Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 167 [Artificial Spider-Man?!]

The Queen and the Princess used this ritual magic as a walkie-talkie from the beginning, and it finally played its original role for the first time.

This magic can sense each other's position and is difficult to be interfered with.

"【"Power transfer!" Kerry activated a magic ring.

Hermione, who was tied up by the spider, suddenly felt that she had at least half of Kerry's magic power. She even noticed that her power had increased explosively, but she didn't know how much it had increased.

【No! My magic power has increased, but you must release the antidote spell on me from the outside! I can't get rid of the petrified state from the inside! 】Hermione's voice also became anxious.

Kerry's body ran quickly, his speed instantly exceeded the speed of sound, and the average strength of his limbs exceeded 600 tons. With the blessing of these terrifying powers, the sound was finally broken. It took only more than 30 seconds for Kerry to walk through the cave, and then he arrived at Hermione's position, but he was surprised to find that Hermione was at least ten meters away from him in the vertical distance!

"Damn it! There is more than one layer here! Why didn't Slytherin's soul explain it clearly last time?!" Clee was a little anxious. There were stone walls all around. The force of hundreds of tons was like a tickle to these tens of meters thick rock layers.

【"Hermione, where is the path? Send the memory over here!" Kerry asked."Queen and Princess" this magic has another function, which is that one party can share specific memories or knowledge with the other party.

Hermione understood and quickly activated the magic ring. A memory with a blurred perspective was transmitted from there.

"There are other spells in that passage!" Kerry immediately understood that Slytherin's chamber of secrets was not just one layer. The snake's cave and the place where Slytherin's soul was located were just one of the layers. Maybe the"real chamber of secrets of Slytherin" that he saw last time was just one of the layers.

It took Kerry four seconds to return to the bathroom. Myrtle's soul was suspended in the air. Kerry's appearance scared her, and Myrtle quickly jumped back to the toilet.

Kerry ignored Myrtle and quickly recited the spell towards the passage: [Tomb of the King]!

A hissing sound came out of Kerry's mouth, which was the snake language: [Tomb of the King]!

A large passage appeared from the wall. It was another passage!

Kerry rushed over without hesitation. There were spider webs all over it.

"No wonder Hagrid was expelled! It turns out that there is indeed a layer in the middle of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets that is full of spiders!"Kerry instantly figured out the key to the matter - the headmaster of Hogwarts at the time must have known something, so he decided to do this.

Spider webs are very annoying. They are extremely thin, but every time Kerry wants to run fast, these soft spider silks become extremely tough!

The number of small spiders on this layer is even more than the sand in the Sahara Desert, and from time to time you can see terrifying giants as big as human heads.

Some spiders will even take the initiative to attack Kerry. Of course, these guys were all punched to pieces.

Walking slowly forward, at this time an unusual sound appeared in Kerry's ears - about a hundred meters away from Kerry

""Tsk tsk! Our hero is out again!" It was Gore's mocking voice!

Gore's voice came through the deep tunnel, forming a series of echoes, which made it impossible for normal people to distinguish the real source of the sound.

Because the surroundings were chaotic like twisted tunnels, ordinary people could not track where the sound came from even if they knew it.

Unfortunately - this is not the case for Superman blood!

Before Gore was born, his footsteps had been heard by Kerry.

Kerry quickly ran towards one of the tunnels and smashed countless small spiders along the way.

""What's going on! How can he track me!" Goyle complained in a low voice and turned away.


Goyle was not walking at all! His descendant grew eight black spider legs, just like Doctor Octopus in the movie, walking on eight legs.

After seeing this scene, Kerry was quite shocked. What the hell is this?

In addition to shocking Kerry, Goyle's eight legs can help Goyle shuttle through dense spider webs, even faster than Kerry!

Immediately, in order to catch up with Goyle, Kerry immediately spit out flames and began to burn the surrounding spider webs. In a blink of an eye, Kerry's speed also caught up.

Before, Kerry was just worried about alerting the snake, but now the snake has appeared. Now he can do whatever he wants.

As Kerry speeded up, the two of them ran around the cave like a cat and mouse. As the range of Kerry's flames expanded, the speed gradually increased, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed.

A few dozen seconds later, just when Kerry was about to grab one of the spider claws, Gore suddenly turned his head and spit out a stream of white mucus from his mouth.

Kerry dodged quickly, but to his surprise, after coming into contact with the air, the mucus quickly solidified and turned into a spider web!

Immediately, Gore immediately made a sharp turn of almost 90 degrees and dodged Kerry's hand in an instant, which surprised Kerry.

"【Fire Curse】!"Kerry took out his wand and instantly shot a spell at Goyle.

Goyle's eight legs were too fast and dodged in an instant. The two chased each other for about three minutes, and Goyle suddenly dodged and disappeared! Kerry saw that it was a hidden cave, and then he followed. There was actually a large hall in the cave. Hermione was trapped by a spider web. Goyle held his wand in one hand and pointed it at Hermione's head.

""Hahaha! Aren't you very strong?" Gore laughed heartily, very proud.

"I'm better than a monster like you!" Kerry said sarcastically.

Gower was stunned. He had eight spider legs behind him, which was definitely not a good thing. Maybe Gower is the next magical animal.

""Damn it!" The wand in Goyle's hand was about to emit light, but at this moment, an old acquaintance stopped Goyle - it was Voldemort!

Voldemort's figure appeared behind Goyle, and he said with a sullen face:"Idiot! If you kill Hermione, you will be killed too!"

Goyle shuddered, and the wand in his hand went out immediately. Voldemort looked at Kerry coldly, and finally a comfortable smile appeared on his face, as if a child who had been constipated for five hundred years finally encountered a comfortable excretion.

Kerry looked at Voldemort coldly, feeling a little surprised, because according to his estimation, Voldemort should not have mastered such ability anyway!

He grew up too fast!

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