Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 12: Li Tian's happy mouth was crooked

   Li Tian was utterly unspeakable by Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhang. You could only show a polite and wry smile.

   They may not respond to Li Tian, ​​so they don't say much.

   "Well, I have a nylon bag, and I can do it myself..."

   Li Tian took advantage of their rest, and hurried to find Tie Xie, and then under the guidance of Aunt Zhang, went to the duck cage and started loading duck dung.

   There are not many ducks raised by Aunt Zhang. Li Tian can just pretend to be interesting.

   Aunt Wang on the side didn't expect that Li Tian would pretend to be pretending to be. The smell of duck dung was not so good, even she felt sick. How could this young man Li Tian be so calm?

   "Okay, thank you Aunt Zhang."

   Li Tian didn't want to stay here anymore to listen to their various educations. After collecting duck dung, he just wanted to leave.

   "Wash your hands first~"

   Aunt Zhang didn't say disgust, but her eyes already had a sense of distance.

   This person, if you put on a face, someone still eats that set.

   When Li Tian put down his face completely, he really looked like a little farmer, digging the ground to collect manure, which would make Aunt Zhang’s original position of Li Tian quickly slide down to the most despised person.

   "No need, I will continue to work when I go back. I'm done, let's wash it." With that, Li Tian just left.

  Wang Auntie doesn't know Li Tian very much, at least she doesn't know Aunt Zhang as much. After all, when she was young, Li Tian played with Aunt Zhang's Zhang Lei.

   "I remember, didn't Li Tian used to be like a young man who never did farm work?" Aunt Wang saw Li Tian left, so she ignored her words.

Aunt Zhang immediately said: "Who said no, he is lazier than Zhang Lei in my family. The farm work at home is never done. Moreover, he is proud and always wants to achieve a career. At 28 years old, nothing was achieved."

Aunt Zhang looked at the duck cage that Li Tian cleaned up by the way, and sighed: "It is estimated that at this age, I really gave up, so I will come back to be a farmer. However, I really admire him. Even I can't adapt to this change of identity. Li Tian can actually smile from the beginning to the end."

   Wang Auntie also sighed. "This person is fate, God won't let you get ahead, you just can't get ahead." Older people in the countryside will still be a little superstitious.

   "Who said no~"

   Aunt Zhang thought of her own person, and compared it with the one who had just walked away with the duck dung, and she felt fortunate that her son was promising.

   After graduating from university, not to mention entering a big company, but also talking about a big girl in the city outside.


   On Li Tian's side, it was not good for him to be said to be like this.

   Even he would think, if the system hadn't been turned on suddenly, he would be really shameless to see people.

   Therefore, he must cherish and work hard.

  As soon as he got home, Li Tian didn't rest, took his hoe, put on his gloves, went to the vegetable garden, and continued to work. He poured the duck dung into the ground, and then, using the nine-toothed nail rake of Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West, he stirred the soft soil and duck dung together.

   May be somewhat stimulated by Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhang, so Li Tian worked very carefully.

   He didn't even realize that sweat dripped from his face.


In front of Li Tian, ​​the transparent screen of the system suddenly popped up, and it displayed: [Congratulations on successfully completing 2 level 2 missions. The reward 500 cash red envelope has been received. The system has been successfully upgraded to level 3. Please check and make persistent efforts. 】

   Li Tian was so happy all of a sudden, he realized that his face was covered with sweat. In this November weather, he was so tired that he was sweating. This is really tired.

   He quickly wiped his face with his sleeve, and then he packed his farm tools and went home.

   After all, his hands are dirty now. After washing his hands, he plans to check the status of the phone and system upgrade.

   But I didn't expect that Dong was really a good mother. She actually used firewood to boil hot water in advance. "I'm tired and sweaty and my clothes are dirty. Let's take a hot bath."

   "Okay, Mom."

   To my parents, I don't need to say thank you, but Li Tian's heart is warm.

   He swears that in the future, he must let his parents live a good life and never have to suffer so much.


   After taking a hot shower, Li Tian changed into clean clothes. After coming out, his mother Dong saw his son's hair wet, and said, "It's cold now, go and dry your hair."

   Li Tian couldn't wait to see his system and cash red envelopes, and said, "Mom, I'm in good health, no need."

   As he said, he just ran to his room upstairs, his door was still the old wooden door. This building has been built for nearly ten years. At that time, in the village, their Li family was still in good economic conditions.

  Unfortunately, since the first hospitalization of his father Li Jianping, the family's economic conditions have risen from a positive line to a straight decline.

   Otherwise, in the past ten years, the small building in my own house hasn't been so old.

   "Everything depends on me to change——"

  With the system, Li Tian's confidence has never been higher.


   Li Tian sneezed, he subconsciously rubbed his nose, and closed the old wooden door of his room by the way. "Who is thinking of me?"

   In fact, no one missed him at all, he just didn't listen to his mother's advice, his hair was wet, and he caught a cold in the average weather in November.

   However, Li Tian was highly concentrated on his system rewards this time, so he ignored it. UU reading www.

   Feeling a bit cold, I just found a coat and put it on my body.

   Then sat on the bed, quickly took out the phone, and opened WeChat to read it.

Sure enough, it was the mysterious account [Little Farmer] who sent him a 500 yuan cash red envelope. After Li Tian quickly clicked to receive it, he was transferred to the bank card. There were dozens of yuan in the card, so that he could take it out tomorrow. It's 800 yuan, which is not too cool.

   earned 800 yuan for half a day in the morning, and another 800 yuan in the afternoon. That is to say, Li Tian has already earned 1,600 yuan today.

   This money can be equivalent to a month’s salary for a small hotel kitchen worker.

  The more I thought about it, the more beautiful Li Tian felt, and felt that the dirty work of digging out duck dung and chicken dung was worth it.


   surprised him even more, when he turned on the system.

   A burst of low-level special effects fireworks burst out immediately.

   [Congratulations, the system has been successfully upgraded to level 3. 】

  【Special reward cash red envelope of 500 yuan, lottery points 200】


   Li Tian was so excited, the system was upgraded to level 1, and he was rewarded with 500 cash red envelopes. And there are 200 lottery points, this kind of happiness came too suddenly.

   dig 300 pieces of land in the morning and get 100 lottery points. The lottery will get a newbie gift package. After opening it, you will get 500 yuan, which is 800 yuan in the morning.

   In the afternoon, the 2 level 2 tasks in the novice spree were digging 300 yuan and fertilizing 500 yuan with duck manure and chicken manure, which was another 800 yuan.

   However, now that the system is upgraded to level 3, it has rewarded another 500 cash red envelopes.

   Li Tian's happy mouth smiled crookedly——

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