Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1868: 3 views follow 5 officials

Li Tian seemed to see that the three views of the He Yunmei paper were very problematic, and things developed into the way it is now. She was willing to cooperate, and it was the three views that followed the five senses.

If Li Tian still looks like the middle-aged uncle in the real world, it is estimated that she must not be so straightforward.

However, now Li Tian is the ultimate beneficiary, and he naturally does not have so many objections. He suddenly hugs He Yun.

He Yun was shocked. She, who just said that she was extremely powerful, was about to come with real ammunition at this moment, but she was obviously uncomfortable.

Li Tian naturally laughed and said, "What? You seem to be reluctant. Who just said that you want to enter the ocean of brother."

He Yun embarrassed: "This is true, but I just feel that we are a little too fast between us, I am not mentally prepared yet."

With that said, she also began to move to Li Tian.

Sure enough, when the girl became lustful, there would be nothing for men. She said to a gangster: "Don't worry, I will be responsible for you."

Li Tian was also dumbfounded, and reached out his hand to grab her moving little paw and said, "Are you sure, are you teasing me like this?"

He Yun was a little afraid to look at Li Tian's eyes and whispered: "Are you sure this is teasing? Isn't it pure love?"

Li Tian smiled and said: "Forget it, seeing your unknowing appearance, I will let you go for the time being."

He Yun pretended to be stupid and said, "Let me go..." But when he saw Li Tian's aggressive eyes, and Li Tian had already started stroking her beautiful legs, she immediately seemed to have static electricity all over her body. The whole person just jumped up.

"Um, you are hungry, I'll make you something to eat."

Li Tian grabbed her hand and said, "You haven't promised me to delete all the photos in the phone."

He Yun still hesitated. After all, the more than 100 photos saved in the phone were carefully selected by her, and because of Li Tian at this moment, all the photos of her previous fantasy boyfriend were deleted, which is really a bit reluctant.

"You a big man, wouldn't you be jealous with such a few pictures?"

Li Tian saw through her careful thinking, just smiled: "What? Are you still a little bit reluctant?"

He Yun awkwardly said, "I didn't mean that..."

Li Tian knew that He Yun’s psychological defense still needed him to break through as a man, so he went straight forward and hugged He Yun’s willow waist, and then fixed He Yun’s small head with the other hand. The next moment I just kissed He Yun's soft and sweet lips.

At that moment, He Yun's entire eyes were extremely wide open, and her entire brain was blank. She almost became immobile.

Li Tian didn't let her go until her body was numb and soft, and there was some lack of oxygen.

Li Tian looked at her at a loss and smiled: "How about it, then, there will be no problems."


He Yun still reacted for a while before muttering to himself: "This is my first kiss..."

Li Tian continued to hold her and smiled: "What? Don't you like me? Isn't such a memory bad?"

He Yun refused a bit, "But, I feel we are too fast, and we obviously only met today."

Li Tian smiled and said: "I said when you came. The first time you met with me, you would take me home directly. This is a very dangerous thing in itself, and it belongs to the introduction of wolves into the room."

He Yun said embarrassedly: "Well, I will listen to you, and I will not take boys home casually in the future, even the idol star I like."

It's terrible. Although men are handsome, when a man invades a woman, the feeling is simply incredible.

People look forward to, fascinated, but there are some fears.

In the end, she deleted all the photos in front of Li Tian, ​​but not afraid, the phone photos were deleted, and there is also a function called the recycle bin, which prevents users from deleting by mistake or deleting them because of emotional out-of-control. Regret function, as long as the time does not exceed 30 days, there will be a chance for regret recovery. Fire out

At the same time, not only this function, but also cloud storage synchronization backup.

As long as He Yun is willing, she can still retrieve the video in minutes.

Although Li Tian usually doesn't play mobile phones as much as hers, he doesn't understand everything. He sees through and doesn't tell.

He Yun is his Li Tian's personal belongings, so sooner or later her body and mind will be Li Tian's.

"Well, you should be satisfied now, right?"

Li Tian smiled and said, "It's okay to barely."

Li Tian went on to exhort: "Since you are planning to like me, then from now on, you must learn to think of me all the time, and there can only be me."

He Yun's rebellious psychology came up, and she said: "That's not good. Although you are an idol star, you have too much control over me. I am not a kid anymore."

Li Tian smiled and said: "I just made a very simple request, and I only said the future, but not the present."

He Yun found that this man had a degree of relaxation, obviously very powerful, and there was a way that he would hit her lifeline directly when he shot.

As soon as she shot, it felt like she was hitting cotton.

"Forget it, I can't tell you, I'm going to cook."


He Yun could only escape this battlefield temporarily.

When he arrived in the kitchen, He Yun was cooking while thinking about what happened today.

It seems to be too hasty.

Although she likes handsome stars and stars, this little brother Li Tian is indeed the first time she has brought home.

However, he was a boy after all, and he was too good at flirting. It was less than 2 hours after the two met. He was in charge of her deleting the phone photos, and he kissed her forcefully, and tasted her first kiss domineeringly.

Recalling the tingling kiss just now, He Yun's mood is very complicated.

There is a kind of man who secretly kissed a strange beautiful woman. He was nervous, excited, and too frivolous, but because of his good looks, he felt a little bit of advantage.

Therefore, Li Tian's appearance in this world is really criminal!

Perhaps it was He Yun thinking about things and being too delirious, and she didn't pay much attention. She was cooking steak in a pan at the moment. This is a good steak, and she would not be willing to eat it at this Share with Li Tian.

So, although she felt that Li Tian was a bit too domineering psychologically, she was still willing to share her best food with Li Tian.

Maybe I was thinking about things. When I put the black pepper, my fingers almost touched the edge of the pot that was very hot.

If it is really hot, it will immediately produce a blister.

However, at this time, Li Tian, ​​who was clearly in the living room just now, seemed to teleport, but in fact, it was because of his speed that he was able to teleport and appear behind He Yun.

The powerful body suddenly hugged He Yun from behind.

It was the first time that He Yun was hugged tightly by a man from behind. The handsome smell on Li Tian almost made her body weak again.

However, Li Tian grabbed her little hand and blamed: "What are you thinking about? I will feel distressed if you burn your fingers." Latest URL:

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