Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 125 [Dobby]

Kree's wandless spell shocked everyone, including Madam Pomfrey - is this what a second-year wizard should do?

The onlookers all went back, and Kree once again cast the [Antidotes] on Hermione, and left with Ginny.

When Hermione fell asleep at night, Harry was the only one awake in the ward. There was nothing to distract his attention. The taste of raw bone water was too uncomfortable!

Harry only felt that his soft arms were as painful as being cut by a knife. The numb feeling that was originally like ants turned into the pain of being eaten by thousands of insects.

After a long, long time, Harry suddenly woke up, and it was pitch black all around. He cried out in pain: Now there seemed to be countless large cracks in his arm. At first, he thought it was the pain in his arm that woke him up, and then he realized with horror that someone was wiping his forehead with a sponge in the dark.

""Go away!" he shouted, and then he recognized it,"Dobby!"

The house-elf stared at Harry in the dark with his big tennis ball-like eyes, and a tear rolled down his long pointed nose.

"Dobby has done something wrong again!" Dobby's eyes were filled with tears.

"Why are you here?!" Harry lowered his voice, for he was afraid that his voice would wake up Hermione, even though Hermione's bed was far away.

Harry spoke softly to Dobby, and after just a few words, Harry became annoyed.

Because Dobby admitted that it was he who blocked the passage of the train station, preventing Harry from entering Platform 9¾, and finally forcing him to drive to Hogwarts, and he was almost expelled from the school - the car is still lying under the Black Lake.

Moreover, today's Bludger accident was also caused by Dobby himself. He tampered with the Bludger and eventually got himself injured. Harry was very annoyed, and he finally couldn't hold back his temper and said loudly:"I guess you probably won't tell me why you want me to be sent home in pieces, right?"

"Of course Harry Potter could know!" Dobby groaned, more tears rolling down his tattered pillowcase.

"If only he knew what he meant to us lowly, enslaved people in the wizarding world! Dobby has not forgotten He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named at his greatest power, sir!……"Dobby said as he wiped his face on the pillowcase again.

"But overall, life has improved for all of us since your victory over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Harry Potter survived, the Dark Lord's power was broken, and this is a new beginning, sir.

For those of us who thought the dark days would never end, Harry Potter shines like a beacon of hope, sir...

Now, at Hogwarts, something terrible is about to happen, and perhaps has already happened, and Dobby cannot leave Harry Potter here, because history is about to repeat itself, and the Chamber of Secrets is once again opened.


When Harry heard the word"Chamber of Secrets", he was a little surprised:"How do you know about the Chamber of Secrets? The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened, and the basilisk has attacked my two friends!"

"No! Dobby... Dobby is late!" Dobby slammed his head against the corner of the table. The loud noise woke Hermione up. Hermione looked at Dobby in confusion. This elf who appeared out of nowhere...

"Who is this? A house elf?"Hermione asked, and at an angle where Harry and Dobby could not see, Hermione quietly took out her wand and held it in her hand.

"Dobby is a bad guy!"Dobby picked up the kettle on the table and hit his head against it:"Dobby is so bad! The teacher has already injured two students!"

"【Hold your breath】!"Hermione used her wand on Dobby, and Dobby stopped instantly, seeming to calm down a lot, but in the blink of an eye, Dobby seemed to use the spell to remove it, and he was able to move again.

At this time, there was a dull but fast alternating sound of footsteps outside the corridor.

"Dobby must go!" Dobby vanished with a puff.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

Dumbledore backed into the ward. He was wearing a long woolen dressing gown and a nightcap. He was holding up one end of a statue-like object in his hands. A second later, Professor McGonagall appeared, holding up the object's feet. Together they laid it on the bed.

"Go get Madam Pomfrey."Dumbledore whispered, Professor McGonagall hurried past Harry's bedside and walked out.

Harry exchanged glances with Professor McGonagall, who nodded implicitly and left the ward.

Hermione stood up from the bed and asked Dumbledore,"Has there been another basilisk attack?"

"Indeed……"Dumbledore had to answer:"Poor Colin!"

Harry and Hermione saw what Dumbledore was blocking behind him - a stiff body - it was a first-year classmate, Colin!

Colin was eventually placed with Seamus - the two of them were placed in separate wards.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall talked quietly outside the ward for a long time. Harry and Hermione couldn't hear the specific content of the conversation, but they both stayed up all night.

After Hermione asked Harry about Dobby, she quietly thought about one thing - why did Dobby know about the Chamber of Secrets? How did he know that the Chamber of Secrets would be opened this year?

"Wait... Dobby's owner is the Malfoy family!" Hermione instantly thought of the key.

The next day, before dawn, Hermione hurriedly left the ward.

At noon that day, every little wizard in Hogwarts knew���The attack - now there are two poor victims - Seamus and Colin.

For a while, the whole Hogwarts was in chaos.

They thought that the first victim, Hermione, might be fine, because Hermione quickly returned to"normal", at least in their opinion; the second victim, Seamus, was petrified because he actively attacked the basilisk, so they thought that as long as they didn't do anything, they would be fine.

But the third Colin did not do anything, but was hit. This caused great panic in the whole Hogwarts, and this atmosphere of panic had a chain reaction.

Hermione felt that this could not go on, she found Kerry and said,"I think we should solve the basilisk issue as soon as possible, you have the ability to do it!"

"What do you want to do?"Kerry asked. He kept the basilisk mainly to train Harry, but now that Hermione has her own ideas, he thinks he should respect Hermione.

"Kill the basilisk! Take the notebook back from Goyle and destroy it!" Hermione said firmly.

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