Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 60: Express arrived

My mother said so, what can Li Tian still say. When the old girl Li Yuxin entered the bathroom with a large pot of hot water, she turned her head and stuck her tongue out at Li Tian and made a face.

Li Tian couldn't even laugh or cry about it.

The bathroom was built at home after my father Li Jianping broke down. It cost several thousand. There is a water table inside, the walls are tiled, and a bathroom heater is installed, but one of the 4 lights is not on, and there are A shower head, but only cold water.

There are a lot of people in the family, and the younger sister Li Yuxin is older, so naturally I have to build a bathroom.

It's just that the water heater has never been bought.

‘Oh, this is the case for the poor. You can only buy half of the necessities of life. Even the two-story building of your own house is the same. It is only half completed, and the remaining half, either has no money, or is reluctant to buy it. ’

My sister Li Yuxin has long hair and washes slowly. After washing, his mother Dong boiled hot water again, and Li Tian brought two large pots.

It's cold, the Yuba with two lights on, taking a shower, looking at his vague figure in the steaming mirror. Li Tian thought, today is the day I have the most harvest, tomorrow I will go to the market to buy a water heater.

Because the town is too far away, installation and maintenance are not convenient.

There is also a home appliance repair shop in the market that has been open for more than ten years. TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines are all sold, and Li Tian's electrical appliances are also bought from him.

‘However, it seems that he only receives cash and does not know how to use WeChat red envelope online banking transfers. ’

‘Tomorrow I still have to go to the small town and get the money out of the bank. ’

Li Tian is planning that if solar water heaters are installed this winter, there is no need to worry about insufficient hot water this winter.

And take a shower, wash your hair, face, and brush your teeth, and then connect a water pipe to the kitchen so that you can have hot water for washing vegetables in winter.

Ding Dong, Li Tian's cell phone rang suddenly.

He frowned, thinking that it was the two annoying old classmates again. He wiped the water from his hands, picked up the phone and opened it to check, and found that the express arrived.

"Really dedicated, it's almost 8-9 o'clock, and the express is still being delivered. However, it may also be updated in the background."

But this express delivery is really fast, it only took 2 days to arrive.

"It just so happens that I will get the courier tomorrow, and I took the money by the way and let my dad buy a solar water heater."

After Li Tian took a shower, the old girl Li Yuxin's hair had just been blown dry. This girl was so beautiful that Li Tian sometimes didn't dare to look at her more directly, fearing that he would think about her.

But the old girl Li Yuxin always observes Li Tian very carefully.

"Brother, what happy things have you encountered again?"

Li Yuxin was a genius, Li Tian complained in his heart, then picked up the hair dryer, and while blowing his hair, he smiled and said, "I just came to the message, your phone has arrived."


Both his mother Dong and his father Li Jianping looked over.

"Did you buy a mobile phone for Yuxin?" My mother might be worried about the misunderstanding of the old girl, so she went on to say to Li Tian, ​​"I either blame you for buying her a mobile phone, or she is studying so well now, for fear that she would delay her study by playing the mobile phone."

The old girl Li Yuxin hasn't answered yet. Li Tian smiled and said, "No, mom, don't worry, we Yuxin is sensible. It is impossible to delay studying because of playing mobile phones."

"Hmm! Of course, I am sensible, knowing the importance of learning, and I will never waste my studies because of other things."

After Li Yuxin assured her mother and father, she looked at Li Tian with joy. "Brother, has the express really arrived? Why is it so fast!"

"Because it is the fastest domestic express delivery, I will accompany you to get it tomorrow, and by the way, I have to do something."

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