Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 118 [Serpentespeak]

Ginny's face turned very bad. Finally, Kerry and his companions came to the school hospital and sat in the quiet ward.

"That was the sound of the basilisk!" Ginny was still frightened:"The mysterious man controlled me and operated the basilisk, and it was the basilisk that attacked Hermione! The mysterious man was the diary, Kerry had thrown it into the flames, it should not be opened again!"

"unless……"Kerry said:"Unless the diary cannot be destroyed by fire! It must have been taken away by someone now!"

Hermione looked at Kerry with a very subtle look.

She was the person who knew Kerry best and did not believe what Kerry said at all, but she did not say much and waited quietly for Kerry to continue.

Ginny believed it firmly.

Her frightened expression showed that she once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Voldemort.

Although it had been nearly a month, the fact that Hermione was hurt still deeply affected her.

It was the first time that Harry knew such a thing.

According to the current rumors in the school, Ginny was an evil witch and Hermione was a victim, but Harry had never asked about it in detail out of politeness.

Kerry pretended to be deep and said:"Harry, I think the 91st Legion needs to stand up again to protect Hogwarts!"

""I want to know what happened before that?" Harry asked doubtfully.

Kerry saw Harry's eyes and immediately got into the role, and said slowly:

"As you know, Hogwarts School was founded by four of the greatest wizards of the time. The four houses were named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Together they built the castle, away from the prying eyes of Muggles, because in those days, people were afraid of magic and wizards were persecuted a lot."

"In the first many years, the four founders worked hard together.

They looked for young people who showed signs of magic and brought them to the castle to train them well. But after perhaps a few decades, there were differences between them, irreconcilable differences.

Perhaps you can guess—— Slytherin wanted Hogwarts to be more selective in its admissions.

He believed that magical education should only be limited to pure wizard families. He was unwilling to accept children born to Muggles, believing that they were unreliable.

After some time, Slytherin and Gryffindor had a fierce argument over this issue, and then Slytherin left the school.

This fierce disagreement even continues to this day - the tradition of Slytherin's little snakes and Gryffindor's little lions confronting each other comes from this incident."

"However, the truth is obscured by the strange legend of the Chamber of Secrets. The story goes that Slytherin built a secret room in the castle, a chamber of secrets.—— The other founders knew nothing about this

"According to this legend, Slytherin sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that no one could open it until his true heir came to the school. Only that heir could open the Chamber of Secrets and release the horror inside, so that it could purify the school and eliminate all those who were unworthy of learning magic."

Kerry paused here, waiting for a few people to digest the information, and after waiting for more than ten seconds, he continued:"In fact, just as Ginny said, this Chamber of Secrets is not fake, but real!"

"Last time, Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets under the control of the mysterious man, and the terrible monster inside attacked Hermione - Hermione, you should still remember it, right?"

Hermione shook her head and said,"I just remember that I saw a pair of terrifying eyes, and I don't remember anything else... It seems to be a snake?"

"That thing is not a snake, or to be more precise, it is called a basilisk.】!"Kerry explained,"I once saw speculation about the Chamber of Secrets in the miscellany - Slytherin raised a basilisk in his later years and wrote a curse into its blood, allowing later heirs to control that thing.

The voice you heard was the voice of the basilisk! He was calling for his ruler! The heir of Slytherin!"

""It must be terrible, then," Harry asked,"how can we kill it?""

"The basilisk is a monster hatched from a toad in a rooster's egg.

The male snake has a bright red feather on its head.

Its fangs are extremely poisonous, and the tears of the phoenix are its only antidote.

His sight is the most dangerous weapon of attack: any creature that directly intersects with his eyes will be killed immediately, and any creature that intersects indirectly (such as seeing through a mirror) will be petrified.

As long as there is enough food, the basilisk can usually live for a long time.

An adult basilisk is at least 20 feet long, and this basilisk obviously has a lifespan of more than a thousand years - I dare say it must be more than a hundred feet long!"Kerry said:"It is obvious that this thing will soon be released by the true heir - Harry, I need you!"

"Hogwarts needs you, Team 91! Our classmates need you to protect them!" Kerry said solemnly.

Harry's eyes were suddenly filled with high morale, like an oil barrel that was instantly ignited by fire - Kerry was happy in his heart. Sure enough, it is still easy to deceive a simple fool.

"I have another question, why am I the only one who can hear the sound of the basilisk?" Harry asked,"Of course you and Hermione can hear it, but I mean why are there only three of us who can hear it? Ginny can't hear it either, and Ron and Neville can't hear it either."

"I think I know the answer to this question!" Hermione continued:"[Parseltongue] is the ability to communicate with snakes, because being able to talk to snakes is Salazar Slytherin's famous ability. Therefore, the symbol of Slytherin is a snake."

"Correct!" Kerry nodded:"This is an ability inherited from the blood."

Harry continued to ask for some details and left quickly. Ginny returned to the girls' dormitory worriedly. In the end, Kerry and Hermione were the only ones left in the huge school infirmary.

"You just lied!" Hermione said:"Did you open the Chamber of Secrets?"

"I handed the notebook to Malfoy - and it turned out that Goyle's henchman opened the Chamber of Secrets!" Kerry shrugged.

"Why can't it be destroyed?" Hermione asked with some doubt

"Simply put, it is not time for it to exit the stage yet, so once we destroy it, it will only bring greater and unknown dangers!"Kerry said:"I am not kidding, this is the truth. Just like in a novel, there must be a villain. If there is no villain, new villains will naturally appear! What I did was just to prevent the emergence of new villains."

"I kind of understand what you mean." Hermione nodded and replied thoughtfully.

"But we now have a bigger problem that needs to be answered immediately. Kerry frowned and said

"What's the problem? Hermione was confused.

"Why can the two of us hear the voice of the basilisk?"Kerry said while thinking:"Anyway, we shouldn't understand what the basilisk said!"

Hermione didn't know the original plot, but Kerry knew - Hermione shouldn't understand the basilisk at all, and Kerry shouldn't understand it either. After all, Parseltongue is actually a kind of DNA inheritance. As a Kryptonian, how can we have any connection with the snakes on Earth?

Wait... Kerry thought of this and suddenly came up with a somewhat outrageous guess...

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