Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1243: Movie ambition

   Faced with numerous advertisements, netizens have expressed their opinions.

  [We already know the cooked food of Fufu Agricultural Park very well? Together with the spokespersons Shen Mushui and Shen Shuimu, now when I see them, I think of cooked chicken wings and drumsticks. They are so delicious that they drool. 】

  【Selling is only when there is publicity. Besides, with so many people in the country, you know, it doesn't mean that everyone knows it. And many of them started from the movie "Gourmet Country", they knew about the cooked food products of Rich Agricultural Park, but they never bought them. 】

   [Indeed, I am not very cold about the products of Fu Rao Agricultural Park. Although I heard that the quality is very good, I have to rush to buy them. It's a monkey. 】

   [Let’s talk about this movie, everyone. 】

   The reason why Li Tian dared to advertise is not only because "Three Life" is finally going to be released, this is a huge exposure opportunity, how can I let it go.

   Although the flavour of the cooked food products of Rich Agricultural Park is already very high today, the human nature does not stimulate the desire to buy because of the high fame.

   There are so many good things in the world, why should you buy money to buy things in your house?

  Advertising is by your side, constantly appearing in front of you.

  ‘Yes, do you want to eat? Then hurry up and buy me. ’

   is this kind of effect, so many companies can increase their performance more than ten times because of the good advertising.

   can't buy, always need to snap up, this is the normal state of the rich agricultural park.

   Others say that this is hunger marketing, but it is not. The main reason is that the production is not enough and there is no way.

   Demand is greater than supply.

   But now it is different. Li Tian knows that the Fu Rao Agricultural Park factory has opened a branch factory. After all, one year has passed, and the progress and changes that should be made are obvious.

   With branch factories to produce together, the production speed can naturally be doubled, so this large-scale advertisement is to double the performance of the factory.

This factory is almost fully invested by Zhao Ruxue, half of which is Zhao Ruxue’s shares, and 1.5% is Zhu Lian’s shares. Li Tian also considers giving Xiong Yunhong some shares, but has not yet given it, mainly because he is too busy. There is no time for many things.

He didn't have time to investigate the construction of the branch factory of Furao Agricultural Park and so on.

   Now as long as the factory makes money, it will be able to pay dividends to Zhao Ruxue. Zhao Ruxue has helped Li Tian so much, and it is time to repay part of it.


   The twin sisters of the Shen family have finished the film promotion, and are sitting at home watching the hot searches on the Internet.

   [The name of the movie "Three Life" does not sound like a blockbuster movie. 】

   [I heard that the total investment is more than 100 million yuan, and it is great that the drama can reach this level. I heard that the magic special effects are more expensive. 】

   [What the hell? There are magic special effects? 】

   [Have you not watched the promotional video? The special effects are the same level as Hollywood blockbusters. The key is very smooth and not embarrassing at all. 】

   [I heard that this movie is another big star Sun Xiaoxiang's full investment. Her last movie "Food Country" was also very popular, with a 10 million investment and a box office exceeding 1 billion. This time the investment is more than 100 million, and it is estimated that the box office for the premiere alone will be enough to exceed 100 million. 】

   [I’m afraid you don’t know the screenwriter of this movie. 】

   [Who is the screenwriter? 】

   Shen Mushui couldn't help but smile when she saw this, she immediately opened Weibo and found the Weibo account of Li Tian's novel author.

   As expected, Li Tian also promoted "Three Kinds of Life".

   She @ immediately and forwarded it.

   For a while, many netizens who eat melon are stunned.

   [Internet author is a screenwriter? Haven't heard of it before? 】

  【You take a closer look. 】

   [Hey, this turned out to be the original author of "Fantasy World", is it true? Just kidding! ! 】

  【"Fantasy World" is so popular, I have seen its comics, which are simply works of art. I also spent more than 500 yuan to buy a collector's edition. 】

   [I have played 2 online games of "Fantasy Different World", it is so fun, the key is not expensive, charge 6 yuan, is a top member player. 】

  【I really didn't expect that it would be a script written by this author. I am very interested. When it will be released, I really want to watch it. 】

   Now is the critical moment, and the big star Sun Xiaoxiang has also been paying attention. She opened Weibo and also @了 some official Weibo.

   and revealed the ambition of "Three Life".

  Domestic Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award, Golden Goblet Award, Golden Horse Award, Golden Horse Award, etc., foreign Palme d’Or, Golden Bear Award, Golden Lion Award, Golden Shell Award, Tokyo Award, St. George Award, etc.

   This ambition is really big!

   However, Sun Xiaoxiang's Weibo is directly on the top search list. Almost all of the top ten on the list were contracted by three kinds of life movies, two of which were advertisements for cooked food products of Rich Agricultural Park.

   Searches in other browsers, short video rankings, post forums, circle of friends, chat groups, etc., are all unified hot searches.

   There are only a few thousand comments on the paper of the twin sisters of the Shen family, but the Weibo comments of the big star Sun Xiaoxiang reached 50,000 to 60,000 comments in a short period of time.

   [God, it’s my goddess——]

  【Goddess, I love you! 】

   [As expected of a goddess, this ambition is too great, it simply means to sweep all the movie awards. 】

  【The first time I saw such an arrogant goddess, I was so excited and I liked it. 】

  【The goddess has such high expectations for this movie, it is also the author's first film screenwriter work of "Fantasy World", and is definitely the most anticipated masterpiece of the year. 】

  【So excited, I can't help but want to enter the movie theater immediately to watch it. 】

  【The goddess is so beautiful, although the goddess did not participate in this movie, but I will consciously organize my classmates, relatives and friends to watch it in the cinema. 】


  The popularity of the movie is still relatively at least it is much hotter than the commercials of the cooked food products of the rich agricultural park, especially after Sun Xiaoxiang's ambition was exposed, almost the entire entertainment circle was boiling.

  Various big names and media bigwigs all left messages and forwarded them.

Basically all support is unanimous. There are few such movies in China, and works that can sweep various film awards at home and abroad. Sun Xiaoxiang was originally a living legendary female star. Her popularity is Asian Mike Jackson, and her influence is worthwhile Called horror, so when she showed her ambition in this way, almost the entire domestic entertainment circle was boiling.

   Even the relevant departments gave their support after watching the original film in advance.

  Many domestic and foreign film awards are awarded for exposing human nature or the ugly side of society.

   But "Three Kinds of Life" is not. Its theme is education. The foundation of education cannot be ignored by any country in the world.

   Moreover, movies are both ugly and beautiful. It can be described as a film that records this era.

Its strength is that in 112 minutes, as many as 100 various characters are depicted. The key is that the plot is particularly powerful, not abrupt, not contradictory, but also full of artistic appreciation, and the rhythm is also quite The strength.

   The relevant censorship department who has already watched the movie said yes.

   also strongly supported and promoted this epoch-making film to participate in various awards at home and abroad.

   vowed to create a miracle.

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