Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 923: status

Biochemical plant.

The first thing Lu Chuan returned was to create a hundred King Kong zombies.

For the King Kong zombie, Lu Chuan is amazing, but he can't talk about it. Its size is large, and it is ferocious when it is violent, but its individuality and speed are still too bad when used in the city of competition.

In contrast, 橐萚 is not, it is the almighty corpse species.

Like the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claws, even if they are only level five, they are still the main force in Lu Chuan's hands.

The role of flying zombies, in many cases, is indeed superior to other corpse species.

The manufacturing time for a hundred King Kong zombies was four hours, which was a bit slow. This can also be understood, the size of King Kong zombies is too huge, there can be a hundred in four hours, which is fast.

"Make 10,000 scorpions."

The manufacturing price of a King Kong zombie is 100 million, while the manufacturing price of a scorpion is 110 million. Ten thousand, one hundred and one hundred billion yuan, this one is absolutely expensive to manufacture.

With Lu Chuan's current financial resources, facing this kind of manufacturing price, he can't bear it.

Ten thousand slugs took up half a month of manufacturing time in the biochemical factory. During this half month, there was nothing to do but to wait.

The eighth-level fragments are difficult to obtain, and it is difficult to strengthen a top-level scorpion.

But no matter how strong it is, it is necessary to strengthen the scorpion, at least it also needs to strengthen a usable team to perform some tasks.

The manufacturing price is 110 million, and one strengthening means that the same price is needed. After ten times, the money invested will reach hundreds of millions, which is a big deal.

As expensive, is it worth it?

Of course it is worth it. Take a look at the F22 of the US Emperor, which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. But a scorpion is better than f22 in flexibility and speed. And the flexibility of the scorpion, fly when you want to fly, stop when you want to stop, how can it be comparable to f22?

More importantly, the f22 can be shot down, but the scorpion will not.

The eighth-level zombie has super defensive power, carrying ordinary air-to-air missiles, and it is not a problem for air-to-air missiles. At this point, f22 will not work, as long as it is hit, it will basically be scrapped.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a single scorpion can sweep the American emperor's air power.

In the face of the almost invincible scorpion, it is only a means of attack by a missile attack, and it can't hurt at all. But the speed of the scorpion is fast and the attack is fierce. The speed of the f22 is not comparable to that of the scorpion, and it can't escape. With one hit, how many can make the scorpion burst?

After Lu Chuan owns the Moon, in fact, he has no longer considered the military power of the earth.

And now it's unlocked, not to mention.

Muzi is not a blue-winged angel, and it is currently mass-produced. This is the only blue-winged angel, and Lu Chuan will not bring it to the modern era. After all, the blue-winged angel's best use of its strength is the apocalyptic, not modern.

Once the mechanism of the biochemical factory is brought to modern times, it will not be possible to return to the end times.

It doesn't matter if Lu Chuan can bring a group to modern times and become his own power to dominate the earth.

When the time comes, bring one or two thousand F22, which is equivalent to owning one or two thousand top fighters. According to the strength of F22, it is no less than tens of thousands of f22s. No country in the world can compete with Compared to.

"What will be the third product of Level 8 Zombies?"

Lu Chuan opened the product panel after arranging the manufacturing of the scorpion.

The scorpion is already lit, and after scorpion, a representation image changes from black to gray. It was a zombie that resembled a balloon. It was round like a pufferfish.


Lu Chuan had always thought that the pufferfish zombies were ninth-level zombies. Now when he saw the unlocked zombies, Lu Chuan found himself wrong again.

The King Kong zombie, when Lu Chuan saw it for the first time, he thought it should be the top zombie, but it happened to belong to the eighth-level zombie.

When Lu Chuan saw the pufferfish zombies, he also thought it belonged to the ninth-level zombies, because it was too strong. With every attack, a vacuum belt of ten kilometers long will be created. In the place where this light spreads, countless zombies will be gasified, extremely domineering.

However, pufferfish zombies appeared on the eighth product line at this time.

In addition, Lu Chuan also noticed that after the pufferfish zombies, a black representation map was generated.

In other words, among the eighth-level zombies, there are at least four types or more, possibly five, six...

The pufferfish zombies impressed Lu Chuan very deeply, but besides the pufferfish, it was named by himself. It is now in gray, and you can finally know its real name.

Porpoise dragon.

Seeing this name, Lu Chuan's eyes fell, and its appearance is worthy of the dragon character?

However, the biochemical plant is the same name. No matter whether Lu Chuan accepts it or not, its name will not change.

"It's good to have a high level. It's obviously a puffer fish, but it's abruptly promoted to the point of a dragon." Lu Chuan shook his head, saying that it is a dragon or a dragon, right?

After strengthening Lu Chuan's memory, it is almost unforgettable.

In fact, the impression that the dolphins gave Lu Chuan is really not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon. There is a monster called Chiki in the Shanhaijing, which is similar to a porpoise dragon, and Chiki is a fish-shaped dragon.

It is estimated that this porpoise dragon is like a pufferfish dragon.

The evolution of this zombie always surprises people. It is definitely not easy to be worthy of a dragon character. Whether in China or in the West, dragons are super ancient behemoths, even deified things.

When you think about it carefully, the name does not seem to be important, but its strength is important.

The porpoise dragon is finally the kind of perverted group attacking the corpse species. There is no reason. Let’s call it dragon breath for the time being. It’s really unreasonable. As long as the zombies are affected, even if they are at level 8. It is directly vaporized.

This kind of attack power is abnormal and brutal.

Lu Chuan didn't expect that this kind of zombie would be unlocked so soon.

In Lu Chuan's impression, the dolphins seemed to have seen one in New Delhi, and other than that, they had never seen it again.

It is definitely not possible to deal with the porpoise by the method of dealing with the porcupine. The porcupine has its fleshy wings removed, which is a few meters high, but the porpoise is different. Once it swells, its diameter is more than hundreds of meters, a real behemoth.

What's more, the dolphins are so powerful, Lu Chuan doesn't know whether the blue-winged angel can hold its breath without damage in front of it?

"Forget it, let's rest for a while, but the dolphins are not in a hurry."

In order to unlock the King Kong zombies, Lu Chuan ran around the world, spending a lot of time, not tired, but the loneliness in his heart could not be erased.

People are always social animals, and Lu Chuan can't escape this mentality.

What's more, his three sweet wives are close to giving birth.


Handong City.

The Ghost Guard opened the door for Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan sat out inside, tidied his clothes, and then buttoned a button of his suit before walking towards the elevator.

The building in the sky has now become Lu Chuan's industry. After the renovation, the underground garage has changed and the elevator leading to the sky garden has become independent.

This place is in a busy city, and because it is high in the sky, it is actually very quiet.

Riding the elevator to the home on the top floor, the servant had already received a call from the boss, so he greeted him at the gate early.

The three of them, Ye Lingwei who had a big belly, all stood at the door.

Then Lu Chuan's parents and the entire medical team.

Lu Chuan hasn't come back for nearly two months. I heard that he has been experimenting, and now he is finally back. Of course, this kind of long goodbye looks grand.

"You don't have to do this next time." Lu Chuan gave his three wives a hug before calling out his parents.

Entering inside and leaving for two months, nothing has changed.

Next, it was naturally a love story with Ye Lingwei and others. In the evening, the family sat together for a sumptuous dinner, then watched TV together, and then...

When he got up the next day, Lu Chuan looked at Ye Lingwei and the others shaking hands and their numb mouths with a smirk, probably because they were too tired last night.

A rare leisure, Lu Chuan said, "I will go shopping with you today."

After all, I haven't been with them for a long time to go shopping, buy clothes and so on. This year, I have been too busy to spare any time.

When Lu Chuan said this, Ye Lingwei and the others were all overjoyed. Then they went back to their rooms, picked up the loosest skirts, and came out with their big belly.

"Pregnant women, you have to walk more, it is beneficial to the birth of the baby." Lu Chuan's mother agreed.

Of course, traveling with the identity of Lu Chuan is no longer a trivial matter. Moreover, it was even more sloppy with three pregnant wives.

For the first time, the ghost guard appeared next to Lu Chuan, and then a large number of zombie bodyguards appeared in the garage, sitting in commercial vehicles and waiting.

Not only that, a certain department that has been responsible for the safety of Lu Chuan's family members also took action. First, a traffic police officer was sent to wait, so as to clear the way for Lu Chuan and others.

In addition, after inquiring about Lu Chuan, another person was sent to the Handong Shopping Mall and took over the management directly, and a large number of plainclothes police appeared here.

If this is the case, it would be too small to underestimate Lu Chuan's status. Special forces also appeared in shopping malls and along the road. Some snipers were in high positions to protect Lu Chuan.

Regardless of the country's attention, Lu Chuan cannot be surprised.

Baichuan Guihai Group Company is now at the time of triumphant advancement, and the technology fields involved are too high-end. If there are no surprises, Baichuan Guihai Group can make China a real leap, and it will become the world's number one in the economy and military.

The core of Baichuan Guihai Group Company is Lu Chuan. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure the absolute safety of Lu Chuan.

With the size of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company and the force of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, the country has to pay attention to it and treat Lu Chuan as if it were the head of a country.

Even in some ways, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Lu Chuan's treatment is even higher than that of a head of state.

All these are arranged very quickly, as if they have been rehearsed countless times. When Lu Chuan's family waited for the car, everything had been arranged.

"Xiao Wei, watch for safety."

Lu Chuan issued an order, and Xiaowei, who had been in this world for more than three months, responded immediately. Countless public and private cameras were controlled by it and became its eyes. Then, in this very short period of time, it distinguished countless people along the way to confirm that there were no dangerous elements.

This identification, even after reading the information of the world's personnel and intelligence personnel, etc., was compared to ensure the absolute safety of Lu Chuan.

From this point, we know that Xiaowei's computing power is completely beyond supercomputers.

"The boss has no problem." Xiao Wei responded, which made Lu Chuan completely relieved.

Lu Chuan is not worried about himself, he is only worried about his wives. With his eighth level enhancement, he can carry the bullets of the heavy sniper rifle without worrying about safety.

There are many zombie bodyguards, but once there is an attack, they cannot provide protection in the first round.

The lengthened car that Lu Chuan rode out of the garage was followed by more than a dozen commercial vehicles and a medical vehicle, forming a large-scale fleet.

The several motorcycle police cars that had been waiting a long time ago, although they did not sound their sirens, they stood side by side in front and used them as guided cars.

The changes brought about by privileges also made Lu Chuan uncomfortable. He only felt that no matter where he went, he seemed to have privileges, but was it not a restriction?

There will be such a big ostentation even with women shopping, and in an invisible place, how many people silently pay for their own safety?

Sitting in the car, Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. This is really not freedom.

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