Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 895: Clear out

   In the entire R&D department, if you suspect anyone, you cannot doubt Director Li.

   But when the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs read out Director Li's name, everyone was stunned, looking at Li Taining in surprise and disbelief.

"how is this possible?"

   "If you doubt anyone, you should not doubt Director Li."

   People in the department, discuss it.

   As for Li Taining, the whole person shuddered from excitement, his face was full of grief and anger, and he said, "Did you make a mistake? You want to investigate me?"

Li Taining flushed with anger, and he said excitedly: "How sincere was the sincerity of the Baichuan Guihai Company, and I finally returned to China with the idea of ​​working for the country, but now you Suspect me?"

   Li Taining only felt ridiculous and irritating. It was not the sincerity of the Baichuan Guihai Company that moved him at the beginning, and there were people at the national level who came forward. It was impossible for him to return to China and enter the Baichuan Guihai Company.

   But now, the Ministry of Internal Affairs doubts itself?

   Not to mention Li Taining, everyone in the department is also aggrieved.

   Director Li is also the chief R&D engineer overseas. His achievements and a series of titles are admirable, and his achievements have attracted worldwide attention.

   If you talk about salary, Director Li's annual salary is almost ten million dollars, and he owns a large villa and so on.

   What the **** is this Ministry of Internal Affairs?

   There was no expression on the brawny man's face. He stared at Li Taining and said, "Are there any mistakes? When it comes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will naturally be clear."

   Li Taining was annoyed and said, "I want to see Zhong Hua, no... I want to see Lu Chuan."

   The brawny man with a cold face, he turned on the light projector and formed a virtual screen in front of everyone. Then there were many materials listed on it. He clicked again, and the virtual screen was refracted into an AR projection.

  Everyone can see the content.

"Li Taining, in fact, within less than a year of studying abroad, you were absorbed by the U.S. intelligence agency and became their foreign member. After graduation, under their arrangements, you entered these famous companies, from Google to Qualcomm, then Apple, then Microsoft."

"I have to say that you are indeed a genius, with unimaginable strength in these fields. But your true identity is a special talent agent among the beautiful agents. Your achievements are your own abilities. ."

"Even if our Baichuan Guihai Company did not invite you, you will eventually return to China under the arrangement of the US intelligence department, or some coincidence, to enter certain departments, and then according to your imagination, you will penetrate step by step. These departments have become the core personnel in the departments."

   "It's just the rise of the Baichuan Guihai Company, which made the US intelligence department change its mind, and finally let you enter the Baichuan Guihai Company."

   The strong man slowly said that people like Li Taining may not be exposed for their entire lives. They will play for the country all their lives. This is a time of peace.

   If it were wartime, their role would be greater.

   Li Taining's face remained angry, as if the other person was talking about another person. He sneered and said: "It's just a funny talk, this is your one-sided analysis, right? Haha, this kind of company, it is really chilling that I am blinded before entering work here."

   The strong man said: "Li Taining, I haven't finished talking yet."

   Soon, under the operation of the strong man, more and more information was presented. Starting from studying abroad, Li Taining sent some special information, as well as the people he had contact with. The background of this person was traced back to more contact information, and finally transferred to the US Intelligence Agency.

   And one month before Li Taining returned to China, his whereabouts, and the information sent out, under the combination, the content presented, so that all people watching the AR projection have their mouths open.

   is more like a confusing and suspenseful reconnaissance film. The plot composed of these materials is much more than a Hollywood blockbuster, and it is the most exciting one.

   At this moment, even idiots know that the Ministry of Internal Affairs really controls everything about Li Taining.

   If he was still thinking about struggling before, now Li Taining would be left alarmed. Of course he knew that these things were true, because he had experienced them.

   Just, why is the other party so clear?

   Even the US Intelligence Agency cannot have such complete and clear information.

   Many materials need to be retrieved from the camera, and some of the images are already 20 or 30 years ago, how can they be found?

   At this moment, Li Taining was even more shocked at being discovered.

  As a skilled person, Li Taining understands how difficult it is to do all this. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is almost necessary to control the entire U.S. Emperor's network, and it needs to go through huge data processing to find so much information.

   Unexpectedly, Baichuan Guihai Company would finish all this in silence.

   This also means that, in fact, in front of the Baichuan Guihai Company, there is no secret at least for the public.

   Li Taining’s mobile phone was also silently monitored by Baichuan Guihai Company, because some of the contact information he sent that seemed to have nothing to do with his family, everything was pieced together to form what he really wanted to express.

   Only the US Intelligence Agency in charge of him can piece together the content, but here it has already been pieced together. How can this not surprise Li Taining?

   "It's over."

   At this moment, Li Taining's heart is ashamed.

   This time he came to Baichuan Guihai Company for virtual technology.

   The terrible virtual technology is more important than 5G technology. The U.S. emperor directly raised the virtual technology to the point where it matched the fortune of the country, and it was also on top of 5G technology.

   The combination of virtual technology and AR light and shadow technology has a great military effect. It completely subverts the military and is a revolution.

   In this regard, China has already carried out a large number of tests, and it has even been put into use in special departments and units.

   Early US reconnaissance planes and satellites discovered many previous targets and disappeared, and no more information can be obtained.

   The military was panicking, and he was secretly contacted and sent over.

   I didn't expect that after hiding so deeply, he would be found by Baichuan Guihai Company. This is still before I did it, if I really did any small movements, I am afraid it will be exposed sooner?

   This Ministry of Internal Affairs is daunting.

   The brawny man didn't say any more, and with a wave of his hand, someone immediately buckled Li Taining, and then was taken away with the others.

   The rest of the people all looked at each other, and have not yet reacted to the shocking news.


   Li Taining was taken away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This information set off a huge wave in the R&D center.

   But soon, everyone discovered that they were going to be numb.

   Important figures in the R&D center, from R&D personnel to management, all-encompassing, were taken away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was authorized by Huaxia, almost equated them with national law enforcement agencies. What will happen to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

   Li Taining is considered a huge wave, but among the people who were taken away, there were still a few who were no less than Li Taining.

   Some of these people are from the U.S. and some from other countries.

   Mainly dominated by NATO countries. After all, they have been carrying out a technical blockade against China. The scientific and technological strength of Baichuan Guihai Company frightened them. They understood the importance of science and technology and naturally sent effective agents the first time.

   This storm has blown every subsidiary company of Baichuan Guihai Company.

   With the cooperation of the public security system, the Ministry of Internal Affairs keeps people being taken away.

   In just three days, more than two hundred people were taken away. It can be imagined that there are so many spies and agents lurking in Baichuan Guihai Company.

   These people first passed through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Baichuan Guihai, and then transferred to the public security department. How to deal with it, the state-owned state law, it is not that Baichuan Guihai Company needs to interfere.

  Baichuanguihai company headquarters.

   When a person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs appeared in the data management center, a staff member working here suddenly violent. He took out the gun from the computer room, and the first time he shot the person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


   The sound of gunfire caused a shock in the headquarters.

   It's a pity that the opponent is sturdy, but after more than ten seconds, he was caught by hard life.

   "Devil, you are the devil." The agent struggled and yelled, but no one paid any attention to him and dragged him away like a dead dog.

   No one will notice the panic in his eyes, and no one will think about what he has experienced in these ten seconds.

   When he approached the door from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he knew that he must have been exposed. He who held it was dead and wanted to destroy this place. Originally, he wanted to shoot a few people and try to spend more time to destroy this data center. Who would have thought that the target he shot would simply ignore him. The bullet, just rushed up and subdued him?

   He can guarantee that the first member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who rushed up shot him at least five times.

   Not only that, he also saw that one of his shots hit the opponent's neck. In the blood spurting, the opponent seemed to have nothing to do and snatched the gun in his hand.

how is this possible?

   pierced the neck, even injured a large artery, the other party still seemed okay.

   Afterwards, there was no death.


   The internal department is a department set up by Lu Chuan, which belongs to the Ministry of Security but is independent of the Ministry of Security.

   In the security department, nine out of ten are composed of level one to level three zombies. After passing through the pretender system, they are no different from humans.

   Lu Chuan chose the zombie who was a soldier before his This also makes the security department like an army, with a strong style, each one exists as one enemy ten.

   The zombies of the security department mainly protect the company's integrity, and are also equipped with bodyguards for high-level access.

   As the most important Ministry of Internal Affairs, under the direct leadership of Lu Chuan, the all-in-one tyrant T-002, a strong man who needs strength and strength, speed and speed, and defense and defense.

   was brought to modern times, and they transformed into tall and strong men, becoming the most prestigious department in the company.

   With the relationship with the Chinese military, Lu Chuan has also won many privileges for this department. It can be said that it is a violent organization outside the national law enforcement department.

   Not only that, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs can also legally own and use guns. This shows how important the Baichuan Guihai Company is to China in China.

   may seem like a weird authorization, but in the eyes of the military, it is nothing at all. This Baichuanguihai company seems to be a weak chicken. In fact, the space-based weapons in space are extremely domineering, and they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

   Compared with this space-based weapon, this authorization is simply pediatric.

   The Ministry of Internal Affairs is a non-human setting. Any resistance, I am afraid, will make these resistance people desperate, right?

   (make up a chapter from yesterday and Friday)


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