Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 175 [Dimensionality Attack]

Italy is a beautiful place, with a map in the shape of a boot. The economic center in the north is Milan, and the economic center and capital in the south is Rome. An extremely interesting thing is that the people in these two regions are hostile to each other, just like fire and water. A Milan team will never have any friendly relations with a Roman team.

And this time, the store in question is in a large district in Milan, a city in northern Italy. There are a total of 9 small areas in the Milan district, which are simply divided into the first district, the second district, and the third district...

For this division... Kerry feels very"simple", with a kind of classical flavor... Similar to the ancient Erliting and Balitai classification...

There is a Conca del Naviglio district under the first district of Milan, such a difficult name.

This store is located in the Conca del Naviglio district, on a commercial street.

This is a large flagship store with an area of more than 4,000 square meters, which has tens of thousands of different models and needs from memory to display.

"This store is in a pretty good location!" Hermione commented to the shop that was cordoned off.

"Is there anything special here? Ginny was confused.

"This place is very close to the commercial area, but also very close to the residential area. It is obviously the main road connecting the residential area and the commercial area, so it is suitable to open an electronics store here."Hermione explained briefly.

Kerry frowned, looking at the chaotic scene inside, and linked the oral report given by the store manager in advance, and restored the scene step by step.

The incident happened at the scene of a large celebration. The store was holding a store opening celebration. The official start time was 6:30 in the evening. But in fact, from 12 noon, the store was open and customers were allowed to enter and exit.

There were at least four or five hundred people waiting for the discount time from 6:30 to 10 o'clock. During this time period, if you buy a computer, you will get a discount of at least 10% more than usual.

Many customers chose the model in the afternoon and prepared all the documents. They will pay after 6:30. At

6:00 in the afternoon, these people had prepared their things and were waiting for the store celebration to begin.

There were many people watching around, and there were more than 500 customers shopping or waiting in the store.

However, at 6:20, a group of people suddenly rushed into the store and fired directly at the cash register and the host of the celebration stage.

There were about 8 people in this group. Two of them held guns but did not shoot. The remaining 6 people mainly shot into the air, smashing the display screen and other things. Two stray bullets unfortunately hit the clerk, and another bullet hit the clerk directly, but fortunately the bullet went through the chest. Although it penetrated thoroughly, it was not life-threatening.

Finally, under the instigation of these 8 people, the customers in the store directly moved away all the electronic products they liked. The entire store, including the warehouse, was looted. This caused a large-scale riot, and hundreds of people flocked to the store and looted everything.

"What are we going to do here?" Ginny asked curiously,"We should go to a place like the police station to look for useful clues."

"I have super memory, super knowledge, and I am also familiar with the principles of mechanics and how to simulate the scene, so the scene you see is different from the scene I see." Kerry explained:"For example, the mark on the wall.

What kind of mark do you think it is? Who caused it?"

"It looks like two scratches made by a stick," Ginny replied.

"No, it's not like that!" Kerry corrected:"You think it should be the same stick that scratched this place twice, but it's not. It should be two sticks that made the same marks here. Someone carried two identical, tall objects and passed by here one after another within a few minutes. The height difference formed here is actually the different habits formed by two people of different heights."

Kerry restored the whole scene through a little bit of traces and the descriptions of those people.

There were four groups of people at the scene. The most core and the largest group were completely innocent customers. There were about 550 people in this group.

They were evenly distributed in various locations in the store, but mainly concentrated in the display area. Because the discount on the display on the opening day was very high, many of them hoped to upgrade their displays.

There may be some normal customers outside the store, but they are very few, less than 20 people.

They left immediately after the gunfight, and they didn't even know what happened inside.

The second group of people belonged to the employees of Henry's store.

There were about 50 employees in Henry Commercial Store, of which 40 were sales staff, including waiters, cashiers, accountants, etc.

, managers, shopping guides, etc.

, as well as five security personnel, several temporary security guards and cleaners.

The third group of people, the eight gangsters who opened fire.

According to the information provided by Kerry's mother, this group of people is likely to be members of a local gang. They should belong to a very small organization. This time the attack was actually commissioned by a higher-level organization, but the specific cost is unknown.

Although this group of people caused huge casualties, in fact they were just a gun. These people are just some tools.

The fourth group of people, that is, Kerry's real enemies, there are about thirty of them, 20 of them are distributed in the store. These 20 people pretended to be customers, and some of them even prepared a lot of things to buy.

These 20 people only did two things. When eight armed men rushed into the store, they pretended to be customers.���The first thing they did was to warn the real customers around them to get down quickly because robbers were coming.

The second thing they did was to instigate the crowd to rob Henry Electronics Store after the eight gunmen left.

There were more than a dozen people outside the door, and what they did was to instigate more innocent customers to enter the store and rob.

It can be said that these ten people contributed the most to the looting of Henry Electronics Store.

This unexpected group robbery also annoyed the local police. If they tracked down those ordinary people who took the opportunity to rob, it would be a doomed failure, and it would even affect the image of the police station in the minds of ordinary people. If they did not track them, all the losses would be borne by Henry Store. Henry Store lost more than 30 billion liras, about 20 million pounds, in this incident.

Kerry spent a full four hours reviewing the robbery. Finally, four hours later, when the sun was setting, Kerry had a preliminary judgment of the whole incident in his mind.

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