Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 897: Sad Five G

   When Lu Chuan's words fell, cheers rang out.

  As the founder of Baichuan Guihai Company, Lu Chuan has become an idol in the minds of all young people throughout China and the world.

   Although Lu Chuan is not a celebrity, Lu Chuan's reputation is far from being comparable to a celebrity.

   Just look at the terrifying business empire of Baichuan Guihai Company, and you will find how awesome Lu Chuan is. Especially when you understand the rise of Lu Chuan, you will understand how amazing all this is.

   Their biggest wish before was to hope that Lu Chuan would appear at the press conference.

   In fact, in their hearts, they also know that this is unlikely.

   But at this moment, when they found out that Lu Chuan appeared here, and as the host, they were naturally surprised.

   "Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan..."

   Some people who were booing had already yelled rhythmically, successfully bringing a wave of yelling rhythm out, turning this press conference into a concert like a star.

   The media sighed that in this world, except for the founders of a few top large companies, it is impossible for other companies to get this treatment.

  Looking at these crazy fans, you can know how well Baichuanguihai Company is doing its products.

   on stage.

   Lu Chuan squeezed his hands and calmed the enthusiastic fans.

   "Thank you for your recognition, but our Baichuanguihai company does not engage in star chasing. It is not me who conquered, but our products."

   Lu Chuan's words immediately made everyone below laugh loudly.

After everyone laughed, Lu Chuan said, "In fact, the content of this press conference is not as popular as everyone thought. The main reason is that Baichuan Guihai has been silent for too long and needs to let everyone advertise for us to increase popularity. ."

   Media reporters all smiled knowingly.

   Baichuan Guihai Company still needs to advertise, and needs to increase its popularity?

   It is not an exaggeration to say that Baichuan Guihai Company itself has its own traffic, and any action is an action that shocks the world.

   At the level of Baichuan Guihai Company, there is no need for exposure to increase popularity.

  Many of the reporters present are working in top media, and they still know some news from the upper level. They know something about Baichuan Guihai Company, and this kind of understanding far exceeds the understanding of ordinary people.

   Space-based weapons in space, ordinary people do not know, but they do.

   The initial test firing, a weapon that is not weaker than a nuclear bomb and has no side effects, shocked the upper echelons of the world for a while.

   Space-based weapons have been proposed for twenty years, but no country can solve these technical problems.

   The superpower has certain technical reserves, but Baichuan Guihai Company has already put it into actual combat. This terrible technological gap shows the position of Baichuan Guihai Company in technology.

   It was the emergence of space-based weapons that NATO, headed by the U.S. Empire, finally retreated and did not attack the Baichuan Guihai Company by force.

   Otherwise, the launch center in Somalia will definitely be solved by NATO in the first place.

Many evidences show that the Baichuan Guihai Company has used the excuse of investment to intervene in the affairs of Somalia. It is only afraid of space-based weapons and the power that Baichuan Guihai Company has not exposed. NATO finally adopted the economic sanctions. Deal with Baichuan Guihai Company.

   These things are not known to ordinary people. Only the upper echelons of various countries, as well as some industry leaders, know some.

   Lu Chuan snapped his fingers and said, "Switching to this background is actually just for everyone to change to a more comfortable environment."

   is like a magical style, which really makes people feel novel.

  'S **** in virtual technology makes the floating islands here so real, almost everyone thinks they are in this kind of real space.

   "Well, now we will start our press conference."

   "First of all, Baichuan Guihai Company formally established a group company to subdivide its subsidiaries according to major industries, and the sub-sectors of the industry will be handled by the subsidiaries of the subsidiaries."

   This news, everyone has already guessed.

   But now that it is announced, it still makes everyone feel sigh. Baichuan Guihai Company was established less than three years ago, but its rise speed surpassed any company in human history.

  Although the number of subsidiaries of Baichuan Guihai Company is not many, the dozens of fields involved are all the top companies in this field.

   is a virtual community company alone, and the wealth it creates is no less than a medium-sized country.

  Baichuan Guihai Company has already met the requirements of the group company, but only now, Lu Chuan was established, much later than many people expected.

   The development of the group company is conducive to a simple company. From the sudden registration of 37 subsidiaries of Baichuanguihai, it can be known that Baichuanguihai has finally taken this step.

"The second is these registered companies, which means that Baichuanguihai will enter this industry. What I want to say is that companies in these industries, you have to be careful, because change is coming. "

   Lu Chuan's tone was slow, but the content was extremely domineering.

   Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Lu Chuan doesn't have a big tone.

   The industries that Baichuanguihai has entered are all subverting these industries, which can be called a revolution.

   AR light and shadow technology has subverted the special effects industry. At the same time, even venues, concerts, etc., have all been overturned by AR light and shadow technology.

  Baichuan Guihai Guangying once established, with a sweeping momentum, it captured 70% of the global market share, with revenue of nearly tens of billions of dollars per season, and directly created a giant company.

  The emerging industry is like virtual technology, so I won’t talk about it.

   Take the Baichuan Guihai Space Company as an example, it was just established, and the world’s largest launch center was built directly in Somalia. The technology involved is definitely the world's top, because the location of Somalia is not very suitable for building a launch center.

   The rocket technology demonstrated by Baichuan Guihai Space Company is completely ahead of the world.

   Although limited by some reasons, the world’s largest launch center currently has no business, but everyone knows that this is only temporary.

   The reporters at the scene may have a mediocre response to this news, but the industry executives who watched the press conference felt bad.

   Baichuan Guihai Company is technically domineering, they would not think that Lu Chuan's tone would be big.

   The 37 newly registered companies involved more industries, and this is the only thing they can doubt.

   It is not easy for a company to take the lead in any industry.

   But a company can be involved in dozens of industries, and all of them have achieved the first in the industry, which is an exaggeration. In human history, there is no such kind of company.

  Many CEOs sneered. Baichuanguihai companies are so mad that they really think that whatever industry they enter can bring about change?

  The first place in every industry is obtained after decades or even hundreds of years of accumulation. Technically, sometimes it doesn't mean that money is enough. This requires knowledge.

Lu Chuan seemed to know what everyone’s thoughts were. He said: “I know you will doubt it, but what I want to say is that we won’t keep everyone waiting, because Baichuan Guihai Company already has technical reserves, but now It’s just to bring it to the market."

"The U.S. emperor has always gone all out to win a battle called 5G. In the 5G battle, I believe everyone already knows that Zhonghua Youwei lost by one vote and failed to become the ultimate 5G. Winner. But it is undeniable that China has not lost in this 5G battle."

   "The establishment of Baichuan Guihai Company is too short, so it has not been able to participate in this 5G battle. But it does not matter, we missed 5G, we can play 6G."

"I don't know if you have noticed that we have newly established Baichuan Guihai Communication Company? Here I need to reveal a good news to you. This is that in our laboratory, 6G technology has entered the stage of experimental testing. In the event of an accident, commercial conditions will be met by the middle of next year."

   What is Shi Po Tian Jing?

   The news that Lu Chuan has revealed now can be called a shock.

  Many people stared in front of them and couldn't believe it.

   At present, 5G in the world has not yet entered the real commercial stage, and more is still in the testing stage. I don't know how many mobile phone vendors, even real 5G mobile phones have not been put into manufacturing.

   In one sentence, this world is not ready for 5G, but your sister, you are here suddenly announced that 6G technology is already in the experimental testing stage. How can people play this?

   The current rhythm, Baichuanguihai Company is completely playing the rhythm of 5G.

   Everyone knows 5G and 6G, which is another concept of heaven and earth.

   In the 4G era, people can no longer be stuck watching videos, but in some areas there is still no way to meet the conditions, such as remote control, unmanned driving, etc., 4G networks are not competent.

   The emergence of 5G has completely allowed people to enter the real intelligence. A video can be buffered in just a few seconds. The remote control will no longer be delayed or stuck.

   If 4G is compared to a small road, 5G is a highway with eight roads, which is not comparable.


   5G is awesome, but in front of 6G, it is also the sky and the earth.

   Just imagine, the eight-way highway is awesome? 6G is an airplane in the sky. There is no concept of road at all. The sky and the earth are so wide, let the rhythm of its flight.

   How many reporters have silently mourned for Qualcomm. They finally got the right to speak in 5G. Before they could be happy for long, Baichuan Guihai Company jumped out and made a face.

If Baichuan Guihai Company said to develop 6G technology, it would not be a sensation. In fact, Zhonghua Youwei and Qualcomm are also preparing 6G technology, but what Lu Chuan said is testing 6G technology, which means The Baichuan Guihai company has mastered 6G technology.

   R&D and mastery are the existence of two concepts.

   For a time, countless Huaxia reporters all became excited.

   What if Qualcomm has the right to speak in 5G? Now Baichuan Guihai Company directly used 6G to smash them when they had not made a dime.

   To be sure, Qualcomm executives will definitely vomit blood when they see the press conference.

   "Baichuan Guihai Company is awesome."

   "My face is up, I wonder if they will scold their mother when they know this news?"

   "In the face of 6G, 5G is not necessary at all. Hehe, as long as they are not idiots, these bosses of communication companies know how to choose."

   "The NATO countries are dumbfounded. They can block 5G, but how to block 6G? Really block, will they look back and find that they have become the most backward country on earth?"

   Not only reporters, but also fans, they all gloated.

   This press conference, this news alone, is worth it. Thinking of the previous US imperial NATO sanctions, how much pressure did the country endure?

   It's all right Seeing the sky, I am proud of China.

   No one thought that the technical strength of Baichuan Guihai Company was still so abnormal. It did not receive a trace of wind beforehand, but it appeared silently and domineeringly.

  Thinking about it this way, the 37 companies registered by Baichuan Guihai Company...Just think about it, the amount of information inside makes people feel terrible.

   Through the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and fans, Lu Chuan’s voice appeared on the Internet and was heard by hundreds of millions of people.

   Then, the entire network boiled.

The CEOs of the companies who were suffocated and wanted to take a share in the 5G field, when they heard what Lu Chuan said, their eyes widened, and the words "fuck" in their hearts, their pants had already taken off. But tell them, fight hard today, hurry up?

   I don’t know how many bosses who invested early, almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, this Baichuan Guihai company plays like this, isn’t it killing them?

   Those who have not invested in it yet are fortunate.

   "5G in a stillborn baby."

   "The saddest 5G era in history."

   "5G that ends without beginning."

  Countless reporters, at this moment, have already thought of the title.


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