Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 160 [Hermione]

Kerry held the thin Ginny, feeling a little happy and excited, but also a little depressed and helpless.

The beauty was close to him, who could resist? If he couldn't resist, he would be a beast, and if he could resist, he would be worse than a beast...

However, after kissing her, could he still let her go? Kerry simply lifted Ginny up in a princess hug.

Then Kerry held Ginny and flew to a big tree. There was a fork at the top, just right for Kerry to sit down.

Ginny stayed quietly in Kerry's arms, and the two whispered to each other. Ginny was still wearing Supergirl's clothes.

Ginny Weasley (anime style)

Ginny Weasley dark style (16-year-old imaginary picture)

The two of them were basking in the four o'clock sun together on the tree, and the picture still looked very warm.

The only flaw was that Ginny was too small. Compared with Kerry's height of 1.85 meters, she looked really young.

Kerry's mind was also spinning fast. He didn't know how to express all this to Hermione, but from what Ginny said, this Superman suit was Hermione's clothes, I'm afraid there is still some turning point. He would not accept the ending of the hatchet.

After thinking for a while, there was no good result. Kerry looked at the quiet Ginny and suddenly realized that it was time for the two of them. What he should do was to be with Ginny.

Then Kerry played his extraordinary memory talent and started to chat slowly from some things Ginny liked, such as her favorite colors, clothes or her life in Hogwarts in the past few months.

Ginny gradually became happy, and the two sat on the tree branch for a whole afternoon until the sun set. During such a long conversation, the two had a tacit understanding and did not talk about Hermione.

When the two flew down from the tree, Ginny shyly put on her wide wizard robe and covered the Superman clothes that didn't fit well again.

The two returned to Hogwarts Castle quietly.

Although they were very low-key when they came back, the scene of the two eating together in Hogsmeade Village had been spread throughout the grade by the loudmouthed classmates.

On the way back to the dormitory, Ginny could even feel the vicious eyes of those senior or junior girls.

On the other side, Kerry did not return to the dormitory, but walked to the school hospital.

He stood in front of Hermione's bed and gently held Hermione's hand.

【Love Saint Little Prince, today must be an unforgettable day for you! 】 Hermione's voice came, of course, full of jealousy.

Kerry smiled, but did not speak, just gently tapped Hermione's forehead with his hand

【Pick me up and take me to the place where you met during the day. I know you have the ability to do this! Hermione said softly.

Kerry had no choice but to pick up Hermione and fly out with her like a stone. Madam Pomfrey was about to close the hospital ward. She chased after him loudly, but Kerry escaped.

"I will send Hermione back intact!"Kerry shouted loudly, and then flew into the sky.

Kerry and Hermione sat by the Black Lake. Under the moonlight, they talked a lot, recalling the first year of school. Looking back on the whole year and a half, they both tacitly did not talk about Ginny, just as Ginny did not talk about Hermione.

Hermione was still gentle and moving...

The two chatted until midnight. After the curfew of Hogwarts Castle, Kerry quietly sent Hermione back to the school hospital through the window.

Kerry slept soundly that night, while Ginny was very nervous and excited. She didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night. Hermione, who was in the hospital, simply didn't sleep.

Her palms slowly released golden light, which was sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller, pulsating very regularly, just like breathing.

At this moment, Hermione's soul also grew bigger and smaller, as if the soul really had breathing.

Unfortunately, Kerry had fallen asleep. If he were here, he would immediately find that the magic fluctuations in Hermione's body were nearly 8,000 calories, which increased by 2,000 calories when school started this year.


In the quiet and deserted corridor late at night, a familiar figure appeared at the door of the women's bathroom.


The reason why Kerry had not taken action against Goyle was that he wanted to keep him as a long-term target. Goyle thought that Kerry and the others had not discovered his whereabouts at all.

When he stood at the entrance of the secret room of the bathroom, Voldemort's power possessed him again.

Goyle carefully opened the secret room, but what greeted him was terrifying, because a spider as big as a washbasin jumped out of the water pipe.

Goyle was so scared that he stepped back quickly.

"You stupid pig!"Voldemort's voice came out from Goyle's mouth.

The spider, which was only the size of a washbasin, spread its limbs after rushing out and looked as big as a cow.

This was an eight-eyed spider, but the eight eyes of this spider were particularly special. They were not white, but emitted green light.

If you look closely, you can find that there is a strange protrusion on the abdomen of this eight-eyed spider, which is fleshy, like a large tumor.

"What time is it set?" Voldemort's voice came from Goyle's mouth.

"I need a month to build the trap." The eight-eyed spider spoke with a snapping sound, like a pair of scissors.

"We must kill that little super wizard by the end of June!!!" Goyle continued to make the voice of Voldemort and said,"Otherwise we will lose this opportunity!"

"If you could get me two unicorns, I could speed things up!" the eight-eyed spider complained.

"If I had two unicorns, it would be my���"Use!" Voldemort's voice sounded vicious.

The spider stopped talking and jumped back to the pipe, jumped along the wall twice, and then disappeared.

""Get back to the dormitory quickly and don't let Dumbledore find you!" Voldemort's voice said, and Goyle nodded vigorously.

Then Voldemort disappeared, and only Goyle's lonely figure was left in the quiet bathroom, with the familiar diary in his hand.

Goyle really wanted to cry, he never thought that he would become like this because of taking a diary. Although he now has more than 4 years of magic training experience through the Chamber of Secrets, he has almost lost all his freedom and has become Voldemort's slave.

Just as Goyle was about to leave, he suddenly smelled a smell, the smell of potion.

He pushed open a compartment, and a small crucible was bubbling.

"What is this?"Gol looked at the strange potion curiously.

After hesitating for a while, Goyle took out a bottle from his wizard robe, filled a large bottle with the mysterious potion, and then left. The only sound in the bathroom was the gurgling of the potion.

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