Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 110 [Script and Merlin's Watch]

Kerry looked at Ginny, who was still crying - Soon after, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, and even the four deans Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout all came to the infirmary

"Hermione was petrified!" Kerry explained to Dumbledore and others.

Professor McGonagall said to everyone:"This is the most important event in my career."

"Kerry, can you tell me what happened?" Dumbledore asked

"The legendary Chamber of Secrets was opened, and the monster inside attacked Hermione, just like what happened fifty years ago!"Kerry answered simply

"Merlin's beard!"Professor Flitwick was a little horrified.

Professor McGonagall had a serious expression, and Snape also frowned. Only Professor Sprout seemed a little confused. She was still in a state of confusion about the matter.

""Ginny, Kerry, tell me everything you know!" Snape said seriously.

Ginny hugged Hermione and cried beside the bed. Hermione's body was as stiff as a big stone.

"Let me tell you about it!

" Kerry said,"Ginny was controlled by someone.

The mysterious heir used her to open the Chamber of Secrets.

Hermione was attacked by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets.

When I found out, Hermione was already like this.

The location of the Chamber of Secrets should be in the women's bathroom - between the second and third floors, near Lockhart's office.

" Upon hearing this, several professors went to the bathroom to check, but no one had Parseltongue, so no one could open it - maybe Dumbledore could open the Chamber of Secrets, but he still pretended that he could do nothing.

In the end, the result of the discussion among the professors was to completely close this section of the corridor and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving.

That night, Ginny and Kerry sat with Hermione, who had turned into stone, all night. At dawn, Ginny fell asleep on the side of the bed. Kerry put Ginny on an empty bed on the side and left the ward.

In the morning, Dumbledore called Kerry to his office

"You are growing so fast!" Dumbledore said straight to the point:"I feel a great magic in you, like the ocean!"

"You could have stopped Hermione from getting hurt!" Kerry didn't respond, but asked directly:"Why didn't you stop that guy?"

"In fact, I have already stopped it. You should have guessed it!" Dumbledore saw that Kerry was not easy to fool and could only answer directly.

Kerry understood instantly. It seemed that Hermione did look directly at the basilisk, but because Dumbledore took action, Hermione was turned from [direct death] to [petrification].

So that's it... So in the original book, no one died for a whole year, and it was all a preset"script". After all, the old man just wanted to train Harry Potter, not really wanting that thing to come out and kill people.

Hermione and Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets this time, which was not planned in the script. Dumbledore reduced Hermione's damage by a level, which was already fair to everyone.

"OK! I was wrong about you!" Kerry sat down and took a handful of candy - luckily it was only frog-shaped chocolate candy, not cockroach-shaped chocolate candy.……

"Your magic power should be around 100,000 cards now, right?" Dumbledore asked

"One hundred and eight thousand... It is estimated that by Halloween it will exceed 110,000 cards, which is equivalent to 11, your current state." Kerry said here, his eyes turned, and asked:"Mr. Principal, I want to confirm with you, what is your current magic value?"

"If you must ask, then I can only say that it is about the same as you are now."Dumbledore suddenly released the suppression force on his body, and Kerry noticed that there was about 200,000 cards of magic power.

"In fact, after more than 10,000 cards, the magic value does not represent strength, but is more of a reference value. Just as you think, 10,000 is actually a threshold value. Below the threshold, no matter how strong you are, it is meaningless. Above the threshold, the number loses its meaning."Dumbledore explained

"I have some guesses, but I'm not here for this purpose. I want to ask, how should Hermione's problem be solved?" Kerry asked

"The petrification spell can be removed by using mandrake, you should know that." Dumbledore explained

"What if I buy mandrake from outside?" Kerry said

"What do you think?"Dumbledore looked at Kerry mischievously.

Kerry immediately thought"WTF!"

It was true! The reason why Herbology teacher Sprout bought Mandrake in advance and prepared to plant it was because Dumbledore knew that petrification would happen in advance!

If this is the reasoning, I'm afraid the Mandrake outside will not have any effect at all - the Mandrake that Teacher Sprout got is definitely a rare and special variety!

"So this school year, Hermione can only lie in bed and wait for the mandrake to mature?"Kerry asked:"Isn't there any special way?"

"Antidote - A powerful enough antidote to temporarily restore Hermione to normal from her current state……"

"【What does"temporary" mean?"Kerry had a bad feeling in his heart.

"When the magic ran out, Hermione turned to stone again - just like a clockwork toy!" Dumbledore explained.

"Shit!" Kerry cursed:"Can you take me and Hermione out of the script next time you write it?"

"I can only arrange the story, but once the actors appear on stage, I can no longer interfere... unless the actors leave the stage." Dumbledore suddenly smiled and said,"I am just a scene arranger, not a puppet king."

"Why do you attach so much importance to Harry Potter?" Kerry asked in confusion:"It seems that the protagonist of this script is Harry, isn't it?"

"I once asked this question to Lala, and do you know what he told me?"

"What? Kerry asked

"Lala said: You can read a book called"The Story of a Monkey", which is an oriental mythology."Dumbledore said.

Chris was silent in thought - the story of a monkey is actually"Journey to the West". He now understands a little bit - in fact, Harry Potter and Voldemort... these two are the so-called"children of destiny". Everyone has to act with them. If they act well, there is no reward, but if they act badly, there may be some inexplicable punishment.

"How can you be sure that Harry is the monkey? What if he is not the monkey at all? Kerry asked

"Because Merlin is watching Harry!" Dumbledore said, and then stopped talking.

Kerry understood a little bit. When he reached a certain level, he could sense Merlin's will, and Kerry could also sense the will of [magic]. He turned and left the office.

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