Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1673: Bamboo leaves

Li Tian’s ability was a bit beyond what someone expected, especially when he took out the magic flute, that special flute sound was almost like a magic sound, countless aggressive flying fish stopped attacking. And it separates the two sides automatically, which is extremely spectacular.

"Li Tian, ​​this is too powerful."

The princess on the other side showed a surprised look once again, because it was really hard to understand.

Li Yuxin also has beautiful eyes, and her brother Li Tian is really getting more and more puzzled.

Where did her brother get this special flute from?

And the ability of this flute is too strong.

There is no doubt that Li Tian won the second match. The Magic Flute's ability is not comparable to them using their own power to drive away.

In the third round, the eldest princess directly said no.

For the eldest princess, there is no longer any need for comparison.

With this Li Tian, ​​her men couldn't win at all.

At this moment, the various subordinates of the princess all wanted to kill this Li Tian directly.

But obviously, it cannot be done.

Since there is no competition, the meeting will naturally adjourn.

Gu Yuling didn't hold back too much, she knew that her brother was still busy with a lot of outside affairs.

Before Li Tian left, she wanted to make love to Rose, but Rose refused. She wanted to help the young lady. At this time, she didn't want to focus on the love of her children.

There will be opportunities in the future, not in a hurry.

And Rose also knows that Li Tian has countless girlfriends, and she does not need her to serve Li Tian at all.

Li Tian can only pretend to be very sad, this woman and his sister are simply killing the donkey, and he has not gained any benefit.

Rose still sent Li Tian away from the ancients.

Although Li Tian is very capable, he does not have the ability to enter and leave at will.

The ancients did not intend to let him own it.

What if Li Tian comes in with something threatening outside?

After all, nuclear weapons, etc. are also threatening to the ancients.

There is nothing wrong with being careful.

During the separation, Rose exhorted: "You helped the young lady defeat the princess this time. Although the princess is not the kind of person who likes revenge, she might not let you go. You must pay attention to your safety. "

Li Tian immediately thought of Feng Yunlei's three beauties.


He nodded.

Sure enough, when Li Tian returned to his bamboo forest, there was a rumbling sound immediately.

And Li Tian didn't rush to pick up the magic flute. There were no outsiders here, showing the ability of the magic flute, which also made Li Tian look extremely chic.

He first played the sound of the flute, which made the chicken he raised enter the illusion, and then consciously went to the small bamboo house covered by Li Tian.

Then, the attack is coming.

Countless bamboo leaves turned into sharp blades under the strong wind, and they cut continuously, and then the countless bamboos turned into sections.

Li Tian didn't resist strongly either. He dodged directly and quickly. His figure turned into lightning, and no bamboo leaf could touch him.

The flute sounded melodiously, and the three women were soon discovered.

They are very powerful and prepared something to block their ears in advance, so Li Tian's flute can't help them.


Seeing that Li Tian's strength is so amazing, the three beauties wanted to go, but Li Tian said, "I hurt my bamboo and destroyed my peace. Do you want to leave like this?"

Li Tian did not reserve the shot, his figure was faster than a bullet.


Although the three women were also extremely powerful, they were not Li Tian's opponents at all, and were soon subdued one by one.

Li Tian shook out what was in their ears, and then the sound of the magic flute started to control their bodies and their minds.

Until he became Li Tian's puppet.

Li Tian used the flute to control them to approach, and then stretched out his hands to knead their beautiful faces one by one.

Now that the door was hit, Li Tian would naturally charge some interest.

However, the next moment, a fairy aura filled, Li Tian frowned.

This power is a bit beyond imagination.

He immediately backed away, the immortal energy surrounding the three women was able to resist the control of the magic flute.

Then the three women also seemed to feel that their beautiful faces were caressed by the hateful man in front of them, and suddenly their faces were hot, and their hearts were extremely uncomfortable.

He was about to go forward and fight Li Tian desperately, but was blocked by the beautiful woman in the fairy spirit.

The fairy girl is naturally the princess.

"Li Tian, ​​you have to be forgiving and forgiving."

Listening to what the princess said, Li Tian also smiled. "When the three of them just wanted to kill me, why didn't they think about letting me go?"

The princess said: "Your strength is unfathomable, and the three of them can't hurt you naturally."

"For today's matter, after I return, I will definitely punish the three of them."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Then what do you do if you destroy the flowers and plants here?"

The three women immediately said angrily: "It's just some broken bamboo, Li Tian, ​​don't go too far!"

"I'm too much?"

Li Tian smiled angrily.

"You come here to fight and kill, but you say I'm too much? You have frightened my chicken and destroyed my beautiful bamboo garden. Do you want to leave?"

The princess smiled. "Then Li Tian, ​​how do you want to solve it?"

The eldest princess knew that Li Tian was brave and even dared to fight her ideas, there was nothing that Li Tian dared not do.

Li Tian thought for a while.

"We are both members of the same race, and I don't want to deepen the conflict, so your eldest princess will stay with me for a cup of tea. How about we turn fighting into jade."

The princess and the princess's men are naturally incapable of killing.

Moreover, Gu Yuling's interests must also be considered.

There are only two relationships in the adult world, either the enemy or the interest relationship.

There are no eternal friends, but there can be eternal benefits.

The eldest princess heard Li Tian want to establish a relationship with her, and couldn't help but smile: "Are you sure?"

"of course."

Li Tian smiled and said: "Otherwise, you can restore all the damaged bamboo and bamboo leaves here, then I can forget the blame."

"Princess, this man is extremely trivial and can't promise him."

The three women could still feel their cheeks being squeezed by Li Tian, ​​because Li Tian didn't particularly pity Xiangyu, so his hands were a little bit strong.

Of course the eldest princess agreed, and at the same time looked at these three subordinates with reproaching eyes. They were usually spoiled and felt that they were powerful enough to do everything, but in fact it was not the case.

Because the large piece of bamboo in front is all down, the wind blows, and you can feel extremely cool.

Li Tian set up the tea set, everything is handmade from bamboo.

It can be seen from the craftsmanship that the craftsman's talents.

"You made these?"

The princess asked.

When Li Tian next poured tea to the princess, he sneaked a touch of her hand. It was cold but extremely soft.

"Li Tian——"

"You want to die!!"

The three women on the side were all angry, and this Li Tian was simply bold.

Li Tian pretended that nothing happened and said, "I did it myself."

While speaking, Li Tian suddenly took out the barbecue grill in the elegant atmosphere of drinking tea, and then said with a grinning smile: "When drinking tea, we have a barbecue with it. This is delicious."

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