Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 2095: Vegetable oil

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Many people like the ketchup developed by Li Tian, ​​and it has naturally achieved great success.

On the other side, here is the peerless beauty. She once again took the [Time Capsule] brought by Li Tian, ​​and at the same time looked at Li Tian and smiled: "You have been in this world for a while, and you are also successful. A lot of spices have been developed by China, so are you planning to go to another world?"

Li Tian looked at her, and the light was on her face at this moment, leaving an indeterminate brilliance, which was very literary and filmy.

Of course, this beauty from a thousand years ago is undoubtedly more beautiful than the heroine in any movie.

Li Tian just looked at her and smiled: "Why do you feel this way? Is it because you want to go to another world to play?"

The peerless beauty smiled and said, "Of course I don't care. Anyway, I came from a thousand years ago. No matter this world or another world, it doesn't actually belong to me."

Li Tian walked over, hugged her and smiled: "Don't say that, with me, no matter the world over there, it belongs to you."

The peerless beauty smiled.

Li Tian has indeed been in this world for some time.

However, he did not intend to immediately cross into the cloned world, after all, he is different from a peerless beauty.

The worlds on both sides are the same as travel for peerless beauty, without any sense of belonging.

For Li Tian, ​​although it is more exciting and interesting in the cloned world, there is still a sense of belonging in the real world.

The world here is so familiar to him, and he has a deeper sense of memory, which is unmatched in the cloned world.

Especially in my hometown.

When Li Tian returned home, Li Jianping and Dong's parents, here are undoubtedly more affectionate.

When Dong found his son at home early in the morning, he took the soy sauce and said, "Son, the condiments developed by your company are so easy to use."

Li Tian proudly said: "Mom, if it is easy to use, you can put more."

Mr. Dong hesitated for a while and said: "Although your research on soy sauce is very good, how can you go to study foreign cheese and ketchup later? Your mother, I will fry a few farm dishes, and I will not use these two seasonings. ."

Li Tian almost said to his mother: "Mom, what new seasoning are you, you said."

Dong Shi was a little embarrassed and said, "Will it be so good?"

Li Tian smiled and said, "Mom, your son is so good, what's so embarrassing about you!"

The Dong family is still the kind of simple and conservative in the countryside. Of course, not all rural people are like this. It depends on the personality of the person.

Therefore, Dong hesitated: "Although your company has new soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil, there is one thing that is often used for cooking, vegetable oil, although our family used to eat lard, but now it is changed to It’s vegetable oil..."

After listening to Li Tian, ​​he thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll think about it."

The Dong family went downstairs, and that Li Tian was still sleeping late, and he didn't seem to plan to act immediately.

But in fact, on the other side of Li Tian's multiple time card, he immediately went to the laboratory to start research.

It is rare for my mother to give her own opinion, and Li Tian will of course finish it as soon as possible.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a compound formed by the reaction of higher fatty acids and glycerin. It is widely distributed in nature. It is the oil obtained from plant fruits, seeds and germs, such as peanut oil, soybean oil, linseed oil, castor oil, rapeseed oil, etc.

The main components of vegetable oil are esters of straight-chain higher fatty acids and glycerol. In addition to palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid, fatty acids also contain a variety of unsaturated acids, such as erucic acid, tungoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid.

Vegetable oil mainly contains vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals and fatty acids. The fatty acids in vegetable oil can make the skin moisturized and shiny.

Conventional vegetable oil is made of plant kernels rich in fats and oils. After cleaning and removing impurities, shelling, crushing, softening, rolling, extrusion, etc., the crude oil is extracted by mechanical pressing or solvent extraction. , Obtained after refining.

Of course, vegetable oils are also graded.

The variety, quality and processing technology of oilseeds to determine the quality level of vegetable oil.

The edible vegetable oil quality standard system stipulates that the general edible vegetable oils on the market (except olive oil and special oils) are divided into four grades: first, second, third, and fourth, such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil, Rice bran oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil extract, and tea oil extract are divided into one to four levels.

While pressed peanut oil, pressed camellia seed oil, sesame oil, etc., there are only first and second levels.

Therefore, every industry actually has thresholds. It does not mean that you can do the best simply by trying to do it.

As long as Li Tian's research begins, it must be the best vegetable oil.

Therefore, Li Tian used a more advanced method and the best materials, under constant research and development day and night, and finally lived up to expectations. Li Tian successfully developed it.

New vegetable oil.

Li Tian did not rush to the market this time, but hurriedly brought new vegetable oil to his mother Dong to show it off.

Of course, the choice of time is when his mother Dong is cooking lunch.


Because Li Tian, ​​no matter how fast it was, it was a few days later, so Dongs had some forgotten things. At this moment Li Tian suddenly appeared, and Dongs curiously asked, "What is this?"

Li Tian laughed and proudly said: "Here, UU read This is my newly developed vegetable oil. You can try cooking today."

Dong's was surprised: "Is it so fast?"

Because it hadn't been listed yet, Dong didn't expect that Li Tian would use it directly for her.

"Okay, I'll try to stir-fry."

Dong said that he took the new vegetable oil newly developed by Li Tian, ​​and then went into the kitchen.

Outside, Li Jianping asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Li Tian explained the reason to his father.

Li Jianping couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this. "You're too used to your mother. It's just a stir-fry. Lard is the most fragrant. What kind of vegetable oil is used there."

Lard is also called meat oil or lard oil. It is extracted from pork, the initial state is a slightly yellow translucent liquid edible oil, white or light yellow solid at room temperature.

It has the functions of invigorating deficiency, moisturizing dryness and detoxification, and can cure dryness, astringent viscera, unfavorable stool, dry cough, and chapped skin.

The general population and people in cold areas are advised to eat more. Elderly people, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, exogenous diseases, and loose stools should not eat.

Therefore, lard is not edible for all human constitutions.

Li Tian's family still retains the habit of eating lard stir-fry, but it is relatively rare. Only special dishes will use lard to enhance the flavor.

Vegetable oil has been substituted for general dishes.

When Li Tian was chatting with his father Li Jianping, his mother Dong's side had used Li Tian's newly developed new vegetable oil and previously developed soy sauce and vinegar to fry very delicious dishes.

When it was time to eat, Dad Li Jianping could not wait to take the chopsticks to eat first, and then his eyes lit up.

"Don't say, son, you are really promising, the dishes fried with this new vegetable oil have more flavor and taste."

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