Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 915: Unstoppable

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Moon number.

This is Lu Chuan's new name for the small planetary battleship. It has no representative meaning. Lu Chuan wants to use the moon to name it.

There is no problem with the strength of the Moon to fly out of the solar system, but its speed still cannot leave the Milky Way. It is a short-distance spacecraft.

But when placed on the earth level, it is already shocking enough.

Modern technology is far from reaching this level.

Lu Chuan did not go to other planets. No matter how fast the Moon was, it would not take a few days to make a full circle of the solar system. There was no need to waste time.

In this solar system, there is nothing worth turning around for Lu Chuan.

With the bones of these seven people, Luna returned to Earth.

The Moon burst into the atmosphere and then landed in the center of North America.

Lu Chuan took the seven bones out of the Moon, then dug seven side by side graves and buried them in them.

Not far away, Lu Chuan found a boulder, five or six tons, to be less.

Lu Chuan walked over, picked up the boulder, exerted force with his arm, and brought the boulder to the graveyard and put it down. Taking out the alloy war knife, Lu Chuan carved a line on the boulder: the tomb of all the personnel of the lunar scientific research base.

That's what Lu Chuan can do for them.

"I promised you, I did it, rest in peace." Lu Chuan said, silently watching for a few seconds before leaving.

Lu Chuan admires them more, not because of relatives.

Returning to the Luna, the Luna’s eight elevating thrusters quickly pushed the Luna into the sky, and then left North America and flew towards Nakasu.

The technological content of the Moon, not to mention North America after the end of the world, or North America before the end of the world, and the existence of the Moon cannot be found.

The moon is as fast as the flight inside the earth, and it is still above the Global Hawk.

It takes only half an hour from North America to Nakasu.

Over the city of Zhongzhou, Lu Chuan walked out of the Moon, and loaded the Moon into the storage space with a backhand.


The huge moon number disappeared.

Lu Chuan got used to it, and the storage space was expanded to more than 2,000 meters in length to fit the moon.

The biochemical factory and manufacturing workshop are still making shadow blades. In a short time, there is no way to use it to make other zombies.

After checking, the bloodthirsty claws that had reactivated, no trace of King Kong zombies were found.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry, as long as the bloodthirsty claws were willing to look for it, he would definitely find it.

With the Moon, it makes a full circle around the world, which is about an hour and a half. There is no longer any distance. As long as Lu Chuan is willing, he can reach anywhere in the world.

Even in the deep ocean below 10,000 meters, the Moon can sink. With the performance of the Moon, there is no need to worry about the water pressure.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lu Chuan returned to Hyundai again.


The modern era a year later has entered a busy rhythm.

Baichuan Guihai Group is operating at full speed, a large number of scientific and technological achievements have appeared, and the establishment of a subsidiary company has announced that it has mastered the most advanced technology in the industry.

In some industries, Baichuanguihai has even announced that it has completed a leapfrog technological lead.

Technological leadership is already terrifying, leaps and bounds, this is not on the same level at all. Leading by ten years, twenty years, there are not too many opportunities with them at all.

In particular, the company jointly established by Baichuan Guihai Group Company and Zhonghua Youwei Company has continuously released the progress of the Pangu system. The test items are extremely stable.

What's more perverted is that none of the millions of tested mobile phones has a problem, which is so perfect.

The Pangu system, which is equipped with a smart system, has performance that surpasses the two major systems of Android and Apple. From the test results, the excellence of the Pangu system has completely exceeded a level.

Because it is an intelligent system, it has a unique advantage in managing mobile phone performance allocation and storage, and there is no possibility of depositing files to occupy space. Any software that has been deleted will be cleaned up extremely clean without any remnants.

In addition, even the installed applications can be managed to temporarily compress useless ones to free up more space.

In terms of management, the intelligent system is more like a brain, directing the performance allocation of mobile phones, and time maintains the fluency of mobile phones. In use, this kind of fluency is far from comparable to the Apple system.

Compared with the assistant in the Apple system, the intelligent assistant in the Pangu system is really powerful.

More than 99% of the instructions can be correctly identified, which means that as long as you make a sound, the intelligent system can identify what your instructions are and execute them on your behalf.

From opening the application to the content in the application, such as WeChat, it can operate all the functions in WeChat, including replying and viewing information.

If you don’t need to issue instructions, you can treat the smart system as an adult.

The test items are constantly being disclosed, and the impact on the outside world is huge. Such a powerful system also made the Chinese people straighten up.

What's more terrifying is that the Pangu system can run on mobile phones, tablets, and computers. It is completely integrated with three platforms. One account can share all platforms.

It is certain that once the Pangu system has been tested, Microsoft, Apple and Google will be affected.

Wrong, it should be that they have been hit now, and their stock prices have been falling since the beginning of the test. The announcement of each test result will bring a heavy setback to the stock prices of the three companies.

Once these three companies fluctuate, other technology stocks will follow suit.

With excellent test performance and perfect compatibility, many domestic mobile phone manufacturers have indicated that new mobile phones will choose Pangu system.

With the endorsement of Baichuan Guihai Group, I don’t know how many application developers said that once the Pangu system has been tested, they will provide applications for the Pangu system as soon as possible to improve the Pangu system’s ecosystem.

The 6G technology has received the attention of the country and was tested for the first time.

Although the results have not yet come out, everyone knows that with the technical strength of Baichuanguihai Group, there is really no need to hype, and it is very likely that it really has 6G technology.

Major communication manufacturers, as well as mobile phone manufacturers, are waiting for the results of 6G technology.

The chips related to 6G technology are also the most concerned by Chinese people. Whether it is a system or 6G technology, it is actually based on chips.

If the chip is not resolved, 6G technology is just empty talk.

In fact, the test of 6G technology also tested the chip together. From some small news revealed, it seems that everything went well in the test.

Just these little news are enough to cause a great uproar. When 5G was decided to be commercialized, 6G technology was already close to commercial use. According to the announcement, 6G technology can be directly achieved by 3G and 4G over 5G.

In other words, whether you have 3G or 4G, you can upgrade to the 6G era through technical means.

This is the most deadly. How many countries have just entered the 3G era, and it is difficult for them to have enough funds to upgrade.

But now, they only need to be willing to pay to surpass 4G5G and have 6G in one step.

I don't know how many media predict that if the 6G of Baichuanguihai Group is really commercial, it can be judged that Qualcomm's 5G is completely dead. North America completely lost this competition, and even said that within ten years, it may not be able to enter the 6G era by itself.

Ten years, in the face of rapid technological changes, will completely lose the qualification to compete.

If you don’t pass yourself, I’m afraid that Feng Shui will take turns, and the entire North America will have to pay patent fees to Baichuan Guihai Group. The lifeblood of the entire country will be controlled by Baichuan Guihai Group.

All of this is unbearable in North America and unacceptable in Europe as a whole.

But now, regardless of whether they accept it or not, the era has begun. Unless they close the country and lock the door, they will inevitably be greatly affected.

"The power of the times cannot be stopped."

The media gave the answer immediately. If they really lock the country, they will only be thrown away by the country headed by China, and they will eventually become a second-rate country or even an underdeveloped country.

The changes brought about by technological forces affect the global situation.

North America is still drawing on Europe, and has imposed a blockade against the Baichuan Guihai Group, including sanctions.

From chips to all imported parts, restrictions have been made to prevent them from flowing into China. At the same time, in these areas, any products of Baichuan Guihai Group Company are prohibited from entering.

Changing to other companies, facing this kind of dilemma, it is difficult to have a solution.

But Baichuan Guihai Group Company is not because it is too rich and its technical force is too strong. For all the blocked parts, Baichuan Guihai Group Co., Ltd. has directly authorized the technology with major manufacturers in China, from small to a screw, from ordinary parts to core parts, all localized.

Moreover, the products brought by these technologies far exceed those of North America, which consider themselves the world's leading manufacturers.

Baichuan Guihai Group has also become a company with a complete manufacturing chain and does not need to rely on other companies.

Once the news was announced, it was absolutely a disaster for technology companies in North America and Europe.

Even if they questioned it again, Baichuan Guihai Group did not explain at all. Instead, it announced the first smart wearable phone completely manufactured by its subsidiary company and demonstrated its sturdy performance.

The smart wearable mobile phone is similar to a wristwatch, but it is powerful enough to form a virtual screen. With its brainwave connection, it also has an intelligent system. It can be operated by just a single idea, according to your own heart. Use whatever you want.

AR technology, virtual technology, holographic projection technology, 6G technology, artificial intelligence technology, brain wave technology...These series of technologies are integrated into this smart wearable phone, making the smart wearable phone full of black technology.

Just a smart wearable mobile phone, and its dominance has changed the world.

The release of this mobile phone also made the world realize that I am afraid that the era of real smart and fast is coming. Relying on the speed of 6G, the use of technology will be unprecedented, and it will bring about changes in the times.

Any country that cannot keep up with this train will be abandoned by the times.

European countries that were unswerving before, when they realized that they could not be prevented, their choices naturally became loose.

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