Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 397: Li Tian's novel is on the shelves

Being scolded, Li Tian had expected it, because he didn't expect that his own would be able to be on the Chinese list. It seems that the editor did not give up on him.

As for how the more than 10,000 collections came from, there is a high-quality red like my sister, and I am worried about traffic?

Of course, the retention rate of this traffic is not high, but the data looks good!

Rewards, clicks, recommendation tickets, and book reviews are all very popular.

Just not many viewers read the book

Most of them are recommended by younger sisters through advertisements. For the sake of the younger sister’s face, recommend and collect a wave, and then get a little pocket money at the reward point. Under the impact of large traffic, the data is better in a short time. It is also the reason why new readers are madly spraying data.

In fact, there is another kind of author. He came from a small station and has his own book friend group and his own WeChat public account. He came to China Reading Group to apply for a new author number, that is thousands, nearly tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands. His book friend fan can instantly make him rush to the major rankings, and it seems to be like a stat.

But his kind is a high-quality book fan. Generally, thousands of genuine readers are subscribed on the shelves, and the results on the shelves are very impressive.

Of course, this kind of great god-level authors with their own fans usually communicate with the editors. They basically publish a book and constantly recommend them. Therefore, it is normal for the data to look good. Correspondingly, Li Tian is abnormal.

Although he has been reading recitations and searching for various materials, trying to write it carefully, but the problem is that to create this thing, the right time, the right place, and the right people have to be available. After all, Li Tian wrote for the first time, and his writing was not concise enough. The words are not accurate enough, the plot is flawed, and the characters are not full enough. In short, works with many shortcomings can have unusually good results. This makes readers who have seen countless classic works of great gods dissatisfied.

Ever since, Li Tian was scolded in a **** head.

Not only that, the total number of positive reviews is as low as 2 stars. Many readers don’t even bother to read Li Tian’s creations. When they come in, they have a certain prejudice. They don’t have to be responsible for the things they don’t like directly. He spoke boldly, then waved his hand and left without taking away a cloud.

The editor asked Li Tian to burst out. After all, the double station he worked hard to fight for Li Tian was forced to put it on the shelf, but for the first time in history.

It's not that Li Tian's is excellent, but his data explosion model, the first time I've seen him. Diversion from outside stations is the same as the publicity before the movie is released. Major stations, Weibo, Moments, etc., are diverted to movie theaters.

If Li Tian can succeed, that is to say, this may be a new model.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to succeed.

Just like movies, **** is rubbish.

Even if the initial publicity is fierce, the audience is curious, and they will be deceived when they go to the cinema to watch it again, and they will not watch it again.

Li Tian couldn't do it now, and he worked hard to make three changes every day.

He has to take a driver’s license, go to the hospital, and go back to his hometown every other day.

There was also a delay in selling pigs before.

Although the scolding continues, the data is not bad.

The Chinese push has increased by several thousand collections, and now the collection has broken 20,000, and the recommended votes have reached 50,000. The most horrible thing is the click, reaching an astonishing 10 million.

In fact, the data of Chuangshi Chinese is almost the same, because there was no previous p because of the reason of refreshing the data, and the number of clicks was more than 10 million, because click Chuangshi and are interoperable, which is the same.

The collection barely exceeded 60,000, and the effect of Chuangshi Chinese's push was mediocre, because the recommendations in the reading are the big ones, and the main site is not popular.

Recommended tickets are about 100,000, and the scolding here is slightly less.

Maybe the wireless flow fantasy written by Li Tian fits the readers here.

Li Tian went to the browser again, and he clearly remembered that when the results were terrible, the first recommendation ticket was given by the readers here.

Not to mention, the results are on the new book list.

But there are still constant scolding, various 1-star bad reviews, in short, the appearance is very unsightly.

Look at the great gods, they are almost 5-star praise, and Li Tian's 1-star bad reviews are more than 5-star praise.

Not to mention all kinds of swearing rhetoric.

Forget it!

These are all imaginary mainly paid support from readers, which is real.

The value of a network is measured by the number of readers of the original version.

According to Li Tian's access to various materials, the number of genuine readers reached 3,000. Even if it is a fine product, there are various benefits and the possibility of publication.

If it reaches 6,000, even if the author is a small god, not only can it be published, but it can even be adapted.

As long as the subject matter is not particularly unpopular, it can even be put on the big screen if it reaches more than 10,000. Become a well-known classic phenomenon-level work.

On Friday, this day finally arrived.

Sister Li Yuxin did not go back to her hometown in the countryside after school. Instead, she came directly to her brother to rent a house. She seemed to know that the network that her brother had written for a few months was finally on the shelves.

For today's battle, Li Tian used all the precious luck cards he got from the lottery. (Needle Farmer System s..110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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