Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 138 [Salazar Slytherin]

When Kerry opened his eyes, he felt that his forty years of memories in the virtual world suddenly became extremely unreal, as if these memories were taken away by an external force.

Then, an inexplicable foreign memory wanted to break through the barrier into his mind, but it was blocked outside his mind by Superman's anti-magic dam. Kerry checked it out and found that it was his forty years of memories in the virtual world!

Kerry then recovered these memories, but at this moment his memory was no longer recorded in the first person - he was like watching a forty-year movie, and his main memory was not affected at all.

This is to protect the [personality]! Kerry instantly understood that if a person lived in the virtual world for forty years, he might have a split personality or even mental disorder, and could not tell which one was the real him.

But if it is viewed from the third person, it is like watching a very long TV series, and it will not be affected too much.

After receiving these memories, Kerry opened his eyes and found himself lying in a spacious hall. At one end of the hall was a throne. Behind the throne was a huge cobra sculpture, and around it were thousands of small snakes of various kinds.

""Hello!" Suddenly, an illusory figure appeared on the throne.

Kerry was stunned and instantly opened his eyes of perspective, only to find that the illusory figure was a soul.

"You are [Salazar Slytherin], right?"Kerry asked

"You are very smart!" The soul of Slytherin nodded and said,"I am the founder of Slytherin, [Salazar Slytherin]!

My heir, you have passed the test, and you have become one of my heirs!"

""One of them?" Kerry asked,"Who else passed the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Many, many people... like Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore! or Severus Snape……"Slytherin said slowly

"How are the people who came with me? How are they?" Kerry asked

"Goyle, stayed in there for four years and was killed. It was really tragic...

Harry Potter, stayed there for almost his entire life, but in the end he didn't complete any of his tasks and committed suicide in his old age. But he became the king of a principality and lived a wonderful life.

Ginny, a little unexpectedly, she became an immortal god in the dream world, and she hasn't escaped from the dream yet. She has been in there for nearly five hundred years... and it's still going on!

Your last companion, Cedric——"

At this point, Slytherin kept the topic a secret:"What do you think will happen to him?"

"I think he should copy your life and become a real Slytherin!" Kerry said

"He almost succeeded, but sacrificed himself while saving a companion. He completed two tasks: becoming a wizard and finding my enemy!"Slytherin said this with an inexplicable flavor. Kerry couldn't clearly distinguish whether his tone was regretful or hateful.

"Cedric is an excellent wizard! He is brave, loyal and tenacious!"Kerry said:"Maybe he is the real Slytherin!"

"I don't think he should go to Hufflepuff, he should be a Gryffindor!" Slytherin said,"Isn't it?"

Kerry replied,"Maybe he should go to Slytherin, right?"

"It seems that you know your senior very well!"Slytherin looked at Kerry with interest.

"Of course!" Kerry looked directly into the soul of Slytherin.

"In the past few hundred years, I have seen many people like Cedric, but I have never seen anyone like you." Slytherin said:"You actually unified Europe! You changed history!"

On the wall behind Slytherin, scenes appeared, all of which were scenes after Kerry became the Noodle King of the European Noodle Army. Slytherin wanted to laugh out loud, but held back:"Your Majesty the Noodle King!"

"I want to ask, I have become one of your heirs, what are the benefits?"Kerry asked

""Hasn't your benefit been taken away?" Slytherin pointed to the picture on the wall. The picture at this time happened to be the scene of Kerry working hard to practice magic.

Kerry was shocked. Until this moment, he noticed that although the memory of those forty years became the third person, the practice of spells and magic in the middle had been firmly engraved in his mind, as if he had been practicing in reality for countless years!

What is this? A learning machine?

After walking in once, he learned all the Slytherin spells, which was equivalent to practicing thousands of times in the virtual world.

"It's amazing! Kerry was surprised

"The real secret of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets lies here. It can train people. As long as it is used properly, it can train you to become the next god. Just like Ginny Weasley, oh... she's coming out!"

Slytherin had just finished speaking when a delicate little girl appeared in the hall. Ginny looked confused, and then she looked at the surroundings in amazement as if she had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

""I'm Ginny! Ginny Weasley!" Ginny said to herself, and then looked around:"Kerry!" Ginny suddenly burst into tears, rushed to Kerry, and hugged Kerry:"Oh my God, I... I became a god in that world... Do you know? I thought I had to wait another thousand years to see you and Hermione!"

Kerry patted Ginny's head to comfort her.

The height difference is especially like an adult walking a golden retriever.

"Where are Harry and the others?" Ginny looked up and asked. It was only then that she noticed the ghost beside her.

"Your other friends have failed. They were sent to the first floor and should have woken up by now." Slytherin said,"Congratulations, Ginny Weasley, you have become the heir of Slytherin! And you are the only one who has become a god in the virtual world in the past fifty years!"

"In the next fifty years?" Kerry wondered,"What about fifty years ago? How many?""

""You can guess it! Isn't it?" Slytherin said meaningfully.

Needless to say, it must be Tom Riddle! Exactly fifty years, and there was Dumbledore before that, it was probably eighty or ninety years!

No wonder Dumbledore crushed a generation at such a young age, he may have practiced in this secret chamber for thousands of years!

Dumbledore once said that a magic power value of 10,000 is a threshold... the threshold to become a so-called"god", that is to say, Voldemort and Ginny both have the potential to become gods.

But what exactly is a"god"?

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