Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 868: Ray, recovery

It is hard to believe that this slender body like a supermodel will possess such terrifying energy. A two-ton car, like a toy, was thrown out several kilometers away by it.

Lu Chuan didn't know how to describe this strength.

"It deserves to be the top zombie."

There are only nine levels in the biochemical plant, at least the current product line is like this.

As the top zombie, the strength of the blue-winged angel is really hard to estimate. Like the King Kong zombie, how powerful it is, Lu Chuan could not understand.

The understanding of the blue-winged angel is of course not something that can be understood by throwing a car.

Lu Chuan pointed to a tall building in the distance: "Take me up."

A slim body, logically speaking, it is difficult for Lu Chuan to fly.

But who has to be hired every year.

Ordinary people, or zombies, can't do it. But it doesn't mean that the blue wing angel can't do it, it's a level 9 zombie.

The corpse dragon is level five, but when it comes to flying and lifting, Lu Chuan is sure that the blue-winged angel does not know how far away the corpse dragon can be.

In addition, the zombies rewarded by the biochemical factory are all zombies with the tenth level strengthening to reach the peak strength, and their instincts are also the strongest.

In this way, taking yourself to fly is really simple.

The blue-winged angel obeyed the instructions. It stared at Lu Chuan, and for a moment, it was already in front of Lu Chuan, and then its arms hugged Lu Chuan from its back.

In the next moment, Lu Chuan felt that he was moving at the speed of light, and the scenery in his eyes kept flashing. Before he could react, Lu Chuan found that he was already on the top floor of this high-rise building.

On the back, the soft feeling that came from the back, only maintained for a while, and disappeared again.

The Blue Wing Angel had already let go of Lu Chuan, and stood quietly behind Lu Chuan again.

Lu Chuan realized that he was shamelessly aftertaste what he had just felt. The full chest of the blue wing angel pressed against him. Even though it was a zombie, the softness still gave Lu Chuan a strange feeling.

Subconsciously, Lu Chuan glanced at the blue-winged angel's chest again.

"big enough."

The size of C+ is slightly close to D. This one should be the best among women.

The blue-winged angel didn't realize what Lu Chuan's eyes meant. He still stood coldly, and his eyes fell on Lu Chuan's body coldly.

For some reason, Lu Chuan felt a little embarrassed, so he looked away.

From the distant view, Lu Chuan looked at an urban village in Zhongzhou City.

Urban development is inevitable for urban villages. In the early stage, development will be bypassed, and in the mid-term, urban villages will be rectified, and in the later stage, the urban villages will truly become part of the city.

The village in the city in front of me is only in the middle stage. Although it has been rectified, the low-rise and unplanned buildings are very messy.

"Blue-winged angel, destroy this area."

Lu Chuan pointed at this village in the city.

The zombies in the villages in the city are very dense. After all, countless outsiders in the city live in these areas, and the density is very high.

In the narrow alleys, you can see zombies wandering around.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instruction, the blue-winged angel did not hesitate, and slapped his three pairs of blue wings violently, turning into a blue light, soaring into the sky, and then projecting them high.

What Lu Chuan is testing now is what the Blue Wing Angel’s firepower is like.

Lu Chuan stared at the blue-winged angel, wanting to see all the details.

I saw that the blue-winged angel was emitting a burst of blue light from weak to strong, like a huge blue light ball, smashing down to the center of the village in the city.

Countless blue rays passed by, and then Lu Chuan saw the buildings in this area. Under this kind of blue rays, he cut through these buildings like tofu.

I don't know how many blue rays of light, scattered, penetrated these buildings, and followed the blue-winged angel rotating his body, the light flashed across.

Every building was hit by an unknown number of rays of light and cut into countless pieces.

The rumbling sound is endless.

The blue-winged angel collected the light, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to Lu Chuan's back and stood still.

If it hadn't been for Lu Chuan's order, he would have known it had been dispatched, and even suspected that it had not moved.


Lu Chuan looked at the village in the city, and his mouth gradually widened.

The place where I saw, the building was like dust, and like it was made of sand, melting at a terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, this area became a real ruin.

The buildings passed by the billions of light have long been cut into tiny particles. After losing their support, they naturally continued to slide down.

At least tens of thousands of zombies inside, also involved in the footsteps of the building, were cut into countless pieces.

These blue rays are just like super lasers.

The incredible attack power and the attack method are simply unreasonable. This kind of light that burst out in an instant, as long as the object is flashed, no one can be spared.

"Too...too strong."

More than strong, it's super abnormal.

Lu Chuan looked at the blue-winged angel with the same size, only feeling hairy inside.

Who would have thought that the hidden power in it could be so huge and amazing? Lu Chuan couldn't find any words to describe this kind of rays.

After completing this terrifying blow, the blue-winged angel didn't seem to have changed, but Lu Chuan was still able to find its blue wings, which became a little lighter.

Everything in the world cannot be separated from the law of energy, and neither can blue-winged angels.

It can be seen that this kind of ray attack also consumes its energy.

It's just that the blue-winged angel is strong enough to support it to use several or more blue rays.

"Ten seconds before and after, a village in the city is gone. This is equivalent to a numbering area."

Lu Chuan calculated slightly, Lu also smiled bitterly.

A ninth-level zombie can indeed destroy a city easily. According to the strength displayed by the Blue Wing Angel, it probably only takes five or six minutes to destroy Zhongzhou City.

Like the corpse of a crocodile dragon, its huge body is directly smashed down, and repeated several times, no city is not destroyed.

The body of the crocodile dragon corpse, its attack method, is truly unreasonable. The human being in front of it, and the ants in front of the human, are crushing.

"Nine-level zombies, almost all exist unreasonably."

Lu Chuan scratched his hair, and then began to worry.

It is really too difficult for such a perverted zombie to unlock. Their strength is one, and their number is also one... Especially the number, Lu Chuan doubts whether there are ten ninth-level zombies of the same kind on this earth.

For example, there are only two crocodile dragon corpses known to Lu Chuan.

There are also two King Kong zombies.

It seems that I have only met one pufferfish carcass.

Lu Chuan suddenly felt that the ninth-level blue-winged angel rewarded this time was definitely a reward at the sky-defying level, because the blue-winged angel meant to Lu Chuan too much advantage.

After the test, Lu Chuan asked Blue Wing Angel to take him back to the biochemical factory.

The destruction of this village in the city did not hurt Lu Chuan at all. After all, in the future, Zhongzhou City will definitely need to be rebuilt, and now it is just clearing it out in advance.

The biochemical plant that has been upgraded to the eighth level also has a function that Lu Chuan cares most about, which is the recycling function.

This function will determine the solution of future funds.

Recycling: Recycling all items produced by human civilization according to the value of the earth.

This is a brief introduction to recycling. It does not introduce much, but it successfully limits the scope. Otherwise, like the value of the earth, how much is a piece of land in the center of a city worth?

What is the value of another oil field and mine?

But now, these are not in the scope of recycling, but items created by human civilization.

Of course, recycling is not a pit, because it is recycled according to its value. For example, a painting you bought before is worth 100 yuan. When it is recycled, it will be recycled at 100 yuan.

Lu Chuan would know so clearly, the main reason is that he has tested it himself, and he is absolutely childish.

For example, Lu Chuan put his hand on a skyscraper and meditated on recycling, and then the price of recycling appeared in Lu Chuan's mind.

Zhongtai Building, the recovery price was 67.15 million.

It’s correct. Even high-rise buildings can be recycled, and after recycling, this high-rise building will disappear out of thin air very secretly, and even the foundation will disappear, leaving only a deep pit.

This kind of recycling price is based on the manufacturing price, as well as the decoration cost, and the value of the items inside is estimated, and then the recycling price is obtained.

To be honest, Lu Chuan was in shock at the moment the building was recovered.

"Even buildings can be recycled, this...this...damn, it's developed." After Lu Chuan was dumbfounded, he cheered.

With this recycling function, should I worry about not having money to spend?

Lu Chuan, who was worried about the lack of funds to spend before, was simply too happy, because with this calculation, countless cities in the last days...

"Wait, this Zhongtai Building is also among the top ten buildings in Zhongzhou City. Its recycling price is more than 67 million? Is there any mistake?"

Soon, Lu Chuan discovered something wrong, that is, the value of recycling was too low.

Ordinarily, this high-rise building is worth billions, but now it is only more than 60 million, which has shrunk by more than a hundred times.

After searching Lu Chuan found the instructions.


Seeing the explanation, Lu Chuan felt a moment of loss. In fact, when he recycles this building, it is only calculated based on the value of scrap steel and the value of the items in the building, because in these last days, are these remaining high-rise buildings valuable?

The answer is of course no.

Put it here, like ruins, worthless.

It can be recycled to more than 60 million, simply because there are many items in it, and some items have a certain value. Otherwise, if it is just a high-rise building, maybe this scrap iron and steel can sell for several million, which is very good. .

I thought I had found a way to get rich, but who would have thought that there are many restrictions here.

"One building is tens of millions, ten buildings are hundreds of millions, and a hundred buildings are billions. It is absolutely not a problem to empty the entire city and contribute hundreds of billions. In addition, gold, antiques, and a large number of various There must be trillions of metal-like metals."

With such an analysis, Lu Chuan was immediately happy.

The price of recycling is a bit low, but it can't hold up a lot.

A Zhongzhou city is worth trillions. How many cities are there in China? What about the world?

The value of countless precious metals, antiques, etc., will not be diminished, which means that the value of these antiques in the process of human civilization does not know how many trillions.

Lu Chuan looked at the dilapidated city, but at this moment, his eyes lit up.

"These are all money."

In Lu Chuan's eyes, there was already a golden light.

How to describe it, that is, there is no need to worry about funds anymore. I am really short of money. If I go to a remote city that is unlikely to be used, I will recycle this city and money will no longer be a problem.

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