Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1606: Eat bamboo

After listening to Peony's explanation, Li Tian smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth, let alone, it might be possible.

According to her naughty and tough character.

Back in her hometown, when she was not so cowhide, she was so hard to face Zhao Ruxue directly. Now her status in the ancient clan is no worse than Zhao Ruxue.

Especially in terms of super abilities, she is even stronger than Zhao Ruxue.

Peony chatted for a while, and she smiled: "Do you need me to help you increase your blood?"

Li Tian certainly understood the other meaning in her words. He smiled and said: "Need, but you don't want to **** my power too much..."

Peony smiled without saying a word.

Naturally, it is a moment when men are all happy. Peony seems to have used a special method this time to give Li Tian more blood power. At the same time, she may also consider that this is a special moment, so she did not **** Li Tian away. the power of.

So this time Li Tian won a lot.

Li Tian naturally hugged her and thanked her.

Peony just smiled and told Li Tian: "Don't die easily."

Li Tian could only smile wryly.

Seeing that Peony was about to leave, Li Tian suddenly thought of an extremely important thing.

"Peony, what am I eating here?"

There is no supermarket on this fairy mountain, and there are no wild fruit animals, everything looks particularly desolate, can't eat the air.

If you ask other people for food, you will most likely expose yourself, and the gains outweigh the losses.

However, what Li Tian could not even think of in his dreams was that Peony actually said, "Did you see the bamboo forest behind your house? Just eat that."

After that, he left directly.


Li Tian is constantly dumbfounded, what the hell?

Eat bamboo?

Li Tian can't laugh or cry. He is not a giant panda, so he wants to eat bamboo for a living?

As soon as Peony left, Li Tian's side immediately seemed very desolate, and he was not familiar with the place.

Although the process of being with Peony just now was quite romantic...

Food is the most important thing for the people.

Therefore, he had no choice but to consider whether the bamboo could be eaten.

Of course, Li Tian chooses tender bamboo. After all, bamboo shoots are also edible outside.

Fortunately, although it is rudimentary here, there are all necessary cooking tools.

Just no seasoning...

Forget it, just eat boiled, pure natural, I hope it is not poisonous.

However, what surprised Li Tian was that when the boiled bamboo was eaten into his stomach, not only did he leave an extremely fragrant taste and taste in his mouth, but he was also comfortable in his stomach.

It seems that this kind of thing contains the special power of Xianshan, which is difficult to refine in cultivation, but it will be better absorbed and digested if used in this way.

"There is such a function?"

Li Tian was surprised, Peony must know it, so she told Li Tian to let him eat this.

Moreover, this kind of food is very full, and Li Tian only ate two, just like to support it.

When he took a sip of the soup, he seemed to feel more comfortable in his stomach and body.

With this, Li Tian doesn't even have to work hard to cultivate, just lying down and sleeping, the strength in his body will also grow rapidly.

Of course, like filling the sea, there are very few comparisons, but if you compare it to the previous cultivation, Li Tian's cultivation is at least three times more than that now.

It can be seen that in different places, the speed of cultivation is completely different.

Using the analogy of money, this is Rome, eating a piece of bamboo, and the speed of improvement is three times faster than that of penance outside.

Li Tian, ​​who was lying down to sleep, couldn’t help sighing. If he cultivated here for decades, he might really be able to evolve and become a real god...

However, over the past few decades, can he be willing to those outsiders?

Li Tian should be reluctant...

Outside, the 5 times time card has been used up. At this special moment, Li Tian would naturally not use the [Random Special Task Card]. His only time is here.

The next day, neither Peony nor Rose came over.

Li Tian is also an honest person, so he did not go out and run around.

Just cook and eat bamboo here quietly...

Li Tian even considered transplanting the bamboo outside, so that Li Tian would not have to practice fortunately. He only needs to eat some bamboo every day, which is three times faster than usual.

But considering that the bamboo here has a special power, it should not be because of the problem of the bamboo itself.

But this fairy mountain contains special power interference.

So bamboo must grow in this place to have special effects.

However, Li Tian, ​​who was unwilling to be lonely, thought again, since it is the problem of this earth...

If he gets some dirt and eats dirt, can he also improve his cultivation?

Forget it, Li Tian really couldn't come by eating soil.

But consider other trees...

But on this fairy mountain, it seems that besides bamboo, other trees do not bear fruit, and most of Li Tian does not know it. What if it is poisonous?

Forget it!

Don't be greedy. Having boiled bamboo shoots is already a super happy thing. Don't pursue too much.

Three days later, on the top of this fairy mountain, Xiao Yan could very clearly feel that this was very lively. First of all, there were ancient children walking on the small road down the mountain.

With ears raised, you can even hear the loud sound of gongs and drums coming from a distance.

Li Tian felt that the promotion meeting was about to begin.

For the ancients, how the younger generation will advance depends on this opportunity.

Although it feels like a unified college entrance examination, it is very important to the younger generation of the ancients.

Sure enough, at this time, Rose came over in time, and she said to Li Tian: "Miss asked me to ask you, are you sure, have you considered it?"

If you don't think about it well, you can go out sneakily.

Facing Rose's question, Li Tian expressed some helplessness. "It's all this time, do I have any reason to quit at will?"

Rose looked at the complicated expression on Li Tian's face and couldn't help but smile: "Of course it can, feet are on your legs, we can't force you to do things you don't want to do..."

Li Tian could not laugh or cry: "Okay, let's go sign up."

After living here for a few days and eating bamboo shoots for a few days, Li Tian has the feeling of living in the countryside.

Once again following Rose on the side of the road, even if there are ancient children on the side, Li Tian doesn't feel particularly restrained.

Rose saw Li Tian's changes and smiled without saying a word.

Coming to the place where there was a lot of Li Tian felt in his heart that the ancient clan is really strong. There are hundreds of people here, most of them live in Xianshan, and those who can go out have not caused any special problems. The movement.

I have to say that the ancient clan rules are still very powerful.

If Gu Yuling didn't have a special relationship with this mysterious family, Li Tian might not come here forever.

There are ancient colors and ancient charms, and there are art works carved from unknown stones everywhere. Li Tian even feels that his master carving skills can also play a role here.

At this time, Rose gave Li Tian a brand, which looked a bit like an ancient identity card.

It says Li Tian’s name here: Gu Tian

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