Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1025: Movie Box Office

After the meeting, everyone had a meal together.

Li Tian never said what his back hand was, just let them wait.

It wasn't until after dinner that everyone was gone, and Li Tian stopped Xiong Yunhong and said, "My plan is related to a one-step movie. I will wait to see the box office of this movie."

Xiong Yunhong immediately thought of something, and he nodded.

Xiong Yunhong is also a vigorous and resolute person. The next day, on the Internet, on the official website of the rich agricultural park, information about the factory in the rich agricultural park has begun to go online. The promotional video is very simple, but the meat products have caused some on the Internet. dispute.

"What the hell? What kind of company is this rich agricultural park?"

"Isn't the main researcher on new vegetables? Why are meat products coming out now, royal kitchen flavor, barbecue flavor, and classic pickled pepper flavors. Are you kidding me, chicken legs and wings are so expensive?"

"Let me go, this quality inspection procedure is too complicated? The factory in this rich agricultural park spends all the costs in this place."

"Also, the wages of employees in this factory are generally a bit high. With such a good salary, I want to apply for a job from a province."

"However, this factory's requirements are really strict, so let's wait and see."

Chicken legs, chicken wings and chicken feet are generally 5-10 yuan more expensive than those in ordinary supermarkets. This is too expensive. Many netizens said they would not buy them, even if they watched its promotional video, they knew where it was expensive.

"I'm just a poor man, really expensive chicken legs, I can't afford it."

"Can't afford +1."

"I just feel that this company is too high-quality products. Although the quality of the products is indeed excellent, the price is not close to the people."

But there will still be very few netizens who say.

"Where can I buy it?"

"Recently, I have some pocket money, so I want to buy it and try it."

What surprised them, however, was that they could not find a way to buy them. The meat products of the Rich Agricultural Park factory were only sold in a low-key manner in more than 50 supermarket chains in the city.

Meat has just been on the shelves for two days. Although it is expensive, it is still sold out.

After hearing the news, Xia Yuhe happily told Li Tian and Xiong Yunhong that the brand of Rich Agricultural Park already had a batch of loyal iron fans in the city.

Li Tian is naturally very happy, and the others have now gone out of town.

He told Xiong Yunhong that meat products can already be produced on a large scale.

Since Boss Li has spoken, he didn't ask too much, and immediately began to implement it.

On Li Tian's side, he came to the city where the branch is located. After all, the new loofah conference has just been successfully held soon, so he wants to come over and check it out.

Zhu Lian attaches great importance to it, so she has never returned to her hometown.

Shi Jinglin was also very busy, but when she learned that Li Tian was back, she was still very happy to greet her.

"Li Tian, ​​has your chicken cooked food in your home factory been on the shelves?"


Li Tian smiled and nodded. "The sales in my hometown are pretty good, just wait for the nationwide delivery."

Shi Jinglin asked: "Do you still plan to cooperate with dealers across the country?"

Li Tian nodded and shook his head again.

"The logistics in our hometown is not so developed. There are no large number of trucks and channels to send goods to the whole country. Therefore, in the early stage, I will use the e-commerce model. When this product becomes popular, I will consider cooperation with large supermarkets. As for retail Quotient, don’t consider it for now."

Of course, Li Tian has also considered using branch channels.

In other words, first bring the products from the home factory to the branch, and then deliver them to dealers across the country through the convenient and developed logistics.

However, Li Tian didn't want to do this. Although the Rich Agricultural Park factory is also owned by this brand, it and the branch are completely two companies, with completely different investors and different products, so Li Tian does not want to confuse it.

Moreover, meat products are packaged and have a relatively long shelf life. The shortest period is more than one month. The e-commerce model is the most convenient. Second, they cooperate with large supermarkets. They eat a lot of food, and it is acceptable to transport them by car.

The most important thing is that Li Tian himself also understands that his cooked broiler does not currently have core competitiveness. The quality of the product is the basis of the product and cannot be used as a selling point.

Li Tian also tasted the taste of royal kitchens. The name is rather bluffing, but in fact, the taste can only be said to be okay, not as a core selling point.

Therefore, Li Tian would not expect this kind of product to continue to sell well, as long as the employees' salaries can be earned back from the beginning.

If he keeps losing money, Li Tian can't bear such a big factory.

After all, this is not foundry. The entire factory belongs to Li Tian. He is responsible for the livelihoods of many employees.

Another day passed. After Li Tian was busy with the things on hand, he took Shi Jinglin and said, "Go tonight, I will take you to the movies."

Shi Jinglin is very smart, she guessed something immediately.

"Are you going to take me to see the "Gourmet Country" at the press conference with us?"

Li Tian nodded.

"My next plan is to see if this movie can catch fire."

Shi Jinglin didn't react, she asked in surprise: "Do you have any plans?"

Li Tian first sell it. "You will know then."

Shi Jinglin gave Li Tian angrily, this guy, now the new loofah is about to be on the market, he looks mysterious.

The cinema is huge after all, it is a second-tier city. In the most eye-catching place, there are several latest movie posters.

Among them, two foreign films are arranged at about 20%. Fortunately, they are not blockbuster films. The popularity is not particularly high. Among domestic films, most of them are low-cost films. Because of the special background of "Food Country", even if it is only The big star Sun Xiaoxiang's wholly-owned investment has also brought high popularity. On the poster, the twin sisters of the Shen family are also very eye-catching, and the proportion of the film has reached 20%.

"I watched the promotion a few days ago. The two heroines in Gourmet Country are too similar, and I heard that there is no male lead in this movie, which is very interesting and the ticket price is not high, so I took my girlfriends Come and watch."

"Me too, because I heard that this movie was invested by the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, and Sun Xiaoxiang is my goddess. The script she likes must not be too bad."

After Shi Jinglin and Li Tian appeared, many people looked at Shi Jinglin.

Li Tian is used to it, Shi Jinglin is so beautiful, her temperament is so cold, it is hard not to be noticeable.

"It seems that the box office of this movie will not be too low. It is conservatively estimated that the box office is 100 million."

Li Tian smiled. "Let's make a bet, I think this movie may become a dark horse and a hit."

"Gamble, gamble."

Shi Jinglin was not convinced: "What do you want to bet on?"

Li Tian touched his nose and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but I bet this film will have a box office of over 1 billion."


Shi Jinglin opened her mouth in surprise. "This is unlikely, after all, it is a niche movie, how could the box office be so high."

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