Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1883: Zhao Qi is really surprised

   The relationship between Li Tian and Zhao Qi has also become more and more strange.

   Zhao Qi is completely a defensive attitude towards Li Tian.

   After hanging up the video chat, Zhao Qi began to search for screenshots of Li Tian's photos. She had the attitude of giving it a try to see what kind of background Li Tian had.

   The result surprised her.

   actually searched it out, and the searched content completely exceeded her original impression of Li Tian.

   In her opinion, Li Tian is related to horror and abnormality. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he does have a bit of good looks, but he would never think that this man turned out to be an idol singer on the other side of the earth.

   "Gosh, this world is crazy."

   How could such an incredible result occur.

   However, there is something more terrifying behind.

This Li Tian turned out to be the top three among the idol singers of this year. He sang a total of 4 songs, and each capital is original. When it comes out, it is the number one in the new song list, and then the number one in the hot song list. It is simply popular .

   Zhao Qi is really surprised.

   Because this completely does not conform to the logic in her cognition, how could it be such a result, it is unscientific.

   Her heartbeat almost broke through her body at the moment, her fingers trembling, and finally clicked to confirm the playback.

   How does she want to hear this guy sing?

   has a strange feeling of being a guilty conscience, so Zhao Qi was listening to the music version at first, but the music that came to her ears made her suspect that what she heard was the creation of a professional singer.

Although Zhao Qi, as a female schoolmaster, has not studied music too deeply, it must be admitted that Li Tian’s music creation does not have any plagiarism. It is purely original, and the singing is also addictive. Kind.

   "Impossible! How can this guy sing his voice so perfect, and it's not the same as his quarrel with himself during the day."

   "Is it possible, not alone?"

   It’s just that she might have some acquaintances because she is long. It must be so. The female schoolmaster Zhao Qi feels right, so she firmly believes that it is like this.

   Since this is the case, then Zhao Qi will change, so she opened Li Tian to participate in the game and recorded a high-definition video, seeing is believing.

   finally saw the true face of Li Tian Lushan.

   "How is it possible!" Li Tian on the stage is so handsome and perfect. After watching several game videos in one go, Zhao Qi's changes to Li Tian are almost earth-shaking.

  Really, it's so easy, how can I reach this level.

   Even as a girl, Zhao Qi wants to fan this talented little handsome guy.


   Zhao Qi turned off the computer. She was alone for a long time, and it was a bit late at the moment.

How to do?

How to do.

   Turned on the phone and looked at Li Tian's account on WeChat. Sure enough, his circle of friends was very clean and there was nothing inside.

   This makes Zhao Qi even more suspicious, are they alone?

Will    be twins who look the same?

   Otherwise, how could he, who hadn't completely finished the game at this moment, appeared here to go to school strangely?


   At this moment, even if Zhao Qi is a female academic bully, her head is about to explode, because there are too many unexplainable questions, and she has too many question marks.

   Of course, if Zhao Qi wants to figure out the answer right now, there is no way, and that is to send Li Tian an inquiry immediately.

   But, she had been so unrelenting before, and now she turned around and contacted the bad guy, wouldn't it be too shameful?

   Zhao Qi hesitated, and finally decided to sleep well first. She believed that all questions would be answered by time.


  In the dream, two Li Tian entangled her endlessly, and even one of them had to hug her high, which was so disgusting that she woke up in sweat.

   It's already morning, Zhao Qi rubbed some of her dull head. Of course, because her body just woke up, her whole body was numb and she had no energy.

   Going to the bathroom to freshen up, I feel that the whole person feels resurrected and feels much more comfortable.

   I looked at the pretty face in the mirror, thinking, if I were a little ugly, maybe I wouldn't meet a molester like Li Tian.


   Bring the textbooks needed for class, Zhao Qi is just going to class.

   It was another unexpected thing that made her appear.

   The hateful Li Tian appeared directly at the door of her dormitory, what a joke, that hateful fellow.

   "Hello, good morning, beautiful lady, it seems that I didn't rest well last night, such heavy dark circles. Do you need my brother to sleep with you at night."

   "Go away, you smelly rascal."

   Shameless, how could this kind of scum be an idol singer?

   Zhao Qi's affection for Li Tian last night, instantly disappeared again.

   Li Tian does not matter, anyway, Zhao Qi will be his person sooner or later, and he is not in a hurry.

   So, he is doing what he wants to do, saying what he wants to say at the moment.

   I like a girl, there is no need to hold her like a dog, but it can actually make her angry. It's pretty cute to watch her jumping with anger.

  Of course, this trick needs to be used by people who can afford it. If the technology is not enough, don't do it, it will cause trouble.


The two came to the classroom together. There is no fixed classroom for the university courses, and this hateful Li Tian and Zhao Qi entered the same classroom, so the purpose is almost very clear. This Li Tian is clearly on What's even more hateful is that this Li Tian actually sat next to her. The people around him, even the teacher, were brainwashed, and he didn't care about this hateful guy.

   Too bad, what kind of magic did this guy use?

   After one class was over, Zhao Qi finally couldn't stand it anymore. She took the initiative to speak: "Li Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

   Li Tian smiled and said, "Isn't it obvious what I did? I just want to soak you!"

   Shameless, bold, shameless!

   This kind of man should be regarded as an ordinary person, that is the role of beggar, but here, everyone is as if poisoned and turned a blind eye.

   One class is over, and the next class is going to another classroom.

Zhao Qi looked at Li Tian, ​​who was still with her, completely defeated by him. She was powerless and said: "I ask you one thing, is it a boring man like you, is it too fresh? "

   Li Tian understood what Zhao Qi meant. She regarded Li Tian as the rich second generation who had money and free time.

   The arrogant rich second-generation picking up girls is also so annoying.

   Zhao Qi did not expect that she would encounter it.

   Li Tian of course explained: "No, since I chose you, it will be a lifetime."


   Zhao Qi's head is almost exploding at the moment. "It's only two days, and I feel that I am 10 years old, and I will die for the rest of my life."

   Li Tian's tenderness is like a waterway: "Don't worry, you won't die, you are protected by me for the rest of your life."

   I like the best small farmer system, the best small farmer system.

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