Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 2023: Mahjong

"The Best Small Farmer System (

This moment is really super dangerous, a careless person may leave nothing.

In addition, outer space is extremely dangerous. Without oxygen, ordinary people can't breathe at all. Even if Li Tian possesses a huge aura, it won't last long.

However, at this seemingly desperate moment, Li Tian did not panic at all.

Because Li Tian's magic weapon was the treasure given by the system level this time. Li Tian was not willing to use it at first, but now it can finally be used.

Then the spaceship.

Although it is a mini-type, not very large, the internal space is only the size of three bedrooms and one hall, but there is no problem living inside.

Small but complete.

In addition, Li Tian also has storage cards, charging cards, etc., which can ensure a long-term normal life without worry.

A flash of light flashed, and the spaceship appeared. It looked super magnificent in appearance and did not appear abrupt in this outer space.

The mysterious invisible woman thought she was going to die. After looking at a beautiful woman thousands of years ago, she died immediately. This feeling is also very unique.

However, what she did not expect was that she did not die.

Not only that, but a very spectacular technology cabin appeared directly in front of her.

The mysterious invisible woman was surprised: "Li Tian, ​​are we back to your science and technology laboratory?"

Li Tian smiled and shook his head, and then took her to the huge transparent glass, only to see that everything was incredible before.

There was still a vast night sky outside.

The mysterious invisible woman later realized: "Is this the legendary spaceship?"

The mysterious invisible woman is so surprised!

No, Li Tian gave her an unimaginable surprise.

"Li Tian..."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Almost, how is it? Are you still satisfied?"

The mysterious invisible woman exclaimed: "Unbelievable, unbelievable. Spaceship, I didn't expect to live..."

The mysterious invisible woman looked back at Li Tian and exclaimed, "Li Tian, ​​is there anything you can't do in this world?"

Li Tian hugged the shoulders of the mysterious invisible woman and smiled: "Almost, although I can do a lot of things, we should keep a low profile."

The mysterious invisible woman smiled: "Li Tian, ​​with you by my side, I feel too safe."

Li Tian smiled and said: "What I want to do so hard is to give you this feeling, so that you can have no worries at any time."

The mysterious invisible woman was moved and nestled in Li Tian's arms, and for a while, she said: "Li Tian, ​​do you say that our two adventures have been rewarded?"

Li Tian smiled and said: "It should be considered a gain, after all, we have seen so many interesting things, haven't we?"


Mysterious Stealth adjusted his emotions, and then said: "Okay, then! Even if it is rewarding!"

Although there is some sadness, it is just an experience from beginning to end after all.

Inside this spaceship, like a small family, the two were eating delicious dinner cooked by Li Tian. Outside the window was the vast night sky. The mysterious invisible woman asked: "Li Tian, ​​you said, we were blown away by the hurricane just now. Now, how about the woman in the white jade coffin under the fairy tree?"

Li Tian took a sip of a drink and ate in the spaceship. Although he ate food from the earth, there is no doubt that the atmosphere inside is very different.

Feeling a lot, Li Tian thought for a while and said: "According to our guess, if the sleeping woman was really her father who wanted her to become a fairy and resurrect...then, it is not difficult for us to guess the organs of her father's life. Drive us away, then there must be institutions to protect her daughter."

The mysterious invisible woman agreed: "Li Tian, ​​what you said is very reasonable, I really shouldn't worry about her."

The mysterious invisible woman said: "So, what are we going to do now?"

Li Tian smiled and said: "Although my spacecraft can't be very long, but if you want to travel in this space, you can."

The mysterious invisible woman has some expectations.

"I have explored all kinds of secrets on the earth, and there is not yet in outer space, so I can just try it."

Li Tian smiled and said: "No problem, I believe that with a beautiful woman like you, our journey will be particularly interesting."

The mysterious invisible woman smiled and nodded.

In the silence of the night, Li Tian held the mysterious invisible woman lovingly in the warm room inside the spaceship.

The quality of life has not deteriorated much because of different environments.

In a flash, it was 7 days later.

It was very new in the spaceship at first, but slowly, it just became meaningless.

I can't go anywhere.

Li Tian smiled and said, "In that case, let's go home."

Because he was in a special space at the beginning, Li Tian couldn't use the additional function of the time doubler card to go directly to the earth.

However, Li Tian can use the spacecraft to locate the coordinate earth and quickly fly over the earth.

"We won't land directly, it will cause unnecessary glances."

If someone sees it, you think it is a UFO!

So Li Tian took the mysterious invisible woman, and the moment he recovered the spacecraft, he appeared on the earth with the mysterious invisible woman.

When the sole of the foot is on the ground, the feeling is really fascinating.

The mysterious invisible woman also sighed: "Li Tian, ​​I still feel comfortable on the earth."

On the beautiful port, behind you are modern and beautiful buildings, with yellow sand under your feet, coconut trees around, and the sea in front.

Stretching one's waist, being able to greet the sunshine in the blue sky and white clouds, which is neither hot nor cold, and the fresh air with the smell of the sea makes people refreshing.

Li Tian smiled and said, "It is true. The earth is free and there is no need to worry about organs and dangers."

The mysterious invisible woman seemed to have forgotten this adventure, she began to plunge into a new life.

When I was alone in the past, it didn't matter, but now, with Li Tian by her side, that means it does.

So she took Li Tian's hand and smiled: "Let's go eat seafood!"

Li Tian smiled and said: "To satisfy you completely!"

The two happily lived in this port for a period of course, Li Tian has a time double card, and he is still busy with other things at other times.

But the story with the mysterious invisible woman is not over.

Li Tian accidentally triggered a new mission. As long as he caught 10 crabs on the beach and made a delicious crab soup, he could complete the mission.

This kind of simple system task is of course super simple for Li Tian.

It's easy to take a mysterious invisible woman while traveling, and at the same time it's done.

[Congratulations on completing the task, rewarding 300,000 cash red envelopes, 3000 lottery points, 3000 system experience points, all have been distributed. 】

Li Tian opens the system: [The current system level is 71, total experience value: 559651]

The next step is to use the lucky card to draw a lottery.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning the 20,000 yuan cash red envelope. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning the 20,000 yuan cash red envelope. 】

[Congratulations on winning 3 [Good Luck Cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 3 bottles of [Evolved Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one system item [Golden Key]. 】

[Congratulations on getting one system item [Back to the past]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for obtaining 5 props [Time Double Card (10 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one level 71 special item [Spaceship]. 】


Sure enough, going back to the earth to draw a lottery turned into going back to the past. It can be seen that the space of the fairy tree before is really a special space.

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