Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1301: Lonely smoke in the desert

The character of the Lily Maiden is not to say that she can do what she wants, but her love is poisoned, it is completely different.

Li Tian can dance on the edge of the knife, approach death infinitely, and awaken the true meaning of life even more.

As the night deepened, Li Tian took the Lily girl to the desert outside. Under the night, the vast desert was full of mystery.

Above the sky, the stars were a little bit brighter, and Li Tian started to set up a cauldron to prepare delicious food. The greedy little mouse did not come over this time.

Lily girl sitting in the desert with her sword in her arms, her hair like a waterfall in the moonlight.

"Do you still cook?"

She asked very surprised.

"During this time, I learned a lot."

Li Tian began to cook carefully, the desert was lonely and the sun was over the river.

The Lily Girl looked at him, feeling a very artistic conception. At the same time, there were a lot of worldly things in her heart, making her body and mind no longer so chic.

When Li Tian concentrated on cooking, he didn't think so much. After all, he planned to use food to conquer this naughty woman.

When the irresistible delicacy spread, the little mouse who hid finally tried to run over.

Lily Maiden also looked over.

The little mouse hiding behind the stone immediately stood up all over his hair.

Lily Maiden looked at the mouse and then at Li Tian, ​​this strange man, no matter what he did, he was different from others.

"Okay, the meal is ready, you can eat."

Li Tian is very satisfied with the food he cooked tonight.

"Little mouse, go get the bowls and chopsticks too."

The little mouse looked at the Lily Girl anxiously, but in the end he couldn't completely resist this kind of delicacy. He went to pick up his pocket-sized dishes, knives and forks.

Li Tian, ​​of course, gave the Lily girl a good meal first, sent it to him, and then gave the mouse some more.

Squeak, the mouse also responded.

The Lily girl looked more and more surprised.

"Li Tian, ​​you mouse is a bit interesting, it can understand human words?"

Li Tian smiled while giving himself a gift, "Of course, otherwise, how could I be with me."

The Lily girl suddenly grinned. "If that's the case, then you leave this mouse with me. It's boring for me to be alone in the desert."

Li Tian said casually: "Well, if you want, just give it to you."


The small spoon in the little mouse's hand fell all of a sudden, and its entire face changed directly.


It began to whimper with tears and whimpered.


Lily girl rarely laughed. "This little mouse is quite interesting."

Li Tian smiled and said: "Eat, eat, kidding, I won't give you away."

Even if Li Tian said this, the little mouse was still terrified. He took his dinner plate and sat down beside Li Tian, ​​leaning on Li Tian like a kitten, clinging to him, for fear that Li Tian would give it away. go.

The Lily Maiden looked at this spiritual mouse and couldn't help but smile. Li Tian was indeed a strange person, and could always encounter some weird things.

And when she tasted the food that Li Tian cooked, her pretty face was directly stunned. "This food..."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Isn't it delicious? It feels delicious, so you can eat more."

With that said, Li Tian also took out some fine wine.

Food, wine and singing are all sat down to complete the task.


The Lily Maiden looked at Li Tian more. She seemed to hesitate, but in the end she took it and ate rare food with Li Tian, ​​singing to wine.

Time is getting darker and darker under the night of the desert.

But the campfire here is very bright.

The desert was cold in the night, but there was no feeling of coldness in such an atmosphere, and Li Tian and Lily Maid were both outsiders, and there was no problem with resisting the wind and cold for a short time.

The little mouse was worried about his situation just now, and now he can also feel the pleasant atmosphere with him.

With a long sword, the lily girl is full of beauty and red clothes, beautiful in the desert night.

Li Tian drank and sang. Last time, he had already had this experience with Lily Maiden. Naturally, he was more proficient tonight, and there were more good wines and food, and a dispensable little rat.

Li Tian was not satisfied with singing, but only used his eyes to appreciate the beauty of Lily Girl. He stood up and danced with her with a hip flask.

Feel every beauty of this wonderful beauty up close.

The little mouse on the side wagged his tail in the moonlight and patted his little paw.

I don't know when the wine is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk. Princess Li Tian picked up the Lily girl and entered the ancient tomb. The Lily beauty had a drunken blush on her cheeks, and her eyes also had a special charming color.

She knew what this shameless man wanted to do next, and she obviously didn’t want to fulfill him on the first day of meeting, but at this moment, her body and mind were out of control, and eventually...

The next day, above the desert, the sun rose.

Instead, the little mouse woke up first. Last night its owner slept with the beautiful woman in costume. It didn't peek, but didn't hide.

For it, although there are some complex emotions, its mouse head is very small and can't think about too complicated things, so it doesn't think about it, but it starts to cook.

It wants to help the owner to do something, but it is difficult because it is still too small.

There are a lot of delicacies in the owner's Some of them are it, it can touch, and the owner's things, it can not touch randomly. In case the owner is unhappy, it will really be abandoned by the owner to the woman. Although the woman does not look like an ordinary human, her skin is white and smooth, and her face is beautiful, but the little mouse still wants to be with Li Tian. Together, because it felt that Li Tian was more gentle.

in other words:

The little mouse is not a scumbag, and one loves the other.

When Li Tian woke up, it was almost ten noon. He was in the ancient tomb and could not see the sun. Without looking at the time, he would hardly know what year and month.

Although this kind of place is also suitable for living, because it is very cool, but Li Tian must be living soon.

Only a woman like Lily Maiden who mourns more than her heart death can live for a long time.

Looking at the beauties in his arms, it is not unreasonable for men to like beautiful women. When a woman is so beautiful as a fairy in an ancient painting, and savoring her beauty, it feels like Sun Wukong stole a fairy peach.

Finally, the beautiful Lily also woke up. She looked at Li Tian and seemed to have some forgetfulness. After all, she had been single for many years and lived alone, and suddenly she was lying in the arms of a man...

"You are awake."

Li Tian gave her a natural kiss, smiling kindly but a little bit presumptuous.


The Lily Maiden didn't speak, she sat up slowly, then put on her clothes quietly and combed her long hair.

She came to a very clean pool in the ancient tomb and began to wash her body.

Looking back, I could see Li Tian on the bank watching her quietly.

Xiafei could not help but cheeks.

"If you look at me, I will kill you..."

Li Tian didn't know how to get a big apple from there, and he laughed while eating, "Haha, I know, you can't bear it."

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