Hogwarts Superman - Chapter 105 [Diary Version of Voldemort]

Ginny played more of a vase role in the original book - she didn't have a very rigorous mind, and she was also a Quidditch player when she grew up. But how can I say that Ginny eventually became a Quidditch player? It

's like you got an SSR full-line character, but in the end you trained him to be an S-level warrior specializing in sports. The gap between them is very, very big.

For Ginny's problem, in fact, more responsibility comes from the influence of the Weasley family - she could have become a very good all-round girl - probably a living gun sister, but she became a female athlete. There are four huge regrets for young people in the seven Harry Potter books.

The first regret is the death of Cedric. As a blood descendant of Voldemort, he has great potential! It's no problem to become the second generation of Voldemort, but unfortunately he died in the suburbs. Silently, it can even be said to be worthless...

The second is the premature death of Harry and Qiu Zhang's first love. If Harry could keep Qiu Zhang until marriage, how great would it be from campus to wedding? First love is infinitely good, but it is almost dusk~!

The third place is Ginny's life, an all-round SSR with infinite potential was trained to become an athlete, how to say it————Even her looks are not worthy of her.

Being born in the Weasley family is her only mistake.

When she was born in this wrong family, it means that she can only choose the wrong path.

The fourth regret comes from Luna, a quirky girl who did not gain love and friendship, and eventually disappeared in the crowd.

It can be said that in the original book, Luna is more Hermione than Hermione.

People as outstanding as her should have a brilliant life.

How come after more than 20 years, she has become a salted fish?

In addition to the four major regrets, if there is one more, it is Colin's death. He should not have died. If the fall of the twins is full of great taste, Colin's death is called the sacrifice of ordinary people. His death did not get any results, but courage should be illuminated by life!

There are five of the four major regrets, which is normal!

Kerry thought of this, looked up at Ginny who was studying hard, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Ginny originally had a lot of opinions about Kerry. After Hermione's mediation in the past two weeks, she could barely be an ordinary friend with Kerry.

I hope that the four regrets can be made up one by one in the future. Thinking of this, Kerry couldn't help but think: Maybe Hermione can also get in touch with Luna, right?

Malfoy has two followers, so it's normal for Hermione to have two... Imagine that when Hermione travels in the future, Ginny and Luna will follow her as followers. It's very exciting to think about it!


At midnight, when everyone was going to sleep, Ginny appeared in the empty common room in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory and opened a diary.

"I am very happy today. I seem to have a true friend again, Brother Tom."Ginny wrote a line in the diary.

After a few seconds, the handwriting disappeared, and only the luster of the diary itself remained. After waiting for a few seconds, a line of words appeared in the diary:

【Could you introduce your new friend to me?】

"Of course, I was just about to do that. Actually, I told you that I've gotten to know a good friend of mine named Hermione Granger. She has a boyfriend, or a more appropriate boyfriend, named Christian Feynman. It's really strange, Christian's name should have been Chris, but he wanted me to call him Chris."Ginny wrote it out slowly.

【Christian Feynman? 】Handwriting confirmed again

"Yes! His family is very rich. Hermione told me that Kerry is richer than the 28 pure-blood families of Malfoy and others combined. His pocket money is 100,000 gold Galleons. I can't even imagine how much 100,000 gold Galleons is! I guess it would take up a carriage or fill up our dormitory."

【There is a huge gap between you two. I don't think you can be true friends. A good unicorn will not be a true friend of a donkey.】

"Who knows! I like Hermione very much, but I have no interest in Christian. The reason why I regard him as my friend is that he shared a secret with me that only the closest comrades can know."

【What secret?】The writing appeared very quickly

"They made a training ground on the eighth floor in a place called the Room of Requirement. My god, you can't imagine what a great place that is! Millions of books can be created in it."

【Room of Requirement?】

If Ginny could see through souls, she would definitely find that Voldemort's soul had a drastic change of expression at this moment, an expression of [shock and astonishment because a secret was discovered].

As Voldemort's first Horcrux, the diary has more powerful magic and more souls of young Voldemort!

"Yes, it's a weird name."

【I think you might want to take your friend to the bathroom corridor and let the kids in the bathroom check whether your friend is a real friend.】

"I think we can give it a try." Ginny wrote this, and suddenly her mind became confused and she fell asleep.

A faint but somewhat panicked ghost suddenly appeared in the common room. It was——‘Voldemort!

At this moment, Voldemort looked even more handsome and younger than the"young version of Voldemort" that Kerry had seen last year!

Voldemort checked the state of the little girl who had fallen asleep, as well as the state of the diary, and disappeared carefully.

【I have never heard of this name Christian, but why do I feel a sense of panic when I hear it? What is going on?】


In the dormitory of the Institute of Biology, there lived a large group of pregnant women - a total of four. Some of these pregnant women now had big bellies, while others still had flat bellies - Snape was watching the situation from outside the room, and he knew that the current situation was basically like this.

Snape sat on the sofa, and several witches were lined up opposite him. Snape examined the four pregnant women one by one.

【It was the first time Snape had used a growth-promoting potion—it was much better than he had expected.

Before the pregnant woman left, Snape cast a spell on the two women with the largest bellies.——【bless】

"Don't eat too much, don't eat too little!"

Snape did not tell them what happened, nor did he tell them what the final product of the experiment was.

The last two pregnant women, as if they were about to give birth, staggered out of the house.

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