Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 130 [The Lost Goyle]

If Ginny's disappointment was just the regret that she could not help, then in contrast, Goyle's disappointment could be described as"fear".

When he first saw the corpse of the basilisk, he simply could not describe his feelings in words. It was like: I have a god who helps me, but my enemy killed that god first. Now that the god has been killed, how can I deal with those people? They are beings that can even kill gods!

Goyle collapsed. He skipped classes and returned to the dormitory, opening the diary.

【Kerry and Harry killed the basilisk! What should I do? Goyle wrote in his diary in a panic

"How is it possible!?"Voldemort was the first to have this thought.

That was a basilisk! He had seen a basilisk with his own eyes, and had personally commanded it to attack students. He knew how powerful the basilisk was! An idea popped up in his mind - the one who killed the basilisk���What had the man done? How had he done it? How was it possible that he had done it?

The fragment of Voldemort's soul felt as if it had seen the most incredible thing in the world.……

【I heard from my classmates that Kerry was friends with the Centaurs. He first teamed up with the guys from the 91st Legion, the five of them you know, Harry. They pulled the basilisk into the Centaurs' territory, and in the end, hundreds of Centaurs killed the basilisk.】

"Centaurs?"Voldemort knew about this race, and he believed it. He certainly didn't believe that a group of second-year wizards could kill the basilisk, but if there were hundreds of centaurs, they would have the possibility to kill the basilisk! Of course, the centaurs would definitely pay an extremely bloody price! It was even possible that all these hundreds of warriors would be killed.

【This is the story I heard. The hosts are Kerry and Hermione. Hermione is seeking revenge because she was also attacked by a basilisk before. Kerry is probably trying to help his girlfriend. His relationship with Hermione is already an open secret. Goyle continued to write in his diary.

""Hermione!" Voldemort thought, and he had to admit that when he first saw this girl, he felt a special resonance among people with"high IQ" - she was a character that was not easy to mess with, but he was still defeated by Ginny.

"How did Hermione survive the attack of the basilisk?"Voldemort noticed this question keenly.

【How did Hermione survive? She didn't die! She seemed to have turned into a stone man, and was later cured by Madam Pomfrey. Goyle wrote strangely

"Are you sure it was a stone man? And not dead on the spot?"Voldemort confirmed this information again and again

【That was a few months ago.

The previous owner attacked Hermione, but Hermione just turned into a stone man.

But a few days later, Madam Pomfrey cured Hermione.

I heard about this from Malfoy.

Goyle was surprised by the notebook's behavior.

Wasn't this an attack that happened a long time ago? Voldemort paused to answer.

He was thinking about a question - although he was just a soul fragment, he was still capable of thinking.

He clearly remembered that the basilisk looked directly at Hermione.

In any case, Hermione should have died on the spot, unless something happened that he didn't notice.

If Kerry was here, he would definitely tell Voldemort: Are you really too confident? Can't you even guess what the old bee did? You have come to this point, don't you know where you lost?

【Is there any problem? Goyle found that Voldemort had not replied for a long time, so he continued to ask in his diary

"How many people did I kill? I mean the mudbloods who were attacked later!" Voldemort finally realized his biggest problem

【You have attacked Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, and Colin Creevey. If you were to say how many people you killed, it seems that these people are not dead, they have all turned into stone. However... only Hermione has been cured, and the other two have not yet.……】Gore replied that he was in a panic and wrote in a messy order.

"No! This is not right!"A line of bold words appeared in Voldemort's diary, and the traces of the font showed that he was not calm.

"Hermione and Colin should both die!" This line of words was even wilder, with a bit of cursive style. After waiting for a few minutes, Goyle waited anxiously, and another line of words appeared:"There is another opponent! There is another protector! Who is he? Find him!!!... Find him!!!... Find him!!!"

The last sentence was repeated three times by Voldemort, and Goyle also felt the rage of the diary. He closed the diary timidly, trying to calm himself down.

"snap……"The diary opened by itself, and on the page that was opened was a line of words:"Find a chance to enter the secret room again! There are still some good things in it! But before that, make sure you are safe!"

"Pah……"The diary closed automatically and turned into an ordinary diary, as if the words and conversations just now were all in a dream.

Goyle swallowed his saliva, picked up the diary uneasily, put it in the crack of the wall, covered it with a bookcase, and then quietly slipped out of the dormitory.

After leaving the dormitory, Goyle did not look like a"Slytherin heir" at all. He was fat, cowardly, bullied the weak and feared the strong, and behaved like a typical"lackey".


At noon, Fudge left the school, the officials also left, and only a few reporters were still interviewing. No matter what the original story looked like, they wanted to create a hero and compile a story that their readers would like to read.

After Dumbledore returned to the office, an uninvited guest arrived - Lucius Malfoy.

He walked up to Dumbledore with a gloomy face:"You win! You have retained your position as headmaster again."

"Lucius, if you really want to be the headmaster, you shouldn't be here, but should do something that a true successor to the headmaster should do."Dumbledore replied calmly - his tone was full of"contempt"

"What should I do then?"Old Malfoy asked, sitting casually in a chair, as if he treated the office as his own home.

"Perhaps you should donate more of your property to support the learning of young wizards - in this way, you will at least become an honorary principal."Dumbledore joked:"Of course, a few thousand gold galleons is definitely not enough, at least hundreds of thousands of gold galleons."

"Goodbye!" Old Malfoy didn't want to talk nonsense at all. He left the office immediately. Before leaving, he looked at Dumbledore deeply. Dumbledore looked back at Malfoy calmly.

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