Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1816: God man

The big star Sun Xiaoxiang did not expect that Li Tian would successfully develop a weight-loss drug so soon, and the effect of the weight-loss drug is surprisingly good.

It takes only three days to achieve 100% weight loss. It is quickly tested professionally and has no side effects.

Weight loss is also based on biological genes to achieve the healthiest body perfectly. It is impossible to lose weight to the limit.

"Li Tian, ​​you are amazing too."

Sun Xiaoxiang almost admired Li Tian, ​​how could this man be so powerful, it was a miracle among miracles.

Li Tian smiled and said, "It's okay, let's start publishing."

According to the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, this kind of medicine that directly reaches the sore spots of obese people must be developed.

Perhaps, from now on, there will be no obese people in this world.

One box of 300 yuan can solve obesity. After that, as long as you pay attention to exercise and diet, you will no longer lose weight. After taking it for at least half a year to one year, it is almost impossible to get fat again.

Unless you want to get fat, can't control your mouth, can't move your legs.

"You won't attend the press conference?" Sun Xiaoxiang wanted to make Li Tian famous, after all, he developed this magical medicine himself.

Li Tian shook his head. "I still have my own things to do, so I won't waste time."

That's right, Li Tian has his own things to do, and the time agreed with the mysterious invisible woman is approaching. She rarely asks Li Tian to accompany him.

"okay then."

Sun Xiaoxiang went to the development of the conference by herself, and even took this miraculous medicine to change the history of obesity in front of many media. She was regarded as the first person in the media.

Let countless people witness miracles.

Sure enough, even without Li Tian just because of these three diet pills, the whole scene was super successful.

Coupled with the gold-letter sign of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, the effect is even more needless to say, it has shocked countless people.

[My God, I read it right, weight loss pills? The medicine I dream of. 】

How many obese patients are grateful.

[Since I was a child, I was ridiculed by my classmates because of my obesity. Now I can finally become slim. With only 300 yuan, I can change my life in my life. It's worth it. 】

[Thank you so much for Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group. The drugs developed by this pharmaceutical group have changed the fate of many people. I just want to kowtow here. 】

[If I can, I want to go to school well, and when I grow up, I will join the Rich Pharmaceutical Group to improve the world and serve all mankind. 】

After the slimming tea went on sale, it sold 30 billion in sales in just one day.

And foreign orders directly reached 100 billion, which is terrifying.

Because as the material life is getting better and better, there are too many obese people. In fact, most of them are just a little bit strong, not fat. For example, there are many between 150 kg and 200 kg.

The skeleton is big, in fact, it is not fat, at most it is strong, without body shape, and without clothes.

Only three hundred yuan of weight loss pills, one a day, a total of 3 pills, everyone can afford it, look at the age of the figure, who doesn't want to have a better figure.

In addition, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, a pharmaceutical company that is close to mythology in the minds of all mankind, is 100% trusted, and even does not need to wait and see, just buy it directly.

So three days later, not only on the Internet, but even in reality, everyone was shocked.

"Oh my God, Xiao Wang, why did you lose weight suddenly?"

"Son, you are my son? How are you..."

Because some 300 kilograms directly become the healthiest 150 kilograms, and lose 150 kilograms in three days, the whole person has almost changed, and it doesn't hurt or itchy. Sleeping doesn't even have nightmares, which is great.

Some parents and children hardly know each other.

Of course, the obese clothes that used to be can't be worn at all, but now that perfect figure is simply too stylish.

Countless drug users almost burst into tears in the mirror.

"It was the Furao Pharmaceutical Group that changed my life. If anyone dares to say that Furao Pharmaceutical Group is not good in front of me in the future, I will be anxious to him."

Yes, this is the charm of Rich Pharmaceutical Group.

It is also that Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has changed the lives of too many people.

In foreign countries, some of the first batch of patients who have used the weight-loss drugs of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group have even reached more than 400 kilograms. Because the skeleton of foreigners is relatively large, and the obesity is more serious, so in only 3 days, it is Perfectly thinned to 170 pounds, I was shocked.

On Google and Twitter abroad, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group’s weight-loss drugs completely occupy the third most popular discussion list.

The first, second, and third are all weight-loss drugs of Rich Medicine.

[Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is too familiar with it. This pharmaceutical company is too strong. I don't know how to develop such a perfect weight-loss drug. 】

[The R&D personnel are simply gods. The panacea can quickly lose weight within three days, and can also repair the body skin, so that the loose skin can quickly tighten the new body shape. Only this is what no weight loss drug in the world can do. . Even more exaggerated is that it does not have any side effects, and the added biological gene pharmacy is even more magical. It is a genius. Tongtong used biological genes to detect the height of each body's bones in three days, which can simulate the healthiest. Body shape, and then achieve this level perfectly. 】

[I can say without exaggeration that this weight loss drug can be written into the history of weight loss products, and even subvert the Just like the discovery of penicillin and aspirin, it is destined to be unprecedented. Of the person. 】

The whole world has received praise and praise, and now Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has become the world's most famous, richest and most powerful group company.

Li Tian also completed the task because of the successful development of the weight-loss drug.

[Congratulations on completing the task, the rewarded 200,000 yuan cash red envelope, 2000 lottery points, and 2000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

That's right, the task was completed perfectly, just like this magical weight loss drug.

Li Tian turned on the system.

[Current system level is 58, total experience value: 314651]

Li Tian now has a relatively high utilization rate of illusion space, so he started the lottery without hesitation.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining 5 special items [Time Double Card (6 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lottery for winning a level 58 system item [Illusory Space]. 】


When Li Tian met with the mysterious invisible woman and began to explore a new cemetery related to longevity and light, Li Tian naturally used the mission card first.

Before he does anything now, he must use a new task.

[Congratulations on getting the new task: The task requires that you get a new medicinal material in a new place. 】

[Complete the task: reward 200,000 yuan in cash, 2,000 draw points, and 2,000 system experience points. 】

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