Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 890: Buy buy buy

   When Sun Jiangong led everyone out of the dungeon, he happened to stay inside for a week.


   This week is an unforgettable memory for them.


   Fortunately, all parties are well prepared, and there is no worrying scene. For a week, I am not alone. No one can say that I can't stand alone and go crazy and do extreme things.


   In fact, during this week, most people were having fun.


   Virtual games are indeed a good way to enter the game, a week is too short for them.


   Now that time is over, they are rather reluctant to give up.


   Coming out of the dungeon, because of the existence of the light projector, they constantly simulate the light from the outside world, and there is no problem of saying that they are not adapted to the light. They appear very natural.




   When they first came out, they saw the collapsed wall, full of gunpowder after the war.


   The one-hundred-meter-high wall collapsed, and the entire ground trembled before. They were worried and afraid in the dungeon, but they didn't know what was going on.


   Now when I look at the collapsed wall, I suddenly realize what is happening outside.


   There are some fences, and a huge hole can be seen from a cannonball. The structure inside the fence is torn apart.


   Through this collapsed wall, the interior of Nakasu City is full of holes, and countless high-rise buildings have turned into rubble. In the underground city, the endless aftermath of the explosion should have been caused by the attack on the city.


   Obviously, during the week they entered the dungeon, there was a war here.


   Don't know what, they become nervous.


   "Does the boss still have enemies?"


   "Who is winning now?"


   This question, they are eager to know.


  Sun Jiangong and the others are also a little uneasy. The boss will have opponents, which is completely unexpected. Looking at the current results, it seems not very good.


   Soon, Sun Jiangong thought of something, and he calmed down.


   They lifted the order to leave the dungeon, and it was issued by the boss. This does not mean that the boss must have won the battle.


   3.7 million people walked out of the dungeon. They stood here a little dazed, covered in darkness, beyond the edge.


   Immediately, the corpse dragon appeared, screamed, and appeared with the pod.


   "The boss is mighty."


   No matter how sluggish people are, the boss must have won this battle. Otherwise, the corpse dragons that cannot appear can not be sent back to the settlement by the corpse dragon.


   Waves of shouts resounded through the clouds.


   More and more corpse dragons appeared from the direction of Nakasu City, and then landed.


   When Lu Chuan appeared riding a Shenlong, the scene was even more frenetic, and countless people were shouting the boss's mighty slogan. No matter who the opponent is, the result is that the boss has won, which is worthy of their happiness.


   Since it was a little chaotic when I left the dungeon, the formations and the like were naturally a little chaotic.


  Using the zombie dragon's pod, transportation is still limited.


   is very simple, this time directly let 3.7 million people, except some of them were transported by gondola, the others all walked towards the settlement of Shanshi County.


   Less than forty kilometers, and so many people walking in groups, it’s nothing.


   A team of 3.7 million people headed toward the settlement in a mighty manner. It may be the reason for staying in the dungeon for a week, and now appearing outside, this feeling made them walk, but it was excited and anticipating.


   Next, it is also the administrative staff who test the settlement.


   The aftermath of the settlement, the end of the dungeon, and the later work of Nakasu City are not trivial matters. This will reflect the ability of the administrative department.


   Fortunately, this time the siege, he did not destroy the settlement, which has reduced the loss a lot.


   When the settlement was relocated, it was like an arsenal. Once it was destroyed, it would take at least half a year of construction before it could be restored to its current manufacturing level.


  There are also various buildings, etc., which may make millions of people homeless.


   Fortunately, Lu Chuan forced the opponent very tightly, so that the opponent did not have the leisure to do something that was meaningless to the outcome.


   Of course, once the war is deadlocked, the opponent will definitely use the settlement to vent their anger.


   It is easy to destroy, but difficult to build.


   The other party really used the settlement to vent their anger. The result may be that millions of people can only live in the dungeon for the time being, and there will be no way to return to the settlement for at least half a year.


   After everyone returned to the settlement, all work was as usual again.


   A complete supervision system has allowed everyone to return to their jobs and devote themselves to work.


   This machine of millions of people, restarted.


   The wall needs to be rebuilt, so the settlement allocated another million people to participate in the restoration. Anything in the arsenal started to manufacture weapons.


  Meeting room in the colony.


   When Lu Chuan appeared here, all the high-ranking officials were in place.


   When I saw the boss, everyone stood up.


   Lu Chuan sat on the chief, looked around, then pressed his hand.


After everyone sat down, Lu Chuan said: "Before we had always been very restrained and did not take too much step forward. That was because the time was not ripe. Now, the time has come to take a big step forward. We should increase our efforts and strive for two years. Here, take Asia."


  As soon as Lu Chuan's words fell, everyone below became excited, and clapped unconsciously one by one.


   To win Asia, this goal is very big.


   There are enough settlements in the entire China, plus other Asian countries, it is huge. It is estimated that the population will increase to a level of 70 million.


   As long as Asia has been won, what's next?


   Everyone’s thoughts are already in the global scope. It depends on the boss's appearance, not only the Asian master, it may be the global master.


   Under the will of the last days, the entire world has been disrupted, shattering all beliefs and nations. In the case of longing for peace, no one would mind who would rule them.


   It can be said that now is the best time.


   If it is missed, it will be difficult for the survivors from all over the world to recover their countries and regimes.


  Everyone has become eagerly fists. Isn't this an opportunity for them?


   Founding of the country, as long as they think of this word, they are full of energy.


   The meeting is short, but the boss's meaning is obvious. Under this premise, the people under them naturally know what to do. What they need is to refine the boss's goals and turn this generalization into feasible plans.


   There are corpse dragons under the boss, and they can almost be said to be invincible. It may not take two years to win Asia.




   dropped this general goal, and there is no need for Lu Chuan to worry about the next thing.


  I promoted them to each position, in fact, what they want is that they can exert their abilities and work for themselves.


   If even this is not done well, they are not qualified to sit in this position.


   To accomplish this huge goal, it is obviously impossible to rely solely on Lu Chuan. This requires countless survivors to work together, as well as the cooperation of the zombie army.


   After the meeting, Lu Chuan did not stay long in the settlement, but returned to the biochemical factory.


   Lu Chuan first opened the manufacturing panel. There are still tens of thousands of Shadow Blades that have not been manufactured. Once completed, Lu Chuan will have more than half a million Shadow Blades in his hands, which is terrifying.


   Shadow Blade has always been Lu Chuan's current trump card, and the Shadow Blade troops will not be released.


   In order to cope with the Asian unification plan this time, the current number of zombies is not enough.


   There used to be no money, but now it’s different. Lu Chuan is not short of money.


   "Made, a million bloodthirsty claws."


   "Manufacturing, 300,000 corpse dragons."


   "Manufacturing, 300,000 Tyrant t-003."


   "Made, 300,000 lickers."


   Lu Chuan sighed and smashed the production of almost two million zombies. This amount is enough for the biochemical plant to be busy for a month.


   Among the many zombies, the licker has always been a kind of zombie that Lu Chuan valued. It belongs to the reptile zombies and has good speed. In addition, it is agile and has a strong concealment of movement. It can be said to be a real flying wall when climbing.


   Enough lickers, for example, when you need to conquer a ground, they are more efficient than the 300,000 tyrant t-003.


   arranged a list of these zombies. Although the money spent was huge, it was nothing compared to the harvest. Lu Chuan held a lot of money.


   Anyway, this fund can't be used in modern times. It can only be consumed in modern times. Lu Chuan is more unscrupulous when it is spent.


   After making zombies, Lu Chuan's eyes turned to the Biochemical Factory Mall again.


   I didn’t have any money before, but now it’s different. I have enough funds, and I can finally scan the goods in the Biochemical Factory Mall.


   I used to be fancy but I didn't have the money to buy it. Now there are no restrictions.


   "Open the mall."


  In my mind, the biochemical factory mall opened.


   Lu Chuan first came to the science and technology category. For example, the global hawk's complete set of technology was worth 30 trillion yuan, and Lu Chuan did not hesitate to buy it.


   Don’t look at expensive. After purchasing the entire set of Global Hawk technology, it involves so many industries that the price of technology has begun to drop drastically.


   "Pangu full platform operating system, 2 trillion?"




  Isn't the U.S. imperialism restrictive? This Pangu full-platform operating system is very powerful. It is a general-purpose system. It can be used on almost any platform, from mobile phones to computers to tablets... It has powerful performance and saves electricity than the current Android and Apple systems. 70%, and its performance has increased by 80%.


   What is this concept? When it is put in the outside world, it will definitely cause a worldwide sensation.


   2 trillion, it’s too valuable to spend.


   And Lu Chuan's eyes are aimed at the chip semiconductor.


   China’s weakest is chip semiconductors. Even the well-known Zhonghua Youwei company can only rank 12th in the world, in the second and third echelons.


Why did the U.S. dare to block it at every turn? It’s not because their products have the highest performance in the world. If they don’t use their products, the performance of mobile phones may drop by 40-60%, and it will completely lose competition. Eliminated by the market.


   Now the outside world is facing this problem is getting more and more intense, and Baichuanguihai company only has made achievements in virtual technology and ar technology, and has not participated in it.


   Lu Chuan didn't have the energy before. Now that the siege is over, Lu Chuan has time to play with them.


  Like someone special, claiming that 5g is a must-win war, and for this reason, he has also promoted countless bills, abruptly allowing the defeated Qualcomm to obtain the 5g standard.


   Since this is the case, Lu Chuan is not polite, and he just lifted the table so that they could not play.


At present, 5g commercial has not been put into use, and before each carrier has invested a huge amount of money, Lu Chuan intends to directly launch 6g at this point in time, and it is still mature 6g technology, so that they are not even qualified to play. Cut off this market.


   It is all about investing. With 6g, who would spend a lot of money to play 5g?


   As long as there is no problem with the head, I know how to choose.


   Even if there are some countries who are looking forward to the beautiful emperor, but facing the gap between 5g and 6g, as long as they don't want to be torn by the national life, they know what to do.


   "Hey, I don’t know what kind of wonderful expression will be on the face of someone at that time?"


   Lu Chuan laughed. What he wants to play this time is not just an industry, but the most critical industry.


   (make up Saturday, thank you everyone!)

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