Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 163 [The Three Weasley Brothers]

Kerry glared at Lockhart quietly, and the latter was a little afraid when facing the sharp eyes.

Ginny looked at her brothers with anger, what kind of stupid person is this?

Without paying any attention to Ron's words, Ginny pulled Luna and rushed through the crowd quickly. The crowd, which was originally just gossiping, suddenly whistled. Kerry turned his head to look at the boy - as expected, it was Malfoy.

Sometimes Kerry really admired Malfoy, who could keep hovering on the edge of death without being beaten to death. It seemed that he should be the destined villain. Kerry looked straight at Ron, who was still swearing. Kerry gently raised his finger:"Lock the tongue and throat!"

Ron's voice disappeared immediately. The twin brothers behind him wanted to come over to save Ron, but Kerry released three spells in a row:"【Disarm Your Weapons】】……"

Within a second, Kerry quickly clicked his fingers and released three spells, and the three brothers were immediately���He fell to the ground with his head raised

"Well……"The crowd exclaimed in amazement.

Because Kerry did not take out his wand, he cast three spells in two seconds without a wand, which was far beyond the level of the students, and even made the surrounding wizards feel a little incredible.

"【Fly】!"Kerry cast a spell on the three Weasley brothers again, and the three of them flew forward with Kerry like three wooden sticks.

Kerry walked straight through the crowd, ignoring the gossiping onlookers, and took the unlucky three brothers back to the dormitory.

It was the first time for the Fat Lady to see such a scene. She wanted to reject Kerry, but the gloomy expression on Kerry's face made the Fat Lady feel scared, so she let Kerry in without even saying a command.

After Kerry left, the amazed little wizards talked about it:"Was that a wandless spell just now?"

"I thought I was dazzled, he cast three spells in one second!"

"Kerry is so handsome!"

"Although I already knew he was very strong, I never thought he would be this strong!"The speaker was a Ravenclaw wizard.

Lockhart was at the end of the crowd, with cold sweat on his face. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something very stupid.

"Did he really kill the basilisk himself?"The sweat on Lockhart's forehead flowed down like tap water.

Malfoy was also shocked. He had always thought that Kerry's level was only higher in theory. Kerry almost never exposed his magical skills in public.

In the hearts of many second-year wizards, Kerry was still the squid who couldn't even cast a spell in the last school year. But when they thought about it carefully, it seemed to be quite reasonable - as an outstanding student, how could he have such poor magic power?

In any case, the waves caused by this incident will definitely not end here.

On the other side, Kerry took the three Weasley brothers back to the dormitory. He closed the door to block the outside eyes, and then placed the three brothers on the ground horizontally and vertically like stacking blocks.

"Do you know how stupid you are?" Kerry said to Ron

"No matter what your sister did, or what I did, don't you think these things should not be discussed in this kind of occasion?"Kerry tapped Ron's forehead fiercely with his finger.

After hearing this point, Ron's expression was also dull, as if he suddenly realized that he had made a serious mistake.

"Ginny is only twelve years old. She will still be in school for another six years. With words like this, what do you think her next six years will be like?"Kerry pointed at Ron's nose and shouted in frustration.

When Kerry calmed down a little, he first removed the spell on the Weasley twins. The twin brothers were obviously more mature on this issue. They sat on the stools and just looked at Kerry.

"I am indeed a scumbag, playing two women at the same time. You are right about this! But Ginny is very happy now! I dare say she has never been so happy since she was born!" Kerry said fiercely:"The Weasley family has 7 descendants in this generation, but there is only one girl, Ginny. You love her very much, but look at what you brothers do!

Percy, for the so-called insignificant glory, framed classmates!

The twin brothers, the two biggest troublemakers in the school! Even the Minister of Magic has heard of you two.

Ron, slightly instigated by others, blocked his sister in public.

Have you ever thought about whether she would be in a good mood in such a family?"

After Kerry finished speaking, he quietly waited for the three brothers. Finally, Ron's eyes softened and he looked a little ashamed.

Kerry immediately lifted the spell on him, and the four of them sat at the table and chatted.

The three Weasley brothers talked a lot with Kerry that day, including Percy's expulsion and Ginny's affairs.

When the three brothers were sent away, it was already curfew time.

Kerry lay quietly on the bed alone, recalling everything about Ginny.

Ginny Weasley, the seventh child of this generation of the Weasley family, has six older brothers, but each of these six brothers can be called Crouching Dragon and Phoenix (Shen Teng Limited Edition Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Ginny is a young girl with a strong personality! It is a miracle that Merlin can bring this family together.

With six strong brothers, it is obvious that her childhood was not very good. As an Auror, Mr. Weasley worked away from home all year round and was rarely at home. As a housewife, Mrs. Weasley had limited experience. Although she was brave and a great mother, her training of Ginny was almost zero.

It was precisely because Ginny lacked a real person to rely on in her childhood that Kerry's appearance was so special. At the beginning of the school year, perhaps it was because of this mentality that she paid so much attention to Hermione. How to say it?

【Because I value your boyfriend, I value you.】——That's about it.

During the time when Hermione disappeared, Ginny should have hesitated a lot and had a lot of ideological struggles. Becoming Kerry's lover was her final choice.

So sometimes Kerry felt very sorry for Ginny, just like a moth to a flame. She knew that there would be rumors of this or that, and even knew that there would be such an ending and such a thing would happen, but she still chose this path.

Kerry wanted to reject Ginny, but when he found out that Ginny even boiled the compound potion, Kerry's heart was hit all of a sudden. It is certainly not a good thing to become someone else's lover. Whether in the East or the West, being a lover is not a glorious thing after all.

Kerry sometimes thought that this kind of thing would happen one day, but Ginny probably never thought that the first time such an incident happened, she was blocked in the corridor by her three brothers.

Ginny must have been heartbroken by the three of them.

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