Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 127 [Battle of the Basilisk]

The roar of the Basilisk and the sound of its sturdy body hitting the rock wall mixed together, resounding through the cave like thunder.

Hermione in the distance was extremely nervous. Although she knew that Kerry was very strong, the size of the Basilisk was still chilling.

Kerry was 1.8 meters tall, but he was like a small ant on the Basilisk, and the snake's head swung back and forth.

At this time, the sound of heavy footsteps came from behind Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted

"It's me!"When Harry arrived, the scene of Kree fighting the basilisk instantly came into view.

Ron, Neville, Dean, and Cedric followed closely behind, and they also immediately saw this amazing scene.

"Merlin's beard!" Everyone, including Neville, was shocked. Facing the huge monster, they couldn't help but feel desperate - can we deal with a thing of this size?

"Kerry has already blinded the snake's eyes, now we have to find a way to lure the basilisk out!" Hermione explained:"We are not in the cave.���Opponent"

"There are leaves to the east of where we passed!"Cedric was the quickest to think, and he spoke first.

Where there are leaves, it means there must be an exit there, and only the flowing wind can carry the leaves up.

"Neville! Protect your shield! We're about to begin!"Harry shouted.

Hermione assisted on the side, and the five little guys raised their shields and ran towards the basilisk.

Neville rushed in the first place, followed by Dean, Harry, and Cedric who cast various spells at the basilisk.

For a moment, the light of magic illuminated the entire cave.

The basilisk was completely enraged by these inexplicable attacks. He opened his big mouth and rushed towards the five little ones. Kerry, who was expecting him, seemed to have been forgotten by the big snake.

Kerry gave the five little wizards a thumbs up. Facing such a behemoth, they were not afraid at all.

At this moment, an extremely critical scene happened. The basilisk suddenly accelerated, and its tongue rushed forward, directly lifting Neville up. The basilisk's huge tongue was like a huge hemp. Rope.

Neville flew up and hit the rock wall. Seeing that the snake was about to crush Neville, Kerry immediately clamped the snake's head. The basilisk raised its head in pain and knocked Kerry's body against the rock above its head.

Unfortunately, Kerry is not Neville. Superman's Iron Man is really not just talk, it is one of the strongest things in the universe!

Neville fainted, and Ron risked his life to rush to the front line.

The rocks on the top were shaken off by the basilisk, and some broken rocks hit Ron, but Ron just held up his small shield to protect Neville and his own head.

Hermione raised her wand and shouted to Ron and Neville:"【Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor/Protego Armor】!"

A flash of light came out from the end of the wand, and the Armor Charm protected the two of them. Ron quickly took the opportunity to pull Neville away.

The battle underground became more and more intense!

Just as the fierce battle broke out underground, the Centaur Firenze led the Centaur warriors to gallop in the mountains.

"Captain, the sound just now came from here!" A Centaur warrior pointed at the big hole on the ground and said, a cave with a diameter of about ten meters looked eerie and terrifying under the illumination of the torch.

"My brothers and sisters, tonight will be the first battle of our Kryptonian First Legion! Everyone listen to my command!"Firenze shouted loudly:"Line up in a semicircular formation and start to disperse with me as the center!"

""For Krypton!" All the Centaurs shouted a slogan, began to line up and held torches waiting for the enemy to appear.

The battle underground continued. Only Dean, Harry and Cedric were still attacking the basilisk. Hermione fired carefully from a distance - although she used the least spells, compared with the attack of Team 91, it was she who caused real damage to the basilisk!

Harry and the other three ran and output, and finally came to a place with leaves.

"There it is! The wind is coming from the left!" cried Cedric.

"Climb up!" Harry rushed towards the rock wall first.

Kerry moved from the position of the snake's head to the position of about"seven inches" of the basilisk, where the heart of the basilisk was located.

He was hammering the basilisk violently.

The basilisk was running wildly and trying to get rid of Kerry, but Kerry's speed was too fast and the basilisk could not form an effective attack.

The basilisk was hooked by Harry and the other two and rushed towards the ground.

The depth was 300 meters.

The length of the slope was at least one kilometer.

Behind it was a crazy big snake, and in front was a dangerous slope full of gravel.

The three little wizards fell several times in a short time.

Harry even almost hit a sharp stone.

Hermione was in the last position.

Her physical strength could keep up.

She was on par with Harry in three or five steps and used the Armor Charm on the three little wizards.

Hermione herself was very calm , but she was infected by the three little wizards’ excited and exhausted actions, and she couldn’t control her excitement. Kerry behind her grabbed the snake skin and looked at the embarrassed appearance of the four people in front. She wanted to laugh and was moved.

Although they knew the danger of facing the basilisk, no one, including Hermione, a girl who was only thirteen years old, retreated!

They are the real heroes of this era!

Because Hermione shared the superhuman physique, her physical strength was the easiest among the four. After Hermione cast the Armor Charm, the situation of Harry and the other two also improved slightly. The three-hundred-meter cave is accompanied by a high risk of falling off the cliff. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least 50 minutes to climb!

But under the pursuit of the basilisk, it took the four people only more than twenty minutes to see the torches at the entrance of the cave.

"Who is that... and why... is there a torch?" Harry asked, panting.

"That... should be... Centaurs! They are our friends!" Hermione replied,"They are here to help us!"

Kerry shouted loudly on the basilisk:"Firenze! The basilisk is coming out! Get in formation! I am on the basilisk!"

The sound was very loud. Under the speaker effect formed by the cave entrance, Firenze and his party could hear it clearly, but they also heard the crazy roar of the basilisk - Firenze swore that in his decades of life after he was born, he had never heard a more terrifying sound than this!

All the centaurs were a little afraid. They shook their four hooves uneasily, but - no warrior retreated!

All the centaurs raised their spears and waited for the appearance of the basilisk!

Hermione climbed out of the cave first, and two centaurs quickly pulled her out of the cave, followed by Cedric, Harry, and Dean. Several centaurs quickly placed the four people farther away. The four people were already exhausted and could not breathe.

At this time, the huge snake head rushed out of the cave like lightning with a roar to the sky!

"Shoot!" Firenze ordered.

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