Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 873: Level 8 data

Super Zombie Factory 873 Author Rainwater Full text 3809 words

With millions of points, Lu Chuan did not go to the sports mall to redeem technology because it was not yet time. In many cases, the emergence of a technology is driven by the development of other industries. Like engine technology, technology is one, but the material has a very large impact in it. In addition to materials, there are many reasons that also affect the performance of an engine. Lu Chuan’s current top priority is actually to take down the technology in the biochemical factory mall and thoroughly understand it. But with points in his hands, it's different. The entire city of competition will be open to you, as long as you have points and enough points, you will be the **** in the city of competition. Leaving the sports center, Lu Chuan stood in front of the gate of the sports center. "I need to buy a villa with 20,000 points." The city of competition is like the smartest, or virtual city, where you can always have the power to call for intelligence. It should be said that here, like a mythical world, you only need to send out your thoughts, and the corresponding intelligence will appear to serve you. Here, many things are beyond your imagination. After Lu Chuan sent out the idea, tens of thousands of villa locations appeared in Lu Chuan's mind, and their prices were all positioned at 20,000 points. A villa with 20,000 points can be regarded as a relatively top category when placed in the City of Competitiveness. It takes two competitive victories to obtain it. Top not mean top. The real top is the manor, which requires millions of points. Lu Chuan can afford to buy it now, but it is not necessary. When there are more points in the future, it can be considered. In Lu Chuan's eyes, the villa with 20,000 points is already very good. There is no need to own a more luxurious villa. After all, the points are hard to come by. Millions of points seem to be many, in fact, when you open the sports mall, you will find that it is really not much. The villa is naturally the most comfortable if it is on the beach. Lu Chuan chose a villa in District D9. The 20,000-point villa is a two-building villa with a separate yard. It is large and fully equipped. You only need to enter it. After the selection, this villa immediately entered Lu Chuan's information, and after deducting the competitive points, it became Lu Chuan's house. Not only that, Lu Chuan also spent a thousand points to purchase an exclusive floating car. The exclusive floating car can be customized, and you can have any look you want. Lu Chuan doesn't have too many requirements, just the original model. This type of suspension car is very different from the Volkswagen suspension car, and people know what it represents at a glance. At the same time, it has many permissions, which are not available in the service-type suspension vehicle of the city of competition. After choosing to purchase, the suspended car appeared in front of Lu Chuan within a few minutes. Since it is exclusive, it also records Lu Chuan's information. People who are not outside Lu Chuan can't use this floating vehicle. The larger, longer, and more spacious interior space made Lu Chuan marvel at the level of technology and luxury contained in the suspended vehicle after getting into the suspended vehicle. With Luchuan, the levitation vehicle appeared over Luchuan's villa in D9 area after ten minutes. The suspended vehicle landed and Lu Chuan walked out of it. Facing the sea, it has a small private jetty, a huge garden, two-story villas, a huge swimming pool, and apron. Like movie theaters, etc., this is the most common configuration. The land area contained in the entire villa is very large. From the main entrance to the villa, electric vehicles are needed as a means of transportation. Of course, compared to the manor, it was still a lot worse. If this villa is placed in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it would take at least billions to win it. "From now on, this will be my home." This feeling is indeed very good, but it is a pity that Lu Chuan has not stayed for a long time, and it is destined that the utilization rate of this villa will not be too high. The feeling after points is indeed good, giving people a brand new experience. Once the competition starts, many restrictions and services in the entire city will be open to you, which can be said to be the existence of the master. In particular, Lu Chuan has ranked in 100 million, and the privileges he has in the city of competition are not small, and it is not comparable to before. There is a villa, a car, and points... Lu Chuan has positioned where he wants to go, this is the points bar, and everyone who can step into it is an elite-level factory owner. In the city of competition, there is almost all-weather recognition. Like here, your identity is automatically recognized. If you can enter, it will naturally go smoothly. If you can't, you won't be able to enter at all. Lu Chuan has entered 100 million, so he is naturally qualified to enter here. Unlike the previous place, this place is actually a place of interest. In the past, Lu Chuan wanted to obtain information, but he did not have points. It was very difficult to obtain useful information. But now it is different. With enough points, Lu Chuan can find someone to redeem the information he wants. The benefit field is good, but as long as you have points, the information you get will help you tremendously. Lu Chuan does not introduce paying points, as long as the information obtained is worthwhile. "A cup of Phantasy Star." After Lu Chuan sat at the bar and wanted to tell his needs, Phantasy Star was sent to Lu Chuan, and the price of ten points was directly deducted. Ten points, here, is considered a relatively cheap alcohol. Since it is not a specially customized wine, the experience is naturally much weaker, but Lu Chuan had to marvel when he drank it in his mouth. The wine was really good. Alcohol on the earth is probably hard to compare with it. After drinking, the next step is to purchase information. This seems to be a leisure place for the bosses of the upper class, but it is actually a place of trading. "Beauty, are you interested in making a deal?" As a normal man, how could Lu Chuan not find a woman when making a deal? This is not nature, but the nature of men. In front of Lu Chuan was a slightly **** woman, sitting on the sofa alone, sipping her wine lightly. Hearing Lu Chuan's straightforward words, the other party smiled and shook the wine glass lightly. With a little teasing on his face, he said, "Little man, do you want to make a deal with me? Me, or?" Also blinked. "It's probably another fairy." Lu Chuan raised his brows. The people here are old fried dough sticks, and none of them are simple characters. In front of them, he is a cute new person. To deal with this kind of people, you don't need to be polite with them, just get to the subject. They will come here, in fact, thinking about using their information to earn a point. No one would dislike having too many points in their hands. The points are in the city of competition, which almost represents the bargaining chip of God. Lu Chuan said quietly, "I need information about all eighth-level zombies. The most careful one, let's make a price." The other party didn't expect Lu Chuan to be like this. She was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lu Chuan again: "I don't breathe, I know. Do you know how many people are willing to provide this information?" Lu Chuan asked back. This information is actually not a secret. Those who want to raise the price, or those who have other thoughts, should save it, because she is not the only one who sells this information. Lu Chuan's words made this woman angry. Indeed, there are many people who need this information, but there are also many people who can provide this information, and she doesn't have to be here. After thinking about this, the woman suddenly smiled and said, "200,000 points." In fact, the people who can provide this information only have tens of thousands of points. They have fallen in love with them. Fighting, it is possible to earn millions of points. Therefore, these two hundred thousand points are really not much. Lu Chuan frowned, and the 200,000 points still exceeded his expectations. To know Level 7 information, I didn't spend any money at all, but now at Level 8 it would cost 200,000 points, which made Lu Chuan feel the pain. What is the concept of 200,000 points? If you don't get 500 million, you need to play 20 games. If you are unlucky and all lose, there will only be 5,000 points in one game, which requires 40 games. In an ideal state, 20 or 30 games will definitely not escape. How many people, ten or twenty years, can't get so many competitive points. Because it’s not that you just come back after you lose, after deducting 30% of your assets, you want to make up this money through profit, which may take several years. After a few years, just fill up, and still need to make more money and create enough zombies to participate in the competition again, which may take several years. It is also possible to compete once in a competition, if the development is not ideal, once every ten years. In this case, the 200,000 points makes people feel hopeless. But think about it, 200,000 points are exchanged for all the information of the eighth level, and it is still very careful, is this too much? Not many, because the difficulty of unlocking zombies after level eight can also make people desperate. Seeing Lu Chuan's hesitation, the **** woman said, "This is the lowest market price. There are hidden rules for transactions like this one. The first is blockade, and the second is that the price cannot be lower than this." Not surprisingly, if this were not the case, some of this news would have been flying all over the sky. The people in the upper echelons are terrified of these monopolies. Lu Chuan nodded and said, "The deal." Lu Chuan can still afford 200,000 points. The key is to obtain this information and improve himself as soon as possible. Now that he is within 100 million, as long as he wins one game, he will have a million points. The woman smiled and said, "Reliable." The transaction was quickly completed, and a piece of information was in Lu Chuan's hands, and Lu Chuan's points were once again shrunk by 200,000 points. When the points were received, the woman became curious and said, "Little man, you are very strong. People who have not unlocked the eighth-level zombie can hardly earn these 200,000 points." Lu Chuan glanced at the information, don't worry about it. It was false, this was a trade protected by the City of Competitiveness. Once it was false, the price she paid was beyond imagination. Actually... Lu Chuan understood that as long as he wanted to, he could have a relationship with the other party beyond friendship. But this woman, no matter how you look at it, is definitely not young anymore. Being able to be so **** and young is naturally the reason for genetic enhancement. "Whether strong or not, only my woman knows best." Lu Chuan blinked his eyes and left. After leaving the bar, Lu Chuan obtained the communication function through his mind, and the first time he pulled An Yuran into the communication range. There are naturally many people with the same name and surname. After paying 10,000 points, Lu Chuan still locked in the person he was looking for, An Yuran.

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