Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 108 [Ginny's Abnormal Behavior]

Before the time converter was obtained, the sniper wand made by Collins was obtained first - thanks to the magic circle and drawings obtained in the Time Castle, this work was much faster.

In addition, Collins also made a finger-shaped wand - this wand was named: Feynman-Granger Type A Wand, but Hermione prefers to call it a finger wand.

The finger wand is indeed much more convenient than a magic wand. The sniper wand is more like a huge sniper rifle, but it is very light because it is made of wood. On

Wednesday night, when the study time was over, Kerry brought Hermione and Ginny to the Forbidden Forest. The five people from the 91st Legion had been waiting for a long time.

"Ginny?!"Ron asked in surprise,"Why are you with Kerry?"

"You might be misunderstood if you say that!" Ginny defended,"I came here with Hermione!"

"Alright alright……"Although Ron said this, his eyes showed a look of anger as if someone had stolen his cabbage.

Kerry was helpless. This was really a pure misunderstanding!

Finally, Kerry had no choice but to change the subject.

"Seamus, look, this is your new wand!"Kerry handed the sniper wand to Seamus with both hands.

Seamus looked at the strange thing in front of him in surprise - a sniper rifle can be combined with a wand?! He picked up the sniper wand and aimed at a big tree dozens of meters away.

"【Fragmented】!"Seamus' new wand instantly shot out a beam of light, and a huge hole appeared in the tree instantly, a large circular hole with a diameter of one foot. Kerry was a little shocked, and this accuracy was comparable to that of a spell master.

Seamus tested it several more times, and the results were similar. This made Harry and others want to try it themselves, and finally they were very satisfied with this sniper wand.

Kerry secretly nodded in his heart: [One hundred miles to keep the promise·Complete! ]

After several people cooled down, Kerry called Ron to his side, took out the prototype of the finger wand, and handed it to Ron - although the car did not run to the Whomping Willow, Ron's wand was still broken - and Mrs. Weasley certainly would not replace him with a new wand.

Ron expressed his love for this new wand and was very happy to accept it. Ginny looked at Kerry who was busy here and there, and Hermione who kept circling around Kerry, and her eyes gradually changed - she had an inexplicable sense of urgency, as if she wanted to complete something as soon as possible.

On that day, Team 91 conducted another team practice, and several Centaurs warriors continued to serve as sparring partners.


Ginny opened her diary and wrote a line: [I have prepared the opening ceremony of the bathroom.】

‘We will act tonight!' Voldemort replied

【But how can we verify their friendship? Ginny finally asked.

In Voldemort's deception, Ginny's understanding of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was completely false information - in her opinion, there was a monster in the Chamber of Secrets, and this monster could test all kinds of things - love, friendship. All you need to do is let people look into the monster's eyes.

If that person dies, it means that he has no real feelings in his heart! A person with sincere feelings can be immune to any monster's harm.

At that time, Ginny still trusted Voldemort very much. First, the young version of Voldemort was very handsome, and second, she felt helpless and panicked when she came to a new environment.

Ginny would keep making mistakes until one day she suddenly realized that this diary lied to herself! She was at a loss and finally threw the diary in the bathroom, which was picked up by Harry.

Of course, now that Kerry exists, these plots will most likely not happen again. Because, first, Kerry was more handsome than Voldemort, and Voldemort's handsomeness no longer posed a threat; second, Hermione and Ginny became good friends, which reduced the impact of the new environment, and Kerry also shared the secret of the Room of Requirement.

Ginny walked to the bathroom, and Myrtle was not there, which made it very convenient for Ginny.

In a blink of an eye, Ginny's eyes changed, and a cold and ruthless expression appeared in Ginny's eyes - at this moment, she was no longer Ginny, but Tom Riddle.

"Sizzle!@#¥%……"Parseltongue came out.

Suddenly, the faucet emitted a dazzling white light and began to rotate rapidly. Then, the pool also started to move. The pool slowly disappeared from sight, revealing a very thick water pipe that could accommodate a person.

However, Tom did not go in, but called out a few times at the mouth of the pipe, and a snake head appeared at the mouth of the pipe.

Tom closed Ginny's eyes and said a few words in Parseltongue. The snake head went in, and the hole was then closed.

【Can the things inside work smoothly?] Ginny still believed it at this time, thinking that the monster inside was just a thing to test love and friendship

"Of course! It's good!" Tom Riddle explained

【So who should we start with? 】Ginny asked

"Perhaps it would be better to start with your good friend, Hermione Granger!"


The next day, when Ginny and Hermione were having dinner together,

Ginny suddenly asked,"Hermione, you are so outstanding. I don't think I am worthy of being your friend.""

"How could that be? Friends don't have to be equally good. We become friends because we are the most suitable to be friends. Kerry is much better than both of us, but he is also our friend, isn't he?" Hermione replied. She liked the way Ginny spoke, which was soft and sweet.

"I read���What are the outstanding things about Kerry?……"Ginny didn't understand why Hermione admired Kerry so much.

"That's because you haven't known him for long. You will understand after a long time!" Hermione said. She wanted to talk more about it, but suddenly stopped talking because Hermione remembered a sentence from a love guide: The first step for a woman to fall in love with a man is to develop an interest in understanding him. Thinking of this, she looked at Ginny deeply.

Women are always very perceptive, aren't they?

That night, Kerry, Hermione and Ginny were studying in the 9527 practice room, but Ginny couldn't concentrate on her studies. She looked very worried. Even Kerry could see it, so she asked Ginny what was wrong. Ginny evaded the question and tried to fool around.

Kerry and Hermione both noticed something was wrong, but they didn't say anything - everyone has their own secrets, so why bother!

Kerry suggested going back to rest early tonight. Hermione and Ginny readily agreed, and the three of them quietly walked back to the dormitory.

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