Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 935: Sneak Attack on the Space Matrix

Los Angeles, North America.

In this land, every time Lu Chuan comes, he is not very happy. Almost every time, you need to leave secretly.

No way, the boss of North America has always wanted to keep himself, don't wait for him to drink tea?

But this time, Lu Chuan didn't plan to be sneaky anymore.

I bought a ticket through a very formal channel, and then swaggered to Los Angeles in North America.

How should I say, we have something they fear in our hands, they dare not do anything to themselves. With his current status, there is actually no fear of North America.

Let's not talk about the Moon, and talk about space-based weapons, which is enough to make them jealous.

"Welcome to Mr. Lu."

At Los Angeles Airport, not only the mayor of Los Angeles, but also several senior officials from North America appeared at Los Angeles Airport.

It can be seen that they had hurried over from Washington after knowing that Lu Chuan flew to Los Angeles.

As for Lu Chuan's visit to North America, the US government was naturally ecstatic, but also confused. Why did Lu Chuan come to North America?

Their relationship with Baichuan Guihai Group has been very poor.

The entire North America and NATO have imposed sanctions on the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and it is almost impossible for their products to enter these markets.

In order to quell popular anger, the entire NATO member states have secretly formed a super-strength scientific research team, and the top scientists from more than a dozen countries have joined forces to crack and develop the technology of Baichuan Guihai Group.

But they are not like this. Baichuan Guihai Group Company is difficult to suppress. This kind of sanction can only be temporary, and it can't always be the case.

In the long run, let alone the people below, they will not know how much they are behind in the development of science and technology.

All countries that are aware of the seriousness have come up with their core technologies.

This kind of joint force is huge, and companies from various countries have contributed their top technologies and have continuously broken through some key technologies.

With the samples of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, it seems to point out a clear road. Their progress is very fast. At the current speed, it only takes half a year at most, and AR technology will be the first to be broken.

Once breakthroughs in AR technology, virtual technologies, and so on, they have many similarities, the breakthrough of virtual technology is not far away.

As long as the technology monopoly of Baichuan Guihai Group is broken, they can completely break the golden body of Baichuan Guihai Group with their own advantages and no longer dominate the company.

A secret alliance like this involves too many companies and countries. In fact, it is difficult to keep a hundred percent confidential.

Some world-class media already have some intelligence, but they are suppressed by various countries and have not reported wanton.

Does Huaxia know? Does Baichuan Guihai Group Company know?

The answer is definitely know.

In this way, Lu Chuan appeared in North America on this bone, and why?

Facing the vice president who smiled and stretched out his hand, Lu Chuan also politely stretched out his hand: "Mr. Vice President, it is an honor to meet you."

There are a lot of reporters around, and in a place like the airport, they will choose to stay in place, hoping to get news of a certain star appearing in Los Angeles, etc.

The appearance of Lu Chuan, as well as the appearance of the vice president’s team of senior officials, made these reporters ecstatic, regardless of obstructions, shooting frantically. For them, the funds for this month are definitely in hand. But Lu Chuan, the boss of Baichuan Guihai Group, unexpectedly showed up at Los Angeles Airport.

On the title, you can use guesswork that you don’t know.

"Mr. Lu, this is not a place to chat, please." The vice president made a gesture.

Lu Chuan frowned: "Mr. Vice President, I am here to travel in Los Angeles this time. My visa is only one week, and time is precious. What's more, I have nothing to discuss with you."

"No, no, Mr. Lu, how can we lose courtesy when you are such a distinguished guest?" The vice president laughed and said, "I just ask you to talk, so as to enhance mutual friendship."

This time Lu Chuan brought only a few bodyguards, and An Tong, who seemed to be weak.

The other party was a bit exaggerated. Outside the market, a special service force was transferred, and around Lu Chuan, it was already secretly surrounded by some plain clothes.

Lu Chuan sneered: "Mr. Vice President, do you plan to use strong?"

With that said, Lu Chuan also pointed to the sky.

The vice president's face turned dark, but he said politely, "Mr. Lu, this is North America." It was just the three words North America that were bitten very badly.

Lu Chuan thought for a while and laughed: "It's okay, grab a cup of your coffee."

The vice president showed a satisfied smile and gestured again: "Mr. Lu, please."


Somewhere outside of Los Angeles.

This is the manor of a certain consortium, but now it has become a meeting place.

There is actually a reason for choosing here, because it is out of the city and there are not many people around. A large number of manpower are arranged here, and even in a certain base, dozens of fighters have entered the state of flying at any time.

In the huge living room, sit down with each other.

"Mr. Lu, everyone is sensible. I just want to know the purpose of your coming to North America." The vice president went straight to the subject without going around.

Lu Chuan took a sip of his coffee and said, "Travel."

"Haha." The vice president laughed and said: "In fact, we have always welcomed Mr. Lu to North America. After all, we can cooperate in many ways."

"Cooperation, if sanctions against a company is also the sincerity of cooperation, I think this cooperation is really unnecessary." Lu Chuan sneered.

The vice president raised his brows: "Mr. Lu, if you are willing to cooperate, how can sanctions be mentioned? Besides, sanctions are not sanctions. It is all we say in North America. As long as we cooperate, this kind of sanctions will naturally not attack itself. broken."

"The news I received, you are about to conquer AR technology, even without us, you will enter this field." Lu Chuan smiled.

The vice president smiled unchanged and said: "Mr. Lu's news is well-informed, but I think if you cooperate with Mr. Lu, the effect will be better?"

Lu Chuan shook his head slightly, stirred the coffee lightly, and said, "This time, I really came to North America for a tourist. I don't think your Excellency the Vice President will take the risk and put me under house arrest? For example, like Zhonghua Youwei The lady in the company?"

"No, no, no, we just want to ask Mr. Lu to stay here for a few days to make the best of the landlord's friendship." The vice president said with a smile, without seeing the threat of the words.

Lu Chuan saw that the other party was innocent, raised his brows, and pointed to the sky: "Even if I want to live, things in the sky don't allow me to live here."

The vice president stared at Luchuan, but his eyes flashed brightly, and said, "Unfortunately, when you arrived in Los Angeles, we were performing a mission. Now looking at the time, it should be almost over, right?"

Almost at the same time, Lu Chuan received a message, which changed Lu Chuan's expression.



The huge space-based weapon station is flying slowly in the orbit of the earth. It has its own power system, which can adjust its angle and move necessary to achieve precise strikes on the world in the shortest time.

In this space, the space-based weapon station appears a bit lonely.

The space-based weapon station was named by various countries, but Lu Chuan actually called it the space matrix.

The name Space Matrix is ​​indeed too popular, and it feels unclear to hear it. It is very domineering and makes people feel scared.

The space matrix at this time has not entered a combat state, the main weapon is closed, and only some defensive weapons are running.

Before receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, it would only operate silently in space.

From a distance, if it weren't for the large number of lights flashing on the space matrix, it would make people wonder if it was running.

At this time, in the distance, several satellites secretly appeared in the same orbit at the same time.

These satellites gradually approached, and after they were docked, they turned out to form a special round and long satellite, which looked like an artillery in space. Its power system is constantly adjusted, and then what appears to be a muzzle is aimed at the space matrix.

The Space Matrix caught this change for the first time, but the opponent's attack was very resolute. After locking the Space Matrix, it fired immediately.

A special shell was accelerated and shot out at a terrifying speed.

The defensive weapon on the space matrix was activated, but in the face of a shell of this speed, it failed to effectively intercept and let this shell break through.


The violent explosion formed a mushroom cloud and appeared in the sky.

Countless fragments and parts took on the form of celestial flowers in space, and the huge space matrix was swept by the explosion and torn into pieces.

In order to destroy the space matrix, the other party directly used a small nuclear warhead.

In this space, the side effects of nuclear warheads will not affect the earth. The response of a system has long been calculated, including these fragments and parts.

The artillery in space is actually an immature electromagnetic gun. It is used to launch this modified nuclear artillery shell to break through the defense of the space matrix.

All of these carefully planned, the ability to strike in one hit, destroy the space matrix in space.

on the earth.

This kind of explosion in space shows a small sun in the sky, very bright. Then the explosion effect formed is even more popular in the sky.

The turbulent shock wave affected a certain area, but the distance was too far, and it was more like a strong wind blowing.

It's like setting off a giant firework, I don't know how many people can see it, and then point to it.

With the naked eye, it is difficult to know what happened inside. Only some people who used astronomical telescopes saw the mushroom cloud in space, but they also didn't know what happened.

The howling sound waves spread to the earth, especially below the explosion area. Many people had ear pain and had to cover their ears in pain.

Countless people rushed out of the house, pointed at the sky, talking about this scene.

For the first time, the propaganda power in North America showed up, explaining to the people that an experiment with a weapon was conducted in space, which would not affect the earth, etc., and began to downplay it.

For North America, people believe that they do not believe it, they only need an explanation.

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