Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 925: Outer space program

   Three days later.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Handong Port, under the disguise of Lu Chuan, appeared here.

   In front of one of the giant warehouses, Lu Chuan glanced at the number and walked in. Several security guards guarding the door turned a blind eye to Lu Chuan's arrival.

   These security guards were actually zombies in disguise, and they naturally wouldn't stop Lu Chuan.

   The warehouse was rented by the purchasing company. In three days, a batch of parts continued to be stored here.


   Yiran had been waiting here for a long time. The smart watch it was wearing on his wrist popped up with a virtual screen, which contained a list of parts.

   Lu Chuan nodded, and said, "Are you all here?"

   "Boss, it's all here." Yi Ran glanced at the list and nodded for confirmation.

   "Let them be on guard." Lu Chuan confessed, walking towards the huge wooden boxes of different sizes, which contained the parts of the manufacturing line.

   Some of these parts have a size of more than 20 meters and a height of more than 10 meters, which can be called giants.

   Yi Ran whispered, and there were many security zombies around the warehouse, enough to ensure that no one could approach here.

   All the electronic equipment and power supply in the warehouse have been cut off, so there is no need to worry about leaking out.

   The huge wooden box, Lu Chuan put his hand on it.

   Together, the huge wooden box disappeared, and was taken into the storage space by Lu Chuan.

   The size of the storage space is huge. In Lu Chuan's eyes, these wooden boxes are nothing at all. You must know that the side length of the storage space has reached an astonishing 2,000 meters.

   If it weren't for being too scary, Lu Chuan would have thought that it would not be so troublesome and would directly collect the entire warehouse into the storage space.

  Like this kind of unthinkable thing, Lu Chuan certainly dare not do it. This is a port. Looking at the world, the port of Handong City is also ranked in the 20th.

   One at a time, the boxes were big and small, and Lu Chuan kept repeating the sucking action.

   It took almost two hours to finally collect these tens of thousands of boxes into the storage space, leaving this warehouse empty.

   When Yi Ran rented it, it was only rented and did not use the other party’s personnel, so the warehouse company didn’t know what the goods were in it, etc.

   Now that some of these goods disappeared, of course they would doubt it, but they would not go into it.

   The cargo in the port, how deep the water is, they know it, and naturally they will not break this unspoken rule.

   "The warehouse continues to be rented. Don't let anyone in."

   Lu Chuan confessed that he left here with Yi Ran. There were security zombies. Lu Chuan's orders were imperial decree. No one would be able to enter inside without Lu Chuan's orders.

   Next, these warehouses need to be used for the purchase of raw materials and so on.

   The early stage of this plan can only be done from the earth.

   The end of the world is also a source, but in the last ten years many machines and equipment have been out of use and need to be repaired. In the short term, it is far better to buy in the modern world.

   Lu Chuan, who holds a huge amount of money, doesn't care about the money at all.

   "Mining equipment should be purchased with God's hand, and then transferred from abroad." On the leaving car, Lu Chuan told Yi Ran.

  The power of God’s Hand is so great now, and what it buys is only mining equipment. Foreign companies don’t want to buy more. Who will limit and investigate where you use it?

   This operation is not difficult.

   "Understood, boss." Yi Ran smiled.

   The power of the hand of God today is no less than the order of the meeting. The Order Society has developed for nearly two hundred years before it has its current global control, but the hand of God only has three short years, but it has dismantled the Order Society's current global control.

   Numerous emerging consortia and rich people have joined the hands of God, and some established consortia have also chosen to join the hands of God.

  The Order Society can indeed bring a lot of wealth to everyone and share the global economy.

   The hand of God can also bring a lot of wealth, and the hand of God has one thing that the orderly club does not have. This is the control of health and life span.

  I have seen the technique of limb rebirth, everyone will be amazed, compared to life, sometimes money is nothing at all.

  Especially the longevity plan of God’s Hand. I don’t know how many people join in, so that they can live a hundred years, or even live longer.

   They hold a lot of wealth, but their lives are short. Sometimes birth, old age, sickness and death will cause many of them to die young. How many people are in their 40s or 50s and can't get close to them and can't enjoy the young and hot women.

   And all this can be solved by the hand of God.

   How many people are already in their 60s or 70s, but after adjustment and treatment by the hand of God, their bodily functions have even returned to their 30s or 40s, which makes them full of energy.

  Sometimes, money is not everything. In the face of birth, old age, sickness and death, money is just a bunch of numbers.

   No one is not afraid of death, especially those who are rich and powerful.

   The nostalgia for life leads to an extension of their life span, which makes them absolutely obedient to the hand of God. It can even be said that they have believed in the technology of the hand of God like believers.

   With these charms, the current energy of the hand of God, strictly speaking, has surpassed the Order.

   sent Yi Ran back to the warehouse park, and Lu Chuan left again.

   Lu Chuan returned to the headquarters of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and then left on the Global Hawk, disappearing in front of everyone.

   The existence of the Global Hawk is no longer a secret globally. Not to mention China, it has granted privileges to it. Employees at the headquarters can often see the Global Hawk parked, let alone unfamiliar.

   No need to report, the Global Hawk left the East China Sea and disappeared on the high seas.

   somewhere on the open sea.

   The Global Hawk hovered on a small island about 20 meters above the ground. This small island is not flat and its area is not large. The Global Hawk does not need to land here, and it does not need to care whether it is flat or large enough.

   The Global Hawk opened the hatch, and Lu Chuan hung himself from the hatch.

   Level 8 reinforcement, at a height of more than 20 meters, really jumping down, it's really nothing.

   "Turn off Global Hawk!"

   Lu Chuan issued a command, and then took a breath.

   The Global Hawk instantly turned off its engine, and the Global Hawk, which suddenly lost its power, immediately lost control and fell downward.

   And at this moment, Lu Chuan's mind moved.


   The Global Hawk disappeared and was taken into the storage space by Lu Chuan.

   Lu Chuan lost the global eagle he was holding and fell freely.


   Lu Chuan's feet touched the ground and stood steadily.

   Lu Chuan glanced at the small island. Apart from some weeds, there were some frightened sea crabs and some sea snakes escaping into the sea.

   Lu Chuan smiled lightly, like the operation just now, this is not the first time Lu Chuan has done this, and he has long been familiar with it. In many cases, such as on the sea, there is no way to make the Global Hawk land after it landed. It can land vertically, but it cannot float on the water.

   But using the method just now, the Global Hawk can ignore all the terrain, and Lu Chuan can send and receive it freely.

   Lu Chuan released a motorboat from the storage space. After riding on it, he left the island.

   stopped on the surface of the sea, Lu Chuan thought with his hands together, the huge moon appeared on the surface of the sea. Lu Chuan was so small in front of it with the extremely huge hull.

The moon released by    floated steadily on the sea.

   drove the motorboat to the entrance of the Moon, and then put the motorboat into the storage space. Lu Chuan boarded the Moon.

   "Welcome, boss."

The intelligent system of    Luna made a sound immediately.

   Lu Chuan teleported himself to the bridge through the transmission track, and sat in the position of the commander.

   "Launch the Moon and target Mars."

   Leaning on the commander's wide position, in front of Lu Chuan, a galaxy map of the solar system appeared immediately, and a dotted line appeared with the earth as the center, leading to Mars.

   The next moment, the eight propellers under the lunar abdomen were activated, and the ultra-high temperature even instantly evaporated the seawater under the abdomen, forming a thick aerosol.

   Eight thrusters were working, pushing the huge moon away from the sea and quickly rising toward the sky.

  With the technological power of the Moon, the Earth’s radar cannot capture its tracks at all. Unless someone sees it with his own eyes, or through a telescope, it is impossible to see the Moon.

   The powerful power allowed the Moon to hit the earth’s gravity in a moment, break through the atmosphere, and enter space.

   At this time, the four main thrusters were working, allowing the Moon to continue to accelerate in space and head towards Mars.

   Mars, like the earth, belongs to terrestrial planets.

   Mercury, Venus, and Mars are the planets closest to the earth, and they are materially close to the earth. Especially on Mars, humans have discovered the existence of a lake of liquid water on it.

   Water is the source of life, and the name of Mars carries fire, but from all the traces, it seems that there was a history of water on the planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

   Human space technology is really limited, and the understanding of Mars is actually rather one-sided.

   Lu Chuan doesn’t understand Mars, but it’s not too tight. With the Moon, in the solar system, Lu Chuan can come and go freely, and he can take a closer look.

   The Earth is about 56 million kilometers away from Mars, but it took only four days for the Moon to appear more than 100,000 kilometers away from Mars.

   The harsh climate on Mars has little effect on the Moon.

   "Draw a map of Mars."

   The first thing is not landing, but drawing a map of Mars.

   The landforms of Mars, as well as high-definition pictures, are available in various space agencies, but the maps among them are only one-sided, or not accurate and clear enough.

  The intelligence of the Moon exceeds the computing power of a supercomputer, and with the technology and equipment it is equipped with, it does not take much time to draw a map of Mars.

   Don’t compare it with the mapping technology on the earth. The Moon is a product of the universe era. It usually only takes one or two days to complete a map of a planet.

   After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the Lunar Intelligence started to scan the planet, covering Mars, and then spawning little by little.

   "Mars is full of human footprints."

   Lu Chuan leaned on the command chair, admiring Mars at such a close distance. There were several satellites flying around Mars on the surface. Lu Chuan could not tell which country's satellites were.

   These satellites are research satellites that monitor the dynamics of Mars, and they are one of the current sources of information about Mars.

   The Moon, hovering quietly in space, is still far away from them, not enough for them to discover.

   Lu Chuan’s plan is actually very simple.

   There are many people on the earth, and the every move of the Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation seems to be incapable of doing anything, but they have a lot of small actions in the dark, and there are many obstacles to development.

   In this case, Lu Chuan jumped out of the earth and developed directly on Mars, leaving dozens of streets away from them, and entering the cosmic age in one step.

   I believe that when they return to the earth, their eyes will fall down, and they will never imagine this scene in their dreams. Starting

   Lu Chuan named this program the Outer Space Program.

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