poisonous camel, it will be even more terrifying.

The poisonous camel can corrode no matter what, and these also include metals.

When I arrived in Rome, it only took two hours.

At this time, the scorching sun was already high, but it did not affect Lu Chuan's curiosity about the city of Rome.

When it comes to Rome, anyone knows its former glory.

The famous Roman Empire made the whole of Europe tremble. Of course, there is also the predecessor of Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, which occupies the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

It can be said that there are nobles everywhere in Europe.

The number of spore shooters will not be less. Lu Chuan believes that when he went to Spain, then to France, to the United Kingdom... it was absolutely easy to collect ten pieces.

Rome at this time is still full of tall buildings, but most of them have been destroyed.

Plants began to occupy the city, and everything was dilapidated.

The zombies wandered on the streets of this city, forming a classic scene often seen in movies.

"This time, I need to change my strategy. If you have to ask the survivors here, it will take too much time. Use a rougher method to plow the place again until the spore shooter emerges."

Lu Chuan stared at this Rome, really didn't know where there would be a Spore Shooter.

As for the consequences of this method, in Lu Chuan's view, it should be that the losses will increase.

Lu Chuan doesn't care if the loss is larger, and Lu Chuan can afford the cost of Bloodthirsty Talon.

"So, let this city become boiling."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, but he bounced each sound out, and then hung it on the paws of dozens of bloodthirsty claws.

After setting it up, Lu Chuan caused the corpse dragons to land on top of the high-rise buildings in the city.

Don't look at the 7,000-plus corpse dragons, but these high-rise buildings can accommodate only a dozen buildings, which is almost enough for these corpse dragons to stop.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the bloodthirsty claws scattered in the city and entered a state of surveillance.

And the dozens of bloodthirsty claws holding the sound bombs were also scattered, and then flew towards various locations in Rome. There are actually a few sound bombs, enough to cover the city.

But this time, what Lu Chuan needs to take into account is the surrounding area of ​​Rome.

The production of sound bombs is very simple. Lu Chuan only needs to give an instruction to the arsenal. It is not a problem to produce hundreds of them a day, and the cost is tens of thousands of yuan. Lu Chuan does not feel any pain.

Bloodthirsty Claws arrived at the target place, Lu Chuan took out the earmuffs and put them on himself.

Turning on the light projector, Lu Chuan chose to play music, and suddenly wild DJ music came into his ears. Adjusting the sound to the maximum, it is deafening.


Lu Chuan issued the order.

Dozens of bloodthirsty claws received Lu Chuan's instructions, and directly released the claws, let the sound bounce fall, and then smashed into the street below.

Land and activate.

An extremely harsh sound appeared, and its penetrating power was so strong that it seemed as if someone was scratching on metal or it was like scratching on glass, which made people unbearable.

The sound formed in an instant swept across Rome, and the area involved reached tens of kilometers in diameter.

In Rome, stimulated by this sound, the zombies boiled.

Each of them opened their teeth and danced their claws, their faces were hideous, and then rushed toward the location of the sound bomb at the craziest speed. They ran one by one, over the car, or through some Some rushed out directly from the windows of high-rise buildings, and fell down from dozens or hundreds of stories high. .

As long as the zombies in this city are all awakened by this sound.

Countless zombies with latent instincts were also awakened. They emerged from the buildings, from the sewers, from some hidden places, and entered the crazy army of zombies.

The whole city fell into a boil, and countless zombies were running wildly. They ran desperately, crowding in the direction of the sound,

I don’t know how many high-level zombies appeared, such as a tall and extremely tyrant novice, such as a rolling Roshan. Where it passed, countless zombies were crushed to form a street of shredded meat. I dare not look at it.

One by one, the lickers flew over the wall, seeing the wall as a flat ground, and crazily climbing over it.

Where the lickers pass, the marks left by rows of claws are printed on the wall. Their claws are like cutting tofu. They go through the wall and fix them to provide support for crawling on the wall.

Hundreds of lickers appeared and crawled past in groups. The fishy lickers appeared extremely spectacular.

Looking at it from afar, they formed a red color. They looked at the high-rise buildings as flat ground, climbing in them, and instantly reached another place.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons rose into the sky, forming a black and crushing "Oolong" in the sky. They fell into confusion in the sky, and didn't know which sound source they should rush to.

Rome is boiling.


The uncomfortable roar, there was even a feeling over the sound bomb, as if some terrifying zombie was awakened and roared.

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