Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 871: rich

In the competition, should I have a conversation first?

Lu Chuan is not so boring. How many villains in movies are turned over because of too much talk.

Remember, in battle, talk less and you will be done.

Another point is that there are hundreds of spore shooters on the other side. They are hidden behind the phalanx, and they start to enter a fighting state for the first time.

"This girl is too cunning and insidious."

The other party must have guessed that she had a single shadow blade in her hand, and the shadow blade wanted to be invisible and could not be equipped with armor. This gave her a chance.

The first is the strongest, the other's mind is not like a woman.

How should I put it, the other party didn't have a hint of kindness, so he decided how to solve himself when he shot.

In comparison, Lu Chuan is not as good as the other.


"Blue Winged Angel, tackle Spore Archer first."

Lu Chuan issued an instruction. She did it first, but she ignored one point. This was the terrible trump card in her hand. The speed of the blue-winged angel was almost comparable to teleportation.

Upon receiving Lu Chuan's instruction, the blue-winged angel moved, and it shook behind Lu Chuan as if it had disappeared.

In fact, it was flying, at an incredible speed, with a faint blue light, spanning almost five kilometers, and then appeared in front of the Spore Shooter.

How long does it take for five kilometers?

One second.

Yes, this is the terrible thing about blue-winged angels.

No matter how strong the blue-winged angel is, it still needs to faithfully execute Lu Chuan's instructions, so its hand turned out to be a bone sword, which was severely cut out.

Lu Chuan opened his mouth, because this bone sword was too big and too long, and the blue-winged angel using it was more like a child dancing a big sword.

But in the blue-winged angel's hands, this bone sword was like nothing, and was used freely by it.

With just one blow, the spore shooter in front of him was cut in half by it.

If this is the case, it would be too low to underestimate the strength of the blue-winged angel, but this kind of watermelon cutting, even if one knife is used, how long will it take to destroy more than two million zombies here?

After cleaving the spore shooter in front of him, the blue-winged angel suddenly raised his head and shook his body. In an instant, countless rays burst out of his body.

Wherever these rays went, they penetrated the zombies within a few kilometers.

The scary thing is that the ray does not need to blow the head. Its powerful energy directly destroys the body of the zombie. After the zombie is hit, the energy directly roasts it into a human body.

With this blow, I don't know how many zombies died.

The zombies within this range have no lively words. The seventh-level spore shooter didn't even have a reaction, a mouthful of spore material was too late to spit out, and they became punctured corpses.

In the horrible scene, the opponent's eyes almost came out.

Maybe in her imagination, she had the chance to win, but the terrible blue-wing angel brought her back to reality abruptly.

I'm afraid she would never have thought beforehand that she would face such a perverted opponent.

There are more than two million level zombies, and the lowest level is also a level two zombies. This strength is definitely the top existence among the same level.

She was supposed to be slinging others' strength, but now she was being shackled. This kind of gap made her almost crazy.


Frustrated, she gave orders as if she had lost her composure.

Countless zombies began to agitate, activated under her instructions, and forced them to Luchuan. This kind of millions of zombies moved, and the whole ground shook, making a rumbling sound.

The number of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws in the sky reached hundreds of thousands, and the air legion they formed was really shocking.

As soon as the air legion moved, it was like a dark cloud covering the earth.

After solving the spore shooter, Lu Chuan showed a faint smile, and also gave an order: "Blue-winged angel, display your strongest strength, I want to win this battle."

Shadow blade in your hand?

With the blue-winged angel in his hand, the 13,000 shadow blades in his hand are more like decorations for replenishment.

The blue-winged angel flashed and disappeared frantically. Every time it appeared, it would burst out with a blue light, and every time this light, it emptied a large area.

The blue-winged angel soaring into the sky plunged into the flying corpse of zombies in the sky, shining crazily several times in a row.

Corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws fell from the sky like rain.

Hundreds of thousands of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claw groups disappeared into the sky in less than a minute, turned into black raindrops, and fell to the ground.


The huge corpse dragon smashed down and abruptly smashed into a mud pit.

Countless corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws smashed down, raising a layer of dust.

The blue-winged angels were carrying out Lu Chuan's instructions and fell into the tyrant t-003 group again. These zombies wearing heavy armor could not withstand these death rays. As long as they were hit, they would be cut. The end of the hole.

More than two million zombies were killed by the blue-winged angel, but in a few blinks, there were few left.

How to describe it?

It just doesn't give people a chance to react. When the opponent is confused, the battle has been resolved.

The strongest existence, it is totally unreasonable.

When the blue-winged angel slowly fell in front of Lu Chuan, there was no more zombies on the other side that could stand up. They all turned into corpses.

Alone, only the woman stood.

As for this woman, she was trembling all over, her face turned pale, she never dreamed that there would be such a result.

The other party did not lose a single hair, but defeated her.

This defeat was so tragic that it almost cleared her to zero. This man is too cruel.

Lu Chuan watched silently, sighed slightly, did not say anything, after judging that he had won, Lu Chuan left this fighting space.

"It could have been merciful, but strength is not allowed."

Lu Chuan stood up, how pitiful the other party was? This is the other party's business. If he loses, what is the difference from her?

Cruelty is the subject of competition.

Withdrawal from the fighting space, the facts are not over yet, because there will be a link in asset evaluation, which involves Lu Chuan's subsequent gains.

30% of assets, this reward is not a big deal.

Like Lu Chuan, the current assessment is probably at the level of five trillion US dollars.

30%, it may be US$15 trillion, which is equivalent to RMB 10 trillion. If this sum of money is used by Lu Chuan, he can spend it again.

Lu Chuan still has some expectations, because the opponent's strength is too great. I don't know what her assets will be.

The assessment was quick, and Lu Chuan saw the other party's information soon.

Du Meiqi, with assets of US$8 trillion.

This information is very simple, but when Lu Chuan saw the eight trillion yuan, he still couldn't calm down, because the information revealed in it was really horrifying.

Eight trillion dollars, what is this concept? Using Apple as a measure, it takes the market value of nearly four Apple companies to add up to have her company as big as a single company.

To be sure, the company she controls on her plane Earth is like a giant.

Immediately, Lu Chuan was excited again.

30% of the US$8 trillion is US$2400 billion, which is equivalent to RMB 16 trillion. This sum of money is really...

Lu Chuan was a little hard to calm down. The last time he succeeded in his defense, he suddenly earned several trillion yuan, and he has made his own development like riding a rocket.

Now, nearly 16 trillion, Lu Chuan doesn't know how to spend it.

16 trillion, how many zombies can be produced?

Like a shadow blade of 10 million, it directly exploded one hundred thousand, eighty thousand, it was all trivial.

Once he had the money, Lu Chuan was not bad at all. For Lu Chuan, any blockade is just floating, because his money is too much to spend.

About a minute later, a prompt sound appeared.

"Ding, you get 10,000 competitive points."

"Ding, you got twenty-four hundred billion dollars in funding."

The appearance of the two pieces of information completely ignited Lu Chuan's passion. In this world, what is more exciting than now?

The most important competitive points, as well as 16 trillion in money, simply made Lu Chuan want to cheer.

Earlier, Lu Chuan said that money is a set of numbers, but when this set of numbers is so big that it makes people crazy, even Lu Chuan is no exception. It's the same crazy, and it's hard to be self.

However, Lu Chuan quickly calmed down, his eyes narrowed, and once again set his sights on the ranking list. He only won one game. The ranking has changed, but he only advanced a few million, compared with the previous billion. Besides, there is no difference.

After a few minutes, the game ended. How could Lu Chuan stop?

"You will be the second game."

Lu Chuan's eyes were cold, staring at one of the numbers, and he submitted the application for competition without hesitation.

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