Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 135 [No more pretending! Cheating!]

Kerry tried to mobilize the magic power in his body, but he failed. This is obviously a"setting"! The setting is that this person cannot learn magic at this stage!

""Then what should I do?" Kerry was a little confused.

Before Kerry could think of what he should do, a warrior dressed as an ascetic walked to the cage:"Salazar Slytherin, I will announce your verdict!"

"Salazar Slytherin, whose parents are both wizards, was reported by other evil wizards and arrested. After testing, no magic power was found. Now he is exiled to the mines!"

Kerry was stunned. The ascetic opened the cage and dragged Kerry out roughly.

Until this moment, Kerry finally understood what the so-called heir training meant...

This is simply compiling the story of the founder of Slytherin into a"game screen", allowing later players to make appropriate behaviors and finally reproduce the prosperity and glory of Slytherin!

So... this is not another world at all, this is [a memory], or it can be said that this is a program. Now Kerry is more confused.!

"So this test will last for years? Even decades?" Kerry was shocked. This guess was not funny at all... But Kerry deduced that this was the truth of the matter.

Kerry looked at the large group of ascetics in front of him, waved his fist and said,"Fortunately, this is just an illusion. In fact, my own strength has not changed at all!"

When Kerry found that his Superman's steel body was brought in intact, he smiled extremely obscenely and said,"I wanted to play a game with you as an ordinary person, but now I won't pretend! I am Superman!"

Thinking of this, Kerry opened his arms and gently pulled back his handcuffs.

Sure enough, in the stunned eyes of the ascetic monk, his handcuffs broke!

The ascetic monk was stunned for a moment:"Someone come and help, the criminal ran away!"

Kerry would not indulge these people. Obviously, Superman's steel body would not let him waste time talking to these NPCs.

Kerry threw a right hook, and the poor monk could not stand up again.

Kerry carefully analyzed the three tasks, the first was to kill the Pope, the second was to avenge his parents, and the third was to learn real magic.

The Pope's actions were very easy to understand, and Slytherin's parents should have died at the hands of the church, but he had never read the names of Slytherin's parents in the book.

For Kerry, the most difficult task of the three tasks was the second one, to avenge his parents, because up to now, he still didn't know the names of his parents, and their enemies. Who is it?

But now that Kerry has decided to use Superman's superpowers, there is nothing to say. So in the stunned eyes of all these NPCs. Kerry punched a small master with one punch, and even knocked down several targets with one punch.

After a few minutes, there was no guard who could move in the prison where Kerry was imprisoned, only the prisoners were left.

Kerry led all the prisoners to a square. The problem that would have taken many months for other choosers to solve was solved in just a few minutes under Superman's superpowers.

Kerry felt that with his superhuman abilities, he might be able to complete this"game" in a very short time."


Just as Goyle disappeared from the altar, Snape, who was far away in Hogsmoor Village, suddenly tightened his grip on a container in his hand. That thing looked like a small wine bottle.

At this time, the two children who were circling around Snape were already three or four years old. The two babies were circling around Snape, and Snape was trying to stop the two babies. He is a qualified nanny.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, and the true heir is about to appear!"As the headmaster of Slytherin, Snape really knows something, but he has never told anyone about it.

Snape is the youngest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts; in the future, he will also become the youngest headmaster in history. So anyone who underestimates Snape will definitely have a very tragic ending.


Just as Kerry disappeared, the headmaster's office opened.

Dumbledore had a rare day off. There was an ordinary mirror in front of him, and Kerry's shadow was in the mirror at this time. Dumbledore seemed to be used to watching the live broadcast. Sure enough, for the old bee, Hogwarts had no secrets.

"As expected, young people are more energetic. Kerry's money ability actually far exceeds his magic, but he is still willing to study and hone his skills carefully."Dumbledore muttered to himself in his chair.

After a while, the screen switched to several other young wizards, such as Goyle, Harry, Cedric and others, who appeared in the mirror one after another.

Dumbledore watched with interest.

From time to time, he would make some strange comments.

"Gao Er, this little fat guy is really too insidious, but you can't be like this! You can't become the heir like this"

"Ginny is pretty good, maybe there is hope!"

"Harry is such a stupid kid! Hahahaha!"

Dumbledore remained silent in front of Cedric's camera - he seemed to have seen something amazing, and this made Dumbledore recall some people.


Hermione's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, accompanied Hermione, who had turned into a stone man, in the school hospital tonight.

Dr. Granger took advantage of the quiet of the night to quietly ask:"Do you think our daughter should drop out of school?"

Mrs. Granger didn't know how to answer this question, she could only nod and shake her head.

Hermione's mother, Mrs. Granger, said softly:"I think we should support Hermione. Although this school is full of dangers and incredible things. But - this school is really very suitable for our daughter. In just one hour today, she laughed from the bottom of her heart many times. Although it may also be the happiness brought by the little bastard Kerry, in any case, Hermione's happiness is real."

Dr. Granger. He was also thinking seriously. He felt that this school was full of various dangers, but he did agree with what Kerry said in the afternoon that his daughter had become a real heroine. When his classmates were in the most dangerous time, he stood up, and when the entire school was threatened, he solved the threat.

"I think we need to respect. Respect our children."Dr. Granger seemed to have made a difficult decision.

"Maybe, I hope I can see our daughter again." Dr. Granger said.

They slept in each other's arms, without saying a word all night.

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