Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1793: 0 Autumn Mandai

Leukemia is not simple. It is similar to liver cirrhosis and cancer. It is a malignant disease that makes people talk about it.

Leukemia is a malignant clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells. Clonal leukemia cells proliferate and accumulate in bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues due to mechanisms such as uncontrolled proliferation, differentiation failure, and obstructed apoptosis, and infiltrate other non-hematopoietic tissues and organs, while inhibiting normal hematopoietic function. Clinically, anemia, bleeding, infection, fever, liver, spleen, lymph node enlargement and bone pain can be seen in different degrees.

Common causes are caused by viral infections, chemicals, radiation, and genetics.

Common symptoms include fever, anemia, significant bleeding tendency, or bone and joint pain.

The treatment methods for leukemia include: due to the complex classification and prognosis stratification of leukemia, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment method. A treatment plan needs to be formulated in combination with meticulous classification and prognosis stratification. At present, there are mainly the following types of treatment methods: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantation, etc. Through reasonable comprehensive treatment, the prognosis of leukemia has been greatly improved, and a considerable number of patients can be cured or long-term stable.

Although, with the advancement of medicine, there are many treatment methods for leukemia, but it cannot be denied that it is still difficult to completely return to normal people.

What Li Tian wants to start research is to completely cure this disease.

This is simple to say, but it is not easy. Even if Li Tian has so many plug-ins, he still has to take his time and break them one by one.

This disease, of course, needs to be treated in conjunction with a major hospital. It does not mean that patients can be cured by buying some medicine and eating themselves.

At least before taking the medicine, there is a very detailed examination and diagnosis, which is very important.

The big star Sun Xiaoxiang came to Li Tian and asked, "I heard that you are studying another serious illness recently."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Almost."

Then Li Tian asked, "Do you have anything to do?"

Sun Xiaoxiang shook his head. "It's nothing big, I just want to tell you the recent achievements of the daily necessities group we have worked together."

Li Tian smiled and said, you say I listen.

Sun Xiaoxiang said with emotion: "At the beginning, we worked together to create countless miracles in the entertainment industry. I thought it would be an insurmountable peak."

Yes, a sci-fi movie jointly shot by the two has a global box office of more than 10 billion. It can be called horror and the first box office in history.

However, I never imagined how long this has passed. The achievements of the two people in the pharmaceutical group and the daily necessities group are even more proud.

Especially the pharmaceutical industry. In this world, the most proud industry is nothing more than curing diseases and saving people and children's education. If these two are done, they are things worthy of everyone's praise for generations to come.

Li Tian and Sun Xiaoxiang talked for a long time, knowing that others had successfully developed a drug to completely cure leukemia on the other side.

Once this disease needed chemotherapy, the human hair was gone, and the treatment process was extremely painful.

Now, under Li Tian's painstaking research, all he needs to do is take medicine.

His medicine is very difficult. In addition to the resurrection of medicine fossils hundreds of millions of years ago, there are dozens of special things brought back from mysterious ancients.

It is no exaggeration to say that one of the drug quotes is priceless.

The cost of synthesizing a pill is no less than 100 million.

This shows the exaggeration of Li Tian's drug investment.

However, Li Tian's current pharmaceutical group is very mature, and there are fast-forward medicines, which can be replicated on a large scale.

Let the cost of medicines be greatly reduced.

In the end, Li Tian decided that one medicine was 99 yuan, and he only needed 7 medicines in total to completely cure leukemia.

During the treatment, there is no pain and no side effects. After recovery, it is almost indistinguishable from a normal person, and the chance of recurrence is almost zero. 97 Chinese

When Li Tian successfully developed the drug, the state personally awarded Li Tian an award.

The significance of Li Tian's drug research and development is too great.

Countless patients feel that this moment is like a dream.

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, such a terrible disease could be cured within 1,000 yuan."

In I am not a medicine god, there is an old woman who has spent money to treat her illness and her family is dragged down and her house is sold.

This shows how terrible it is in traditional treatment.

But now, for less than 1,000 yuan, without any pain, the disease can be completely cured, which for countless patients is almost like a dream.

Even many family members of the patients were moved to ask Li Tian to kneel and be grateful.

The global order volume has reached an incredible level.

This disease requires the cooperation of hospitals. On the homepage of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, in the Leukemia Division, you can find major hospitals that cooperate with you according to your address.

Basically the same as those hospitals used to treat bone hyperplasia, most of them are still those hospitals.

Because the big hospitals in a city are generally general hospitals.

Nowadays, on the official website of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, the number of page views will exceed 100 million every day.

In Europe, America and other places, the website of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group once surpassed Google and Apple, becoming the most popular website for people to browse.

Because the drugs developed by FuRuo Pharmaceutical Group already have: Acne series A~F, myopia, dental, presbyopia, muscle and muscle plaster, hepatitis B, rheumatism, surgery, warts, colds, bone hyperplasia, onychomycosis, Hand, foot and ringworm, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, erysipelas, appendicitis, paralysis, polio, leukemia, etc. Most patients come first to see if Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has developed drugs for related diseases.

If there is, then it is simply too lucky.

Painless, short time, no side effects, and can be completely cured.

These and which ones are all conditions that can make the patient cry. At present, the only possible pain is dentistry and bone hyperplasia. The former needs to wear out broken teeth and grow new ones. However, the narcotic drugs developed by Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group can be almost painless.

After a new tooth grows, except for a little uncomfortable feeling, it basically doesn't hurt anymore.

For bone hyperplasia, injections are required at the beginning, and the extra bones that have grown out are eliminated with special potions.

Pain is pain when the needle sticks, and it doesn't hurt when the potion starts to work.

Therefore, the patients treated by Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group are basically painless. Moreover, it is not painless from false propaganda, but it is really painless at all, and it can cure most of the intractable diseases that were once incurable in a short time.

Therefore, the official website of Furao Pharmaceutical Group is the most popular website in any country in the world.

Even foreign hackers will not attack this website.

Because this company has benefited billions of humans at a low price. If one or two unconscionable hackers attacked, it would be quickly maintained by countless hackers and counterattacked.

In the end, those who have no conscience will face a lifetime of prison.

Just because, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is now the most sacred pharmaceutical company in the world.

All forces will help this company free of charge.

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