Little Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 122 [Alternate Member of the 91st Legion]

Kerry and Snape talked about a lot of things, and Snape even told Kerry some stories from the past with great interest. For example, what happened between him and Lily, and what Harry Potter's father James did.

It was not a very good memory for Snape, but Snape seemed to have finally let it go, and actually opened his heart to a student like Kerry.

As he was talking, Kerry found that Snape's mood was a little bit off, and when he looked closely, two tear marks had already flowed from Snape's eyes. For Snape, these were indelible memories of youth.

Kerry hoped to see the two children on the weekend, and Snape said of course, and the two agreed to do it this weekend.

Before the weekend, Harry Potter and Ron came to Kerry again. Of course they were in trouble

"Since Seamus turned into a stone man, we have been unable to train normally. We are missing the most critical means of attack!"Harry said to Kerry

"I wanted to be an attacker, but they all disagreed because the final support position is too important for a team and we can't miss it."Ron said

"Is there any way? Can this problem be solved?"Harry asked cautiously.

"I actually have a good idea!" Kerry raised his eyebrows and said,"You've found that whether it's Quidditch or football or basketball in the Muggle world, they always have a few reserve players."

"I think it's time for you to add a few reserve players! Maybe you can add one first, and then slowly add the right person when you meet him!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and suddenly their eyebrows flew. They both thought this was a good idea.

"So how are we supposed to find people to recruit? Post notices in the halls like Lockhart did?" Ron said.

"I already have the right person!"

"Who?" Harry and Ron asked at the same time.

"There's a handsome young man in Hufflepuff House, who seems to be two grades higher than us. He's almost three years older than you!" Kerry said.

Kerry was referring here of course to Cedric - Voldemort's grandson, the most handsome man in the entire Hogwarts senior class, and the one whose death was the most regrettable and meaningless in the Harry Potter series.

Kerry slowly told Harry and Ron about Cedric's information, and they both thought it was good:"It sounds good!"

Finally, after his class's Transfiguration class, Kerry called Cedric over. When Kerry told Cedric about this idea, Cedric seemed very happy and said he was willing to give it a try.

He also thought Team 91 was awesome!

Action as soon as you say it! That night, several people ran into the Forbidden Forest, and Cedric, Harry and the other four officially got to know each other. Cedric was a very charming person, and he quickly became friends with the four little guys.

They had their first training session at night, and Cedric tried to use something like the"sniper wand" for the first time, and was amazed.

So, Cedric became a reserve member of Team 91 - the number of people in the team was officially changed to 6.

Kerry immediately promised that within two weeks, armor suitable for Cedric's body would arrive at Hogwarts.

Hermione and Ginny were also watching on the side. Ginny was very interested. She felt that her brother Ron had completely changed. He was not so eye-catching when fighting the basilisk, but now he was completely different from the usual weak little guy.

"I never thought my brother could have such a world!" Ginny sighed:"At home, Ron has always been the little guy bullied by his older brothers."

"Time changes people!" Kerry said.

Hermione also agreed. It seemed that Team 91 did nothing, but it had completely changed the five people in the team - and now maybe Cedric should be added. Even Hermione herself has changed unconsciously.


On the weekend, Kerry, Hermione and Ginny took leave and followed Snape to Hogsmeade Village.

"Why should we go to see Snape's children?" Ginny was still a little dissatisfied:"I hate that guy!"

"Among the teachers in the school, the one I trust the most is Professor McGonagall, followed by Professor Snape. Of course, the other professors except Lockhart are also good, but Snape is different from the others, you will know it later."Kerry explained:"Speaking of which, we have just arrived at Hogsmeade Village. Let's go shopping for some things later. I'll treat you!"

Of course, you can't visit someone empty-handed. Kerry and the other two first bought a bag of candy at Honeydukes Candy Store, and then bought two sets of clothes suitable for ten-year-old children at Fengya Wizard Clothing Store - they were handsome clothes similar to dresses, with lace on the collar and sleeves.

They brought the things to Snape's residence - this was the cottage he bought, deep in the village of Hogsmeade.

"Excuse me, is this Aunt Theresa?" Kerry asked

"Of course, are you the guests that Professor Snape mentioned?" asked the nanny who opened the door.

"We are Professor Snape's students and we are invited to visit!" Hermione said

""Please come in!" said the nanny. Theresa was a 50-year-old nanny. She was tall and thin, and didn't look like a 50-year-old at all. She could still see the grace of her youth.

She was a Squib. There were many such Squibs in Hogsmeade. They were at the bottom of the Hogsmeade village - just like Felch, the doorman at Hogwarts, Squibs always did the lowest jobs.

"Is Kerry here?" Snape's voice came from the bedroom.

"Of course!" Kerry responded.

The door opened, and then Snape came out. He was wearing loose pajamas - God, this look almost blinded Kerry and the other two's Kryptonian perspective eyes.

Snape wore a warm and loose men's pajamas! Can you believe it?

In his left and right hands, he held a baby each - they looked more than one year old, and the two babies seemed to have just woken up, and they looked pampered.

Hermione and Ginny were immediately attracted by the white and tender looks of the two babies. They didn't complain and didn't want to come. They walked up and held one each.

Snape looked at the few people happily, and the atmosphere couldn't be better.

Kerry swore that this was definitely the first time he had seen Snape like this - he couldn't even imagine that Snape would become like this!

"This is Lisa Evans and Severin Snape.

Severin is my son, at least you can think of it that way - Lisa, you can think of it as a child adopted by my distant relatives."Snape introduced the two babies to Hermione and Ginny.

"How old are they? They look about two years old. Hermione asked as she teased Severin.

"No, they are not even two months old." Snape explained:"Before they were born, I used a special potion on their mother, so that after they were born, they could grow at a rate of one year to one month."

Ginny didn't say much, she looked at Lisa, but for some reason, she always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity - why did she seem to know this Lisa?

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