Harry and Ron drove to Hogwarts again - the only difference was that their car did not fall on the Whomping Willow, but fell into the shallow water of the Black Lake, which was why they were able to swim to shore smoothly.

Everyone could see that the big octopus had coiled up the car and made a nest, with a pair of big eyes looking out from the inside of the car window, as if the octopus had been knocked into a car-shaped bottle.

For a moment, the little lions of Gryffindor were excited about the crazy behavior of Ron and Harry!

They were indeed a group of reckless men! Kerry disdained...

From the next morning, Ron and Harry once again became the [hot search] news of Hogwarts.

And this [hot search] reached its climax at breakfast - Mrs. Weasley sent a howler letter - Kerry swore that this was definitely the loudest noise he had heard in the hall since he came to Hogwarts.

The entire hall heard the content of the howler letter - the most critical information was that because of this matter, Ron's father, Mr. Weasley, had to be examined by his colleagues - it was obvious that this would be very embarrassing.

Ginny and Hermione were sitting together at the time. This scene made Ginny lose face and she was deeply ashamed - why did she have such a brother. Percy Weasley had just been expelled, and Ron Weasley was now on the verge of expulsion. Hermione comforted Ginny for a long time before she felt a little relieved.

Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown watched the whole process of Hermione comforting Ginny. When breakfast was about to end, Brown said to Hermione:"Hermione, you have changed, and you seem to be completely different from before!"

Patil also added:"Yes!

Hermione, you are no longer a nerd who only knows how to study, but more like a leader, you know? It's like - you did what a prefect should do.

Ginny is also a good girl, she will definitely treat you as a close sister.

" When Hermione heard this, she was a little dazed.

Humans are like this.

They are always the slowest to react to their own changes.

The so-called bystanders are clearer than those who are involved.

At this moment, hearing the comments of her two roommates, Hermione finally smiled happily and expressed her gratitude.

Professor McGonagall took advantage of the breakfast time to hand out the curriculum. The second-year curriculum was not much different from the first-year curriculum. The flying class was deleted and all the flying class time was turned into potions class.

Kerry's goal for this semester was still to read through the library, but thanks to his current superpower evolution, he could now read twice as fast as before. Now he could read both sides directly, and even read three pages of some books in a row. At the current speed, it would take at least a year to read through all the books in Hogwarts.

The first class was the Herbology class, which was strange. In the original book, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were supposed to take the class together, but in the movie version, Gryffindor and Slytherin were in the class together. But now Kerry received a schedule that showed that all four colleges were taking classes at the same time?!

Kerry was puzzled. It seemed that his arrival had indeed changed things in some ways.

Kerry and Hermione went to the greenhouse together. Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher, was still dressed like a peasant woman, which made her look very friendly. In the first year, Professor Sprout was the only professor who had only positive comments about Kerry, so Kerry and Professor Sprout had a very harmonious relationship.

Professor Sprout stood behind a bench in the middle of the greenhouse.

On the bench was a box of earmuffs of different colors.

Kerry and Hermione walked closer to the professor and sat down.

Sprout nodded to the two of them in a friendly manner.

Teachers always like academic masters, especially when two academic masters are together.

After a while, when it seemed that most people had come, the professor said:"We are going to change the pot of the mandrake today.

Now, who can tell me what the characteristics of the mandrake are?"

Hermione and Kerry did not raise their hands. A little witch from Ravenclaw raised her hand and said:"Mandra, a powerful antidote"

"Good!"Sprout said,"Ravenclaw adds two points. But it's not that simple. Who else can tell me something in detail?"

Sprout looked at where Kerry and Hermione were. Kerry raised his hand and said:

"Mandrake, scientifically known as Mandrake, is commonly known as poisonous nightshade, sunflower or poisonous apple. We can also call it mandrake root.

According to the view of Muggle biology, it belongs to the Solanaceae family. In fact, the rhizome is highly toxic, but because the content is relatively small, the effect is not significant, but you must be careful.

Its origin is Europe. It is a herb with four-season attributes. It is distributed in the Himalayas, West Asia, the Middle East Palestine, North Africa and the Mediterranean in southern Europe.

Its rhizome is in the shape of a human.

In addition to the detoxification function mentioned by the students just now, the medicinal effects of different parts of its body are also different.

The anesthetic effect of the tail and roots is stronger, and it even has a hallucinogenic effect.

The main part of the rhizome has a stronger detoxification effect, which is why it is often called an antidote.

The part above the ground can be used to make soup and make certain decoctions.

In Eastern terms, it is [clearing away heat and removing fire].

However, this decoction is very difficult to drink, bitter and has a taste of anesthetic.

In addition to this……"

Just as Kerry was about to continue, Professor Sprout waved his hand and asked Kerry to pause.

"Students! Hurry up and write down what Kerry just said!"Although Professor Sprout had been shocked many times, he still felt that this guy was really not a human being.

A large group of students wrote down these things. After a few minutes, Professor Sprout asked Kerry:"How do you know such detailed knowledge? I don't even know some of the content!"

"If you want to get detailed information about Mandrake, I recommend you go to the library. On shelf 1202, there is a book called"Comprehensive Summary of Mandrake" by Messi Zidane, published in 1933. It records all the information about Mandrake in detail, and even the author's own experience in growing Mandrake.

In addition, there are four or five similar books, such as"Botany of the Himalayas","Fauna and Plants of the Mediterranean","The Plants and Animals of the Mediterranean","The Plants and Animals of the Himalayas...》……"Kerry mentioned more than a dozen books one after another, including the author's name, the publication date, and the location of the library.

Professor Sprout was stunned for a few seconds, and the students in the audience were also stunned - especially the Ravenclaw students. They had never taken classes with the little lions in the last school year. Although they knew that Kerry was very powerful, they had never seen it in person - this was the first time they saw Kerry's [performance time] in person.

The Ravenclaw students were all doubting their lives - is this a human being? ? ?

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