Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1323: Don't get me wrong

  The story staged at the gate of the airline is naturally very moving, especially some men with poor mental capacity have already burst into tears.

   After all, I have been in a secret love for a long time, and I feel that I have paid too much. When I find that I have lost it, the pain is so painful.

   "Ah! My goddess..."

   "Goddess, don't get in that man's car!"

"Damn... only a few hundred thousand cars, why? I'm so unwilling, if it's Maserati, Rolls Royce, Maybach... I can still accept it, but this level of goddess Yang Yanran soaked away, it is true Not reconciled..."

   Those who have no countermeasures are still complaining, and those with ideas have already started to take action. They have to investigate the true identity of Li Tian, ​​and then compare them with themselves. If Li Tian is really an economic level of only a few hundred thousand. In an enterprise as large as their airline, there are too many men of this level.


   Li Tian, ​​naturally, would not put those people in his eyes. As long as beautiful women have been in contact with him, it is difficult to look at other men.

   "Li Tian, ​​are you really coming to see me?"

   Yang Yanran is sitting in the passenger seat, her body is naturally perfect, and when wearing a seat belt, she can let the man on the side see a seductive side.

   Li Tian would naturally not stare so unpromisingly. Wouldn't it be okay to go home with an open mind? Doesn't it smell?

   "Of course, man, of course you have to do what you say."

   Saying that Li Tian came here naturally. Yang Yanran thought Li Tian was going to help her fasten her seat belt. However, she never expected that this man would kiss her directly at the company door, and the car window was not closed.

   Such a scene undoubtedly broke the hearts of many men.

   Originally with a fluke mentality, I felt that Li Tian might be Yang Yanran's younger brother or elder brother. At this moment, the reality was like ice, slapped on the face fiercely.

   "Li Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

   "Kiss you."

   Li Tian said very casually. When Yang Yanran was not his woman, she naturally kept her distance. This time he came here specifically to deepen his feelings, so why hide it?


   Yang Yanran blushed all of a sudden, this Li Tian really couldn't describe him.

   "What? Is there a man you like outside the window?"

   Li Tian asked with a smile.

  Yang Yanran excited, then looked outside, and then quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that. There is no boy I like outside, I just...I just don't get used to this kind of intimacy."

   If Gentleman Li Tian, ​​in Yang Yanran's expectation, he should apologize immediately, saying that he was too impatient. x ://

   In fact, some girls are relatively conservative and are not receptive to boys who are too exaggerated. Especially when they meet each other, they are very disgusted.

However, Li Tian has already passed the slow emotional communication method before. Yang Yanran, the little sheep, was suppressed by Li Tian, ​​so he directly approached Yang Yanran again. The distance between the two of them was no more than 2 Cm, you can smell each other's breath.

   "If you are not used to it now, you will get used to it later."

   Li Tian stretched out his hand and stroked her smooth chin and said: "Silly woman, you are not single now, you are my Li Tian's woman..."


   The man outside has no thoughts anymore to peek.

   If Yang Yanran looks more ordinary, that’s fine, but she is undoubtedly the most beautiful in the entire company. How many men stare at her every move, and now, it seems that many men no longer need to stare.

   Yang Yanran is already someone’s little cat.


   The car started. At this time, Yang Yanran reacted afterwards. She looked sideways at this somewhat sinister Li Tian and asked, "Did you intentionally be at the company gate just now?"

   Li Tian smiled. "My woman is missed by so many people, of course I will be jealous, Yang Yanran, I am a possessive man, not mine, I am not rare, but if it is mine, no one else can touch it..."

   It really is like this. Just now, Li Tian deliberately kissed her just to show those unrequited men. This woman is already famous, so don't pay attention to her. xr>


   Thinking of Li Tian's behavior, Yang Yanran was angry and funny, feeling like a child.

   Normal, successful men with manners would not do this, because they are confident that their women will not look at other men.

   "Of course, I was too **** because you just wore a seat belt..." Li Tian told the truth.

  Yang Yanran looked down. Although her figure is not as good as Zhao Qi and Baili Xiaojia, she is naturally much plumper than ordinary girls, but Li Tian still embarrassed her a bit when she said it so bluntly.

   Tui blushed and said, "Li Tian, ​​you are really shameless..."

   After finishing speaking, I seem to feel that I am talking more seriously. Men like beautiful women, and Li Tian likes her **** look, which is normal, but he is a bit rude to say bluntly.

   "I mean..."

   "In front of my wife, what face do you want?!" Yang Yanran knew that Li Tian now has a thicker skin than a city wall after so much love.


   Yang Yanran was very helpless, this Li Tian made it clear that she would take her to his heart, as if doing whatever he wanted.


   Li Tian changed the subject while driving.

   It's not that he has never seen a woman, wants to take advantage, and has time to go home, and there is no need to do it in the car. Not only does he appear to be innocent, but he also disrespects driving and is irresponsible to others and his own lives.

   "How do you feel when you change your job?"

Yang Yanran is obviously interested in this new topic. She pursed her lips and said: "There are some difficulties. Almost all the work is done again. However, it is not as difficult as I thought. After all, it is a company and colleagues get along. Not bad."

   "Did you use the card I gave you?"

"Card? What card...oh, what you said!" Yang Yanran smiled: "I have been carrying it with me, but I have not had time to use it. I think it is very precious. I will use it again when I can't solve the problem. ."

   Li Tian smiled. This is Yang Yanran. If it were Feng Xiaoling, it would have been used.

   Although both of them are that kind of long and beautiful women, but the average qualifications However, there are obvious differences in personalities.

   The car stopped at an intersection, and the red light ahead was about 20 seconds away. The window next to the car opened to reveal an Erha. The owner seemed to be a little bragging: look at my Erha Duo handsome...

Li Tian opened the window of the car, revealing the stunning beauty, and the opposite was immediately struck by lightning, just like a comforting sentence circulating on the Internet: The rich are 24 hours a day, the poor are 24 hours a day, and the rich eat 3 meals a day. People with no money also have 3 meals a day. Although the rich are private luxury cars, those with no loans can drive a car... Many comparisons, although they are almost interesting, their lives are similar. However, the poisonous chicken soup came in the back. When the rich opened the window of the car, the beautiful girls around them were younger than the other, fairer and more beautiful, slim and hot, not even heavy. xr>

   So the owner who exposed the Erhu had a broken glass heart. He happened to be a single dog. He raised the car window and drove away.

   I have a dog in my car, and a beautiful woman in my car. It’s more sad than Hubby.

   Yang Yanran found Li Tian showing her off again, but also dumbfounded.

   "Where do you want to eat tonight? At home or outside?"

   Li Tian didn't seem to care about the episode just now, he turned around and asked Yang Yanran gently.

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