Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 862: Play their role

The fragments succeeded, and Lu Chuan did not linger here.

Without beautiful women, there is really nothing for Lu Chuan to stay here.

After obtaining the fragments, Lu Chuan immediately commanded the zombie flying group to leave. Anyway, the fragments are also successful, and even the money is almost harvested. When will you wait until you don't leave?

As for the survivors here, Lu Chuan has even considered their feelings.

When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded each country, did they consider the feelings of these people?

With the victory items, Lu Chuan navigated directly to London.

For the remaining three pieces, given the status of London, Lu Chuan believes that it is not a problem at all.

If there is no accident, this will also be Lu Chuan's last stop in Europe. After completing the unlock, he will begin to return to China.

Once he unlocked the Spore Shooter, Lu Chuan knew that he would be very busy.

Since the spore shooter is so good, Lu Chuan needs to think about his own defensive strategy, after all, the siege party is likely to have a spore shooter.

Having seen the power of the Spore Shooter in an open place, Lu Chuan knew that the accumulation of low-level zombies was meaningless in front of the Spore Shooter.

A single spore shooter can cover an area of ​​several kilometers, if ten, one hundred... for Zhongzhou City, it is a disaster.

The seemingly perfect defense plan needs to be adjusted.

How far is it from Paris to London? In fact, it is very close, only 400 kilometers, if you take the Eurostar through the undersea tunnel, it only takes two hours to reach it.

Unfortunately, in the last days, God knows where this Eurostar train stopped?

Four hundred kilometers, in Lu Chuan's eyes, is also not a distance.

Only two hours later, he crossed the English Channel and appeared outside the suburbs of London.

Britain is a country whose influence in Europe is beyond imagination. It can be said that it once dominated the world and the whole of Europe.

The sun never sets, this title is definitely not blown out.

It is precisely because of these historical foundations that Lu Chuan has high hopes for London. Even if London doesn't work, with the number of nobles in the past in Britain, it is estimated that the number of these three can be made up in any other city.

"The first step is to harvest wealth."

Knowing this recovery function after level eight, Lu Chuan certainly had to prepare for it.

The wealth of London is definitely not less than that of Paris, or even more prosperous.

Lu Chuan turned on the light projector and began to search on the map, marking the famous places one by one.

For example, a target such as the London Underground Vault contains gold stored in it. For example, HSBC's treasury, which has a custody business, and so on, only one is needed, which is amazing gold.

In addition to these, museums and the like are also Lu Chuan's goals.

"I won't scrape a layer of skin here today, I don't have the surname Lu." Lu Chuan grinned.

Next, it was natural to start reconnaissance in London to confirm that there were no zombies that could threaten him. Money is important, but life is not so important.

Each bloodthirsty claw is still the vanguard of reconnaissance.

The bloodthirsty claws skimmed over the streets and alleys, scouting every street.

And Lu Chuan also took the opportunity to observe London in the last days.

In fact, London is similar to Paris, in terms of culture and architectural style, they are almost the same. In the last days, the city is gray and ruined, and zombies are wandering everywhere.

The reason why London is stronger than Paris is that it is a city with a port, while Paris is only an inland city.

The importance of the ocean, naturally needless to say, only Lu Chuan knows that only after the problem of high-power engines is solved before the arrival of the universe era, the importance of the ocean will be transferred from transportation and strategy to fishery and resources.

According to normal human development, there are still more than a hundred years away from this time.

"It's a change this time. It's too inefficient to rely on himself." Lu Chuan thought that he had been stupidly collecting these valuable things before. It was extremely laborious and inefficient.

In Zhongzhou City, hundreds of thousands of ordinary zombies can be accurately collected under the command of the commander zombies.

There are no hundreds of thousands of ordinary zombies here, but there are a thousand Tyrant T-003 and two thousand Shadow Blades, which is also a lot.

Lu Chuan sent his thoughts to the commander zombies, and they immediately executed them.

The corpse dragon landed on the outskirts of London, and the hanging tyrant T-003 and Shadow Blade escaped from the corpse dragon, and under the command of the commander zombie, they quickly rushed into the city of London.

Next, what Lu Chuan had to do was to wait.


London vault.

As London's gold storage place, the amount of gold stored here is extremely large, and it is also the core of guaranteeing gold trading.

At this time, several Shadow Blades appeared here, heading straight to this underground vault.

The layers of gates made of alloy were directly destroyed by Shadow Blade with Bone Blade. The armor of the tank, they can all be cut open as paper paste, these gates are much thicker, and the shadow blades have to wave their bone blades a few more times.

Destroyed the alloy gate and entered layer by layer.

In the nine years of the last days, the alarm and security systems here have long lost their function. Under the violent breakthrough of the Shadow Blades, they soon broke through into the vault.

One by one is similar to a supermarket shelf, a piece of standard London gold is placed on it, and each shelf is exactly one ton of gold.

There are densely packed shelves here, I don't know how many.

Entering here is like entering a yellow world. The luster in this area has become golden because of such gold.

When the Shadow Blades entered here, they walked out holding the gold nugget.

More than a dozen tyrant T-003 were directed here. They didn't know where they got a container, dragged it in here, and then threw the gold nuggets here into the container.

After loading more than ten tons, the two tyrant T-003s actually lifted the container, left the underground vault, and moved to the location of Luchuan.

The security force here used to be very strong, but now, it is not mentioned at all.

Before the end of the world came, many people thought about it here, but the security here, under the condition that the backup power can provide power, no one can succeed.

In the past nine years, I don’t know how many people have been here to get some gold.

But the location here is the city center, and countless zombies are crowded here. Except for people like Lu Chuan who can succeed, everyone else has returned without success.

Therefore, this huge batch of gold is cheaper by Lu Chuan.

Not only here, like several museums in London, it is Lu Chuan's goal. After sending the coordinates to the commander zombie, Lu Chuan only needs to wait for the rest.

About an hour later, several tyrant T-003 appeared first, and they arrived carrying the container.


A large amount of gold appeared in front of Lu Chuan. It was all standard London gold, thrown in this container messily.

When zombies do things, Lu Chuan no longer expects them to be so beautiful. It is good to be able to do it. It is really difficult for them to ask them to arrange the gold nuggets neatly.

"Not bad."

This feeling of sitting and being delivered to the door is really cool.

Lu Chuan does not actually want to reclaim the value of London gold, because the value is really not as valuable as antiques. Think about it, a Mona Lisa may be several billion pounds.

But how many pounds is a ton of gold?

In any case, the impact of gold is really too great. This kind of visual impact is definitely not comparable to a Mona Lisa painting.

Collecting the gold in this container, these tyrant T-003s returned again.

Next, there are dozens of Shadow Blades, they just ransacked a certain museum and brought out the precious treasures inside. Under the command of the commander zombie, they are careful to protect these treasures.

Once the British Empire scoured the world's treasures, it is conceivable how important the United Kingdom is to Lu Chuan.

This is proof of the glory of the empire that never sets, Lu Chuan smiled, but he was full of joy.

Each piece is very valuable, and some can be described as priceless.

It's not an exaggeration. Like the crown in Lu Chuan's hand, the gems on it don't know how valuable it and the manufacturing process it uses is beyond imagination.

Of course, the real value is given by the owner who has used it.

Putting aside these, treasures from all over the world, under the efforts of Shadow Blade and Tyrant T-003, piled up like a mountain before Lu Chuan.

"This should be the dragon head in the lost zodiac head in the Old Summer Palace."

Lu Chuan had taken a copper dragon head, and with just a glance, he could feel the simplicity of its face. Combined with the history of the sun never set empire, it is not difficult to guess the origin of this dragon head.

The price of this leader alone is probably hundreds of millions.

Countless treasures are just like garbage dumps here, picked and practiced by Lu Chuan.

To be honest, Lu Chuan would be excited about a baby alone.

The problem is, when you are in the treasure pile, all these treasures are greeted, people will be numb and there is nothing to be excited about.

Lu Chuan only maintained his excitement for a few minutes, and then turned to plain, then numb.

Anyway, if the zombies are brought back, they can just throw them into the storage space. The storage space is so huge that it is not a problem to install these things.

Nearly three thousand zombies helped, but the efficiency was still too slow for London.

Looking at the time, Lu Chuan knew that it might not be too late to sweep away the city of London this day. But the gains in this short period of time are amazing.

"carry on."

Lu Chuan waved his hand, and the huge pile of antiques in front of him couldn't disappear, and Lu Chuan collected it into the storage space.

As the last stop in the plan, Lu Chuan was not in a hurry.

(The waist is almost unable to straighten up, it is very swollen and painful. I can't hold it after sitting for a few minutes. It is really uncomfortable to be tossed by this occupational disease.

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