Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 928: manufacture

 Lu Chuan held a part weighing about seven tons, walked to the interface, and then gently put it down.

   A King Kong zombie was assisted to move aside, aligning the interface of this part, tightening the screw, and successfully connected a part of this manufacturing line.

   The 1.5-kilometer-long manufacturing line is small in Lu Chuan's eyes.

   When you have a manufacturing plant to make warships in the future, think about how huge production lines are needed for warships with a size of tens of kilometers?

   "The ten thousand-foot tall buildings rise on the ground."

   Lu Chuan smiled. The spacesuit has a temperature adjustment. Lu Chuan was sweating a little while working hard, but he felt very cool.

   In fact, the temperature here, because it is a hole, has dropped to a level of minus 38 degrees, this kind of low temperature Lu Chuan can completely ignore. But there is no way to solve the breathing problem, only relying on the spacesuit.

   It is not an easy task to assemble such a huge production line alone.

   Not to mention the components connected, there are still a large number of arrays to be connected, which takes more time. Because it is fully intelligent, this production line is very complicated.

  The advantage is that the temperature here basically does not need to consider the problem of cooling the production line.

   tens of thousands of parts, it took Lu Chuan five days to finally assemble this production line.

   Looking at this domineering production line, there is a feeling of refreshing and happy.

   "To the end of the world."

   Lu Chuan sent out a thought, then disappeared into this hole, and appeared in the last moment in the next moment.

   After removing the spacesuit, Lu Chuan did not use the Global Hawk, but instead summoned a corpse dragon and rode it in the arsenal park of Shanshi County.

   The corpse dragon landed in front of a warehouse, and Lu Chuan jumped off on the corpse dragon.

   The soldiers in charge of this warehouse immediately gave a military salute after seeing Lu Chuan. The person in charge of the warehouse trot over. New Bayi Chinese website first launched;

   "Boss, it's ready."

   The person in charge of the warehouse quickly gave a military salute. This place belongs to the arsenal, and the arsenal is under military control. The people here are in the state of service and are soldiers.

   Lu Chuan returned a military salute and nodded.

   Under the leadership of the person in charge, Lu Chuan walked into the warehouse.

   If this is a big warehouse, I can only see batteries of the same specifications piled up.

   has solved the problem of battery power storage, which has improved the performance of the battery dozens of times. Moreover, the solution of fast charging makes the practicality of the battery finally reach the point of large-scale use.

   After an electric car has no electricity, it only needs to go to the service station and charging station to charge it, and it can be fully charged within five minutes.

   And the battery technology, which has an endurance of 1,500 kilometers, has become the straw for phasing out fuel vehicles and directly pressure fuel vehicles.

   This technique does not need to be exchanged by Lu Chuan, but the previous one had already exchanged it and used it, but Lu Chuan was used.

   "I have to take these away."

   Lu Chuan pointed to these batteries and said, without the other party's consent, he walked over, pressed on the batteries, one idea, one by one, the batteries on the shelves disappeared, and Lu Chuan put them into the storage space.

  The person in charge of the warehouse, his eyes widened, he had known the boss's supernatural powers a long time ago, but seeing it so close still surprised him.

   The ability of this kind of item to disappear directly, the first time I see it, it will be very amazing.

   After half an hour, Lu Chuan stored all the batteries in the storage space.

   The person in charge has a serious work attitude, and he still brought a receipt, and Lu Chuan left after signing his name on it.


  Modern Mars.

   When Lu Chuan returned here, only one hour passed.

  Walking to the power input area of ​​the production line, Lu Chuan released a large number of batteries, and then combined them in series to form a huge battery pack.

   These batteries are standardized and can be easily replaced and used, etc., which is very convenient.

   More than 100,000 batteries were assembled here, forming an object like a super-large cube, which is extremely spectacular.

  The battery packs connected in series and the stored electricity are enough to keep this huge production line running day and night for a month.

   Lu Chuan connected the power supply, and as it started, the lights on the production line turned on.

   Automatically, the production line enters the self-check state.

   The self-test, it took more than an hour to finally complete. From the indicator light display, everything is normal, and Lu Chuan has no problems with the assembly.

   At the control terminal, Lu Chuan inserted the U disk, and then imported the intelligent management program into this production line to form a whole.


   The intelligence management program was introduced, and the intelligence formed was named Mars by Lu Chuan.

   "Mars received." Smart responded immediately.

   Lu Chuan laughed. At this point, the entire production line can be said to have been assembled. With a production line with intelligent programs, Lu Chuan does not need to worry about it at all, just issue instructions. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Instilled knowledge about intelligent programs before, so that Lu Chuan has a strong ability in this area, and it is easy to write such intelligent programs.

   "Perform the self-check again." Lu Chuan issued the first command. Lu Chuan was still worried about the previous self-check.

  Mars was executed immediately, and the production line was operational again.

   A few minutes later, AR light and shadow were formed in several positions that needed to be adjusted, which appeared in front of Lu Chuan and gave a solution.

   Lu Chuan reached the perfect state after debugging.

   "Preparing to make the first robot."

   Lu Chuan issued the order and Mars executed it, but the first robot required Lu Chuan to do it himself. After all, the input of raw materials, etc., can only be handled by Lu Chuan at present.

The alloy raw material codes are neatly placed on the conveyor belt, the materials are directly transferred to the machine tool center, and the materials are fixed under automation. Then, according to the robot data, the machine tool center operates to process these materials, forming what the robot needs. Parts.

  The machine tool center consists of ten groups of processing machines, which can process ten groups of materials at the same time.

   This kind of processing speed is very fast. Within three hours, hundreds of large and small parts are processed and then transferred to the next processing center.

   Here, these parts will be refined and processed.

   Luchuan put a large number of data cables, electronic products, and various chips into the processing center. After being received by the processing arm inside, some electronic components were already assembled when these parts arrived.

   Like an assembly line, every node of the production line represents a process.

   At this point, there is no need for Lu Chuan to do anything else, all he needs to do is to watch how a robot was born.

   The parts are shipped and finally unified to the assembly workshop.

   If a few large workshops, hundreds of mechanical arms, these parts are continuously assembled according to the drawings, and gradually formed a robot with a height of 1.7 meters.

   There is no simulation, but a real steel robot.

   is assembled from a shelf, then a large number of electronic devices are assembled, and then the data is connected. Power system, balance system, energy system... the entire robot is controlled by a robotic arm.

   After all the internal structures are completed, the metal shell is installed.

  From the assembly workshop, I went to the program implantation workshop. Here, the robot system will be activated, and then the intelligent control program will be implanted to make it possess elementary intelligence.

   Lu Chuan was staring at the window of the workshop. As a sharp mechanical arm stretched out and inserted into the back of the robot's head, Lu Chuan couldn't relax while transmitting data.

   Lu Chuan has never experienced all of this.

   Earth’s robotics technology, to be honest, compared with the robotics technology here, it’s simply a scum.

   Whether it is power, robot system, energy system, etc., they are not on the same level. This robot is still powered by batteries, but it has extensions that can replace small nuclear power cores later.

   The implantation and activation of the intelligent system takes only ten seconds.

   The electronic eye of the robot that was closed before was opened. It only stayed here for a few seconds before being sent to the testing workshop.

   Here, a large number of instructions will be executed by the robot, which needs to be completed.

   During the whole process, Lu Chuan stared at it until it was sent out in the test workshop and then stood in front of Lu Chuan.

   "Hello boss, A1 greets you." The first robot produced, number A1, made an electronic sound when it appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

   Lu Chuan nodded and pointed to the raw materials not far away: "A1, execute the production order."

   "A1 understands."

   A1 strode towards the place where Lu Chuan had placed the raw materials before, and then used its mechanical arm to pick up some of the alloy materials and put them on the conveyor belt.

   New manufacturing is beginning again.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Lu Chuan needs to do it himself. After making the first robot, the rest is easy. As long as Lu Chuan’s instructions are not The manufacturing materials are enough, we will continue to manufacture them The robot comes.

   And these robots, under the management of the intelligent management program, will devote themselves to each post, so that a virtuous circle can be formed here.

It is just the first step to make enough primary robots. The second step is to start from scratch and develop and build a complete industrial system, starting from mining to metallurgy... This process requires Lu Chuan to provide many things, such as the early stage. Unmanufactured raw materials, etc.

  A complete industrial system alone is a huge project that cannot be completed in a short period of time.

   But with the appearance of the first robot, Lu Chuan believes that this plan will be completed little by little.

   Lu Chuan was standing next to him, quietly watching this robot, busy on the production line, constantly putting materials on demand, and then checking the production status of the production line and so on.

   With the busy schedule, a second robot was created.

   There is no need for Lu Chuan to issue instructions again. The management system here immediately dispatched this robot, changing from one robot to two busy robots.

   The efficiency of the production line began to improve.

   Ten material processing centers started, countless parts were processed...

   The efficiency of this manufacturing line can produce about two hundred robots in one day.

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