Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 132 [Visit of the Grangers] Did

Slytherin spend so much effort to dig such a huge underground space just to raise a basilisk? Although basilisks are rare, is it really that rare for people like Slytherin?

The answer is of course: No!

Salazar Slytherin, as one of the founders of Hogwarts, and even the second in line, the de facto vice-principal, how could he waste such useless efforts?

Although he had some conflicts with several others, from the records of him, he was still a person who was extremely responsible for his students - this is a bit like Snape.

Slytherin people may all be cold on the outside and warm on the inside. If you put Slytherin's own behavior on Snape, it is not difficult to understand - Slytherin may expel all Muggle wizards, but he will never"kill" Muggle little wizards.

This is like Snape - you can imagine that Snape may expel Harry, so that Harry will be an ordinary person and do nothing all his life. This is to protect Harry and prevent him from getting involved in wizard disputes. But Snape would never kill Harry Potter, even if he died as a result!!!

Then some questions arise - first, what is the purpose of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

Kerry simply speculated that the so-called heir, of course, is to become the headmaster of Slytherin or the principal of Hogwarts. His Chamber of Secrets should be a place to train heirs, or"select" heirs. Only those who pass certain tests can become qualified headmasters or principals of Slytherin.

Second, what is the role of the basilisk?

Kerry's speculation is that this thing is a"watchdog"! It's just that Slytherin himself never thought that the basilisk would grow so big... Maybe in those days, the basilisk was only a few meters long and was a terrifying magical animal, but it was definitely not such a monster!

Third, what is the relationship between Voldemort and the Chamber of Secrets?

Kerry's general guess is that Voldemort belongs to a sequence of heirs, so he has the ability to control the watchdog, but it seems that he did not pass Slytherin's test completely, so he did not become a real"heir".

Even based on this inference, Kerry even got a very amazing guess: In fact, the heir before Voldemort was Dumbledore. Dumbledore may have passed the complete test and became the headmaster of Hogwarts. Voldemort knew about this, and Dumbledore was also familiar with it. This can also explain why in the original book, Dumbledore's phoenix came to save Harry just in time, and the Sorting Hat was cleverly brought to the scene.

Hundreds of years ago, this test should be a fact known to the principal and the dean, but as time passed, perhaps only a few people accidentally entered the test site.

With these basic speculations, Kerry and Ginny also had some basic judgments on Goyle's actions-Goyle will definitely enter the Chamber of Secrets again, he will definitely go in and take out something, or do something.

The bathroom on the second floor is now completely closed by Dumbledore. Unless there is more magic than Dumbledore, it cannot be opened at all.

The winter vacation is coming soon. Because of Hermione's affairs, Kerry does not plan to go home. He will accompany Hermione in Hogwarts to spend this boring Christmas.

Ginny also decided to spend Christmas at Hogwarts. Her purpose was twofold: to take care of Hermione (actually there was nothing much to take care of the stone man) and to explore the Chamber of Secrets (in other words, to follow Kerry to get the loot)!


On the day before Christmas, a couple came to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall went to pick them up personally. They were Hermione's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

Kerry and Ginny were waiting at the gate of Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall drove to the gate of the castle. When the three jumped out of the car, Mrs. Granger looked very depressed. Mr. Granger was a little better, but he could still see the worry in his eyes.

Kerry quickly went up to hug the two and talked cordially, and introduced Ginny to the Grangers.

""What a pretty girl!" Mrs. Granger finally smiled.

They soon reached the hospital ward. On the way, Kerry told the story again from his own perspective, starting from how Ginny was controlled and accidentally injured Hermione, to how several classmates were injured one after another, how Hermione fought the basilisk, and finally killed it to win the medal, and how Hermione's old injury recurred and she turned into stone again.

When they opened the door, the Grangers saw Hermione lying on the bed. Hermione opened her eyes and kept talking.

Professor McGonagall then left with an excuse and handed the situation over to Kerry. She simply couldn't trust Kerry anymore.

"Uncle and aunt, I really hope you can forgive me. I am really sorry that my wrong behavior caused Hermione to be attacked.……"Ginny suddenly knelt on the ground:"She will be back to normal in four months at the latest."

The scene of Ginny kneeling suddenly startled the Grangers. They quickly pulled Ginny up. Mrs. Granger hugged Ginny tightly and said,"Professor McGonagall told us that it was not your fault. Voldemort controlled you. It was an accident!" After the three of them were calm, Kerry said,"I will temporarily release Hermione from her petrification. You have about forty to fifty minutes to talk."

Finally, when Kerry released the spell, Hermione blinked and saw the Grangers.

"Dad! Mom!"Hermione woke up instantly, her mind was still on the conversation with Kerry. In her sight, she had just asked Kerry to see her parents, and the next moment she saw her parents. Smart Hermione immediately realized that it was Christmas now. This was what Kerry did.

"Thank you! Kerry!" Hermione hugged Kerry tightly and then gave him a gentle kiss.

Kerry hugged Hermione, leaving time for the family of three, and then took Ginny out of the ward.

While they were waiting outside the house, Ginny suddenly asked:"You love Hermione very much, right?"

"I don't really know what love is, but I feel comfortable and happy when I'm with Hermione." Kerry didn't answer directly.

"I am also very happy to be with you!" Ginny raised her head, looked up at the tall Kerry and said,"Actually, my life with my family is not that exciting."

"Merry Christmas! Ginny! You will be happier in the future!" Kerry touched Ginny's head. Ginny was smaller than Hermione, and Kerry felt like petting a pet when he rubbed her head.

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