Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 938: the truth

About ten minutes later, three armed helicopters appeared in the place where Lu Chuan had just disappeared.

The vice president got off the armed helicopter. Before he took the special plane to Washington, he received news that Lu Chuan had fled.

The vice president never imagined that Lu Chuan could rush out of the manor in just a few minutes.

"A bunch of trash."

In the scolding, the vice president was still amazed by Lu Chuan's strength.

I made a lot of arrangements, and sent a special force to garrison, but they couldn't stop Lu Chuan, which is really incredible.

Especially when the Vice President received the news that all the soldiers in the entire manor were killed, he was already shocked.

"No matter how much the price is paid, he must be captured back."

"Order all police forces in Los Angeles to dispatch and dispatch troops at the same time."

"Utilize all the forces that can be mobilized."

Almost hysterically, the Vice President issued this series of orders.

Because he knew that if Lu Chuan was allowed to escape, this time the incident would be an unstoppable result, because North America could not go to war with China. With today's military strength, China would definitely lose both sides, and it would take North America. The altar of the overlord.

Once North America loses its dominance, there will be countless countries that have fallen into trouble.

Countless enemies that have been suppressed by North America will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain and bring North America into hell.

The best way is to control Lu Chuan.

The phone call with the Department of Defense confirmed that all this was done by Lu Chuan. After he had a goal, the vice president was left to deal with Lu Chuan's problems. He has the power to dispatch all American forces in the entire Los Angeles area.

From the airport, he came by helicopter gunship.



When the vice president looked at the abandoned car, his entire face was contorted with anger.

It would have been possible to arrive here in a few minutes, but the network in Los Angeles has actually fallen into a state of paralysis. Numerous electronic eyes have been cut off, and it is impossible to find traces of Lu Chuan's departure.

After cutting off the control rights, the data inside has been deleted long ago.

In the end, I found this place in the shortest time through a large amount of character power inference, but only an abandoned car was found.

Outside of this time, there is no clue.

More than ten minutes passed, and it became more and more difficult to find each other.

The vice president was serious. He knew that no matter how difficult it was, he must find out the other party.

"Block all the entrances and exits of Los Angeles, land, sea, and air, etc., and you can't let go of any possibility." The vice president issued an order.

With the terrorist intelligence network in North America, as well as the ubiquitous domestic network, and the high-altitude satellite network, the other party can escape.

In this kind of heaven and earth net, the only thing the other party can do is to hide.

As long as he did not leave Los Angeles, Lu Chuan would not be able to escape. For this, the vice president is still very confident.

Under a series of orders, Los Angeles suddenly fell into a kind of tension.

On every street, there are police cars and policemen patrolling, and every intersection is full of checkpoints. Fighters roared in the sky, and helicopters continued to hover over areas.

Such a big scene has never been seen in the history of Los Angeles.

If this is not enough, look at the armored convoys coming in from outside of Los Angeles, as well as the heavily armed soldiers, you know that something must have happened in Los Angeles.

Combined with the fact that North America has just entered the second-level combat readiness state, what people think of is related to this combat readiness.

The whole city fell into a panic.

The whole world has been dragged into the brink of war by North America's secondary combat readiness.

Historically, North America’s secondary combat readiness is no different from starting a war.

Many people don't know what's going on, especially some small countries. Their sources of intelligence leave them in a daze. There is a feeling that gods fight and they suffer.

Soon, a video appeared all over the world.

If the big space-based weapon station is so conspicuous in space.

For ordinary people, they knew for the first time that there was something similar to a space station in this space. Even if they have little knowledge, when they first saw the space matrix, they realized that it was definitely not a satellite or a space station.

Space weapons?

This is the first thought in many people's minds.

In addition to this amazing space matrix, the most noticeable thing is the logo of Baichuanguihai Group Company on the space matrix.

In this space, this mark is so conspicuous.

Seeing this mark, everyone knows that this should be a space station owned by Baichuan Guihai Group Company? Or space weapons?

No one is surprised that Baichuanguihai Group has this kind of technological power. In this world, people have reached a consensus. This is the strength of Baichuanguihai Group Company in science and technology, which is completely world hegemonic.

There is nothing surprising that the Baichuan Guihai Group, which has super technological capabilities, has a space department.

Only in the next scene they saw, when several satellites converged, they suddenly started up, and then assembled a weird space cannon.

With the firing of this space gun, the space matrix of Baichuan Guihai Group Company was destroyed.

The dazzling ball of light, this let everyone know that this should be the light that appeared before. They were looking for the reason before, but now the reason has finally appeared.

Using a nuclear explosion, the space matrix of Baichuan Guihai Group Company was destroyed.

Several satellites and nuclear bombs

This is definitely a big deal, and it also shows that this is not an accidental bombing. It is basically a long-planned conspiracy against the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

After the video, Lu Chuan was put under house arrest. The words of the vice president appeared before the eyes of people all over the world.

Xiao Wei's ability makes this information without control at all, and it is received by everyone in the world who has access to the Internet and smart phones.

Lu Chuan's domineering revenge and mysterious weapon brought Lu Chuan and Baichuan Guihai Group to the world for the first time.

For the first time, many people have learned about the perverted strength of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and it even possesses super powerful force. The space matrix, there is still an instant response, the force that destroys satellites in space is shocking.

This kind of force cannot be achieved by any country in the world.

The retaliatory destruction of half of North America’s military satellites undoubtedly blinded one of North America’s eyes. No wonder North America has upgraded its combat readiness to Level 2.

The North American military is actually based on a number of military satellites, followed by the informatization of countless reconnaissance aircraft. The strength of the North American military has always been the world's largest.

Half of the satellites now destroyed by Lu Chuan were directly weakened by half of their combat effectiveness for the North American army.

It is not an exaggeration, because the North American military relies too much on informatization.

Anyone who is changed, one eye is blinded, will fall into rage. God knows what North America will do to Luchuan and Baichuan Guihai Group?

In front of this video, the world was in an uproar.

One is the force owned by the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and the second is the sneak attack in North America.

For the first time, Huaxia held a press conference to strongly condemn the sneak attack in North America. Regarding the issue of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, it was upgraded to the concept of a country, and the Baichuan Guihai Group Company was strongly impelled.

"Baichuan Guihai Group is a company of Huaxia. Huaxia allows it to have a certain amount of force and is recognized by Huaxia. The sneak attack in North America has seriously violated the international level. Combat readiness."

Strict diplomatic rhetoric, as well as the second-level war preparations that have been activated, have tightened the nerves of the world.

If the two superpowers really go head-to-head, it will definitely be a disaster for the peace of the world. God knows how many countries will be involved when war starts?

Every country is calling for restraint on both sides.

In this matter, the North American attack is the first, and Lu Chuan's revenge is behind. As far as it goes, North America is not reasonable. It should be they did not expect that they would step on the iron plate, right?

China’s netizens have long boiled.

Especially the people of Baichuanguihai Group Company, they absolutely did not expect that the company they work for is so powerful that it is incredible.

At the same time, many people are also questioning, what exactly does the government think about allowing a private company to have armed forces?

On the Internet, all quarrels.

But this kind of dispute, with Xiaowei's intervention, couldn't make any waves. When it comes to a company under the size of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, no one has died to promote this kind of remarks.

But everyone is curious, how should this matter be calmed down?

The eyes of the world have been placed on the great eastern countries and North America.

The news of Lu Chuan made countless people want to know how Lu Chuan is now.


Lu Chuan, who appeared in the last days, did not feel any tension. After all, like this kind of smashing incident, Lu Chuan had no pressure.

"While I have time now, first clean up this porpoise in New Delhi."

Lu Chuan touched his chin, thought for a moment, and found that unlocking the eighth-level porpoise dragon seemed more important than other things. There are people in charge in the settlements one by one. With the cooperation of the zombie army, there is no need to worry about any accidents.

The only place where porpoises found them was the bloodthirsty claws sent out from New Delhi They had long changed the search target, from the King Kong zombie to the porpoise.

But it has been almost a month, and there is no news about the porpoise dragon. From Lu Chuan's point of view, this seems a bit abnormal.

As long as the dolphins are still on this earth, it is impossible not to be discovered. One million bloodthirsty claws, they are all over the world, no zombies can escape their search.

But it is strange, it has been only a month, and there is no progress, as if the porpoise dragon is a myth on earth.

"No, isn't there a porpoise in New Delhi?"

Since it is not a myth or legend, Lu Chuan believes that the search must be in the wrong direction.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, a large number of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws stationed in Zhongzhou City began to assemble, forming a dark cloud covering the city center.

Eight thousand scorpions emerged from the warehouse and flew in the air. They were the main force against the porpoise dragon.

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